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Unrealistic AI Greetings,

first of all, URWS is in my Top5!

But I have some issues according to social organization:

The simulation in the wilderness is mainly convincing - the AI
(behavior of the humans) is not.

The most weird situation was this:

I built some traps to catch grey seals.
One day a foreign trader lied in the hole with broken legs.
I tried to heal him and get him out of the hole (there should be an
option to heal others). As I tried it with conversation, he just
had the standard topics (instead of pleading for help).
Then I decided to end his pain (and take his stuff).
Hours later his Friends arrived...
As it seems, they telepathically sensed that I killed their Comrade
(whom they left in a trap before).
Well, they seem to ran a few miles since the whole group was exausted
and with that, easy to kill. This gave me a lot of loot but a bad feeling according to the AI.

And when it comes to towns:

For example, if a smith forges a weapon in hard work, why should he
allow that others get the trade wares from it?
Shouldn´t he store his stuff in his house, sell it at daytime and
lock (bar) his door during night? That would make it difficult for
the player to steal something. Instead the townspeople seem to (again
telepathically) know what you are doing, even if you sneak into town
at night to "borrow" something (to prevent exploiting I assume).
Since URW is a simulation, this should be fixed.

And why they have all this stuff without working? They seem to
aimlessy walk around the whole day. fishermen should fish, farmers
should farm...

Again, URW is one of my favourite games, but I think there has lot to
be done yet.

July 31, 2017, 07:37:09 AM
Nice Song This song reminds me of the message from URW´s exit screen.
Don´t forget to stop the video to read the Disclaimer!

August 20, 2017, 04:23:19 AM
Character graphics With the graphics below you can pluck together your own
character tiles.

1. pick a basic type

2. Put the equipment over them like a collage

3. Add details like gloves, amulets, girdles ...

4. Correct the tile (remove/add pixels, colors, brightness ...)

If you want the character to look at the opposite direction, don´t just mirror it. Instead, use another basic type and mirror this - or else the weapons/shields are in the wrong hand.

This graphic-set is incomplete and somewhat crude. Feel free to correct/enhance and post it here.

September 01, 2017, 09:40:55 PM