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Re: Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying

What I really would like to fix would be not to allow cellars being built inside - and yes, also that the smoking would require constant care of the fire and room temperature.

October 17, 2019, 08:48:29 PM
Re: [not a bug] Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying Aye. This topic got me looking online for info on root cellars. Many descriptions were exactly what Sami has shown. I'm going to start moving mine outdoors, just to get it right!
October 20, 2019, 08:25:38 AM
Honi, Widow in the North ((AN: Hi, will be looking for a Beta. Able to send over Steam/Discord/Twitch. Please Message if wish to.)

Honi was maiden of the south, a Driiki lady through and through, maybe a little plumper than most due to her keeping her family stores and her habit of snacking on left over cuts when they failed to sell. She grew up with an keen eye for trading and values in her safe fortified village.

She never thought of leaving until she met her beloved; a handsome strong fur trader from the north. It was a whirlwind romance over a few winters when he came down to trade for nets and salt. He gifted her a superior Arctic fox winter fur and her father received fine Red Foe and Robber iron blades and bear furs; proving he could more than provide. When they spent the harsher winter nights curled around their fire, her beloved told them of his homestead he was building up north.

After another Harvest season of her holding her fox fur close waiting for the snows and with them her beloved to appear, did her father conceded that she was now 16 winters old and can head up north with her beloved as his wife. She hugged her father, knowing she wasn't likely to see him again for a year or so.

Her beloved followed the next snowfall. She told him of her father's words and soon they were packed unable to wait to start their life and family together. The first week was romantic but that soon ended, her skis making her ankles sore, the food cold and stale, the shelters cold and the dark forests terrifying. She tried to keep her complaints inside but occasionally they slipped out as they headed more north and she grew tired and sick of bland bread and meat. Her beloved was struggling to keep his own words gentle as he coached her on wards. She told herself it would be better when they get there.

It wasn't.

It was nothing like the bustling town she grew up with, it was silent apart from birds. The buildings was plain and lacking in trinkets and small things that made a house a home, the floors were still sticky from being new cut and soon a muddy mess. It felt like she spent more time scrubbing her floors than walking on them.

The worst was the dogs. The dogs she grew up with was quiet house pets, the ones her beloved kept was hunting and war dogs. Big mean beasts who stared her down like a deer. It was more of a semi feral pack her beloved kept in a pen behind the house. They were so loud! It seemed they were always barking with hunger. She was thankful when her beloved took them on his trips. It made her shiver when she had to tend to them.

Soon enough her duties were laid out; Keep the home. All day and night. Keep it warm and lit and well stocked with food and torches. To keep the dogs fed and watered. She did this quietly day after day as her husband came back from trips with carcasses and fish expecting her to prepare it. She missed her family, the busy trade route filled with strangers and friends with goods from all over the place.

One evening she woke up to barking. She nudged her beloved into waking. She heard the sounds of a fence being broken. She swore. The dogs had weakened a bit the day before but she left it. She had been waiting for her beloved to take the dogs out on a hunting trip and meant to fix it when the pen was empty. She grabbed a bit of meat by the smoker and a leash and headed out to see if she could tempt the dogs back in doors, knowing the cost of each one.

She soon couldn't see her hand in front of her face and was lost into the woods calling terrified for the dogs. She was almost in tears when she heard a small snuffling noise and one of the dogs came out from the dark. She recognised it to be Hari, a male dog who wasn't so big as the others. She managed to slip a leash onto him and fed him a cut.

She waited shivering holding onto the dog until day break. Thankfully the dog seemed to know the way home, tugging on the leash until they reached a familiar clearing... devastated.

Her home now fire and ashes and dead on the ground was her beloved. Tears fell quickly as she approached his body. She knew she had to get out, the bandits were probably still close. She quickly stripped his body and prepared a funeral pyre.

She dressed in his clothes quickly and held the leash tighter and left. There was nothing here for her now.

October 27, 2019, 02:57:15 PM
Re: 3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration Thank you for all your hard work!
October 28, 2019, 11:18:07 PM
Re: 3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration It's amazing how this game just keeps getting better and better!
October 28, 2019, 11:38:31 PM
Re: 3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration Nice! Thank you for this and BTW that costume would freak the heck out of me in the dark!

   - Shane

October 29, 2019, 12:08:42 AM
Re: 3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration I like it when Saami makes me update my mod  :P

For reals. It keeps things alive and developing is good.

This one is an easy tune up.

October 30, 2019, 04:30:35 PM
Re: [3.60 stable windows] Bleeding out makes an animal dissapear. I will try to reproduce it and if it is reproduced i will make sure to start writing down all the stuf going on at that moment. Biome, place on map, proximity to water, etc etc.
I hope i can't reproduce it and it was just a one time thing. Otherwise if i do i will let you know.

November 07, 2019, 06:48:47 PM
Re: Winter Update, Steam Autumn Sale  It claims to be a "Russian Wildcat" soooo a Njerpez cat :D

November 28, 2019, 10:01:33 PM
Re: [3.52 stable Windows] Raft disappeared with all its load
Greetings, and welcome aboard!

You've got a good report here, with the saves and essential information neatly available.
Luckily, there was no bug in question - you've been just searching the raft from wrong location. It's lies nearby in the north.
So, just stay on zoomed-in level, and walk the shoreline to north. You will find your raft there quite soon.

Feel free to make that Let's Play video anyway ;)

Thank you for your help!
How did you find the raft? Through its hex or did you just walk around? If I knew how tiles are identified, then maybe I could have found the raft without bothering you.
Anyway, I hope I won't make such dumb mistakes anymore, and the let's play should be underway in two months at most, hopefully much less.

December 05, 2019, 02:05:10 PM