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Re: Crops not staying planted? Are there any rabbits around?
December 24, 2023, 07:39:19 AM
Re: Version 3.83 released
Occasionally you might find fish splashing in the water even at locations with ice cover. This happened if the water froze again after the spawning had already started in the open water.

For migrated characters who were experiencing this before migration, there can briefly still be fish spawning under the ice, but it went away on its own while i was watching it, when my cow fell through some nearby ice, I think that triggered a check because the spawning stopped and didn't start again. So I think this is fixed :)

March 02, 2024, 09:09:10 PM
Re: Can not make shovel haft You can edit menudef_BAC.txt, comment out or change the letter "H" so that it doesn't override the game's [H]afting menu any more. You might have to change some other letters around too, so that you can keep the parts of BAC that you use most -- you probably want to get rid of fletching since the game has that now.

A more time consuming change would be to go through all of the diy_* files and update to them to use the new items but just making the menudef change will get you back on your feet.

April 03, 2024, 08:06:20 AM
Re: [3.82] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and add a // at the beginning of the relevant line in the menudef_BAC.txt where you see
Code: [Select]
.Hide and Bone.     -H- *MAKE* . It will look like
Code: [Select]
// .Hide and Bone.   -H- *MAKE*. This will comment that lien out.

or change the -H- to a different letter, for example a menu you don't really use, for example F. Then comment the other line with that letter out by adding a // at the start.

April 03, 2024, 12:28:13 PM
Re: [3.83] Can't make better than decent cloth This is hardcoded because in real life, it would take a month to make the clothes that you can currently make in a day in URW. Right now, pausable crafting is being added, we already have it for nets and arrows and some timbercraft stuff. I imagine that once it's added to clothes and the clothes take a realistic amount of time to make, it will become possible to make higher quality clothes as well.
April 14, 2024, 07:46:43 AM
[Fixed - persists in 3.83] Duplicated hide with pausable crafting My character Aaro is ready to drop, but he starts tanning a rinsed black-grouse skin on a log. It gets 10% done then pauses because he's so tired.

I move the log away and test whether I can continue tanning. I can't, the log is needed.  So far so good. I decide to leave it alone because I want to test if the partially-crafted hide can rot while it's on the ground in the partially crafted state.

A while later, I notice that I have a rinsed black-grouse skin in my inventory, and there's also still the one on the ground that is in partially-crafted state. I go back through my message log.txt, and it looks like it happened when it cancelled continuing the tanning.

I think there is some logic for returning ingredients to inventory so that they don't disappear if you can't start crafting the item, and it is incorrectly causing the hide to be returned to my inventory, duplicating it.

I have a save available.

Output of grep -a "black grouse" msglog.txt

This shows me first picking it up, and then dropping my whole inventory, showing there's only one rinsed black grouse-skin in my inventory at that time:

Code: [Select]
(575757):h5j0:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin will be ready in half an hour. You may not pick it up yet.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j0:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the black grouse cut.
(3C5A98):h5j1:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the rinsed black grouse-skin.

This part shows that i've started tanning it and don't have any other skins in my inventory:
Code: [Select]
(575757):h5j2:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j2:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the black grouse cut.
(143270):h5j5:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.

here's where i think the duplication happened:
Code: [Select]
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | You continue working on the initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):h5j8:[:]{01F70065}      | You pick up the black grouse cut.
(143270):i5j0:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.
(575757):i5j0:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.
(143270):i5j6:[#]{01F70065}      | You see an initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin (work in progress) here.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the rinsed black grouse-skin.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 132 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the 8 black grouse feathers.
(3C5A98):i5j6:[:]{01F70065}      | You drop the black grouse cut.

grep "[h|i]5j" msglog.txt -a shows some more surrounding context, and i5j6 is the first time that i drop my whole inventory after the moment that i think it was duplicated

Code: [Select]
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Using: HIDEWORKING
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Hidework option: Tan the skin
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | You continue working on the initially prepared rinsed black grouse-skin.
(143270):h5j8:[#]{01F70065}      | Tanning process now requires you to soften the skin.
(147870):h5j8:[?]{01F70065}      | (1) You need workbench or working surface.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | (A table, bench or even a big tree trunk will do as a workbench at which manual work is done.)
(147870):h5j8:[?]{01F70065}      | (1) You need workbench or working surface.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | (A table, bench or even a big tree trunk will do as a workbench at which manual work is done.)
(A80000):h5j8:[!]{01F70065}      | Canceled.
(575757):h5j8:[_]{01F70065}      | The rinsed black grouse-skin here is not ready yet. You may not pick it up.

April 17, 2024, 01:23:00 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods As a player, when I'm in the middle of a longer modding project and some of my items are no longer compatible, I just add a new temporary item to convert what I have into what I need.

Like this:

Code: [Select]
.Stoney arrowhead. "Stone arrowhead" [effort:0] *CARPENTRY* |0| /1m/ [patch:5]
// migrate old arrowheads
{arrowhead} [remove] [patchwise]

This bit of code took all the old modded arrowheads which didn't work with the new arrows code, and very quickly converted them all into the new vanilla stone arrowheads.

May 07, 2024, 06:53:42 AM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods After that, I continue along happily with using the mod.
May 07, 2024, 06:54:08 AM
Re: Is someone stealing my poop? The feces is getting absorbed into the ground and increasing the fertilisation of that bit of land. Even if you keep it in the cellar, it will happen. I'm not sure the logic of this happening in winter.

The workaround I've found is to pack it onto an animal.

May 22, 2024, 06:23:29 AM
[Fixed - 3.84] a very large spring Kari, a migrated character, is visiting a village which on the shore of a lake. The parts of the lake that overlap the village have been changed to a giant spring. I can provide a save if needed.

May 26, 2024, 09:33:25 AM