See likes given/taken
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Re: ‘Taken’ tokens after village/settlement has lost all inhabitants.
*the lone old man was sick, he was coughing up blood and trembling in his speech, barely could walk at all. As you seemingly have purged the galaxy of a deformed sick mutant(must have been Nurgle - let me guess: He was passive, but hard to kill. After touching him, your body would be marked with Chaos), the Great Emperor considered to forgive your soul. He finally rewarded you with the highest honor a man could wish for: By mercily freeing your soul of your polluted weak body and endowing you with a glorious death in battle in His name. Your animus will contribute and be assimilated by his immeasurable intellect. Sorry man, i got brainwashed by warhammer 40k when i was a kid ![]() My cryptic bullshit redundantly(as Buoidda already pointed out) tries to say that the buildings have to be taken down. But i dont see a bug since i guess it is intentional. I think its not a big deal for dev's, because the game is just not meant to reward players, who slaughter whole villages, with immersion... Maybe i gave you some, although obviously stupid lore. Would be funny to write a text like that into the graveyard. It is like with many suggestions and complaints from our side: they got probably bigger stuff in mind... Actually, thinking about it, i would consider it possible that the "taken-stain" could be some part of the spirit-karma mechanics. ![]() December 20, 2020, 12:35:26 PM |
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Re: Seal hunting tactics
Since i also did quite some seal hunting recently, i cannot keep myself of putting in my own 5 cents... I will also try to explain some of the seal's behavior i have observed so far. First and most important point is: You have to commit to it. Doesnt matter which hunting tactic you use, dont assume the animal is gone when it's just under water. I am almost for sure that seals dont dive away under the player WHEN the have an area to escape UNDER WATER. However, if it gets cornered, say at the beach of a bay, it WILL dive under the player. Knowing this, you can somehow "exploit" its behavior(i dont actually se it as a cheesy exploit, because i think of it as realistic). Doing this is not really easy, but once you understood how it works it can be done with a good success rate. Basically as in normal hunting, and by no means with 100% success. But 30-50% should be doable, and well worth the effort. To get in a situation, where the seal has small chances, you have to: 1.: find a seal 2.: find a small bay 3.:Get on a boat and "drive" the seal into the bay(unless you found the seal in the bay already, which is certainly the best scenario). Try not to push too hard at first. A seal has some kind of learning behavior and will become more careful towards the player after attacking attempts. If you scare it too many times, it will start to dive under water even at the edge of the screen, making it almost impossible to catch. The seals are curious beings and somehow quite intelligent. It will sometimes swim towards you, and if you dont back up, it will escape and dive. So, basically what you have to do, once you have it cornered in a bay, is try to get as near as possible without scaring it(Move only towards it when it has its back to you) and land a Spear or bow hit on it, when it is on land. I cannot provide any data wether bow or spear/javelin is better. Bow seems to be better, because you can land effective shots from much farther away. Now, after your first attack, you will probably not kill it. No matter if it got hit or not, it will most certainly dive again. It is very important to row your boat out of the bay now! If you dont, the seal will dive away under your character and be gone. Drive away now, until you are at the entrance of the bay, then drive in carefully. Most of the time the seal will be on the shore in the bay again, licking his wounds. Repeat the process, and keep your distance until you brought it down. That strategy should leave the seal little hope of escape, and after some hours you can probably get it. I never target legs, since the probability of missing is that worse. Immobilizing can be a strategy, but for seals i chose fatal wounds, to get them unconcius or even dead. A lame seal will just as well dive and be invisible. Leg hits will surely wear it down, But many of them will damage the fur more, in my opinion. Most of the time it took me 2-3 hits on the torso to drop it, and the fur always was decent. Also, i kill every animal thats unconcious with blunt attack of the stone axe on the head. However, it can sometimes be useful to hit the legs when the seal has some ground to cover before it reaches the water and you can then sprint up to it for a melee attack. Keep in mind that this is neither proven the only nor the best strategy. There is still a Sh* load left to be learned about seal hunting. I also see sneaking up to them in cover as an effective way to get close and land a critical shot, but it has the downside of the seal escaping into open water. You can of course design your attack the way that the seal will escape more into a bay, but it could swim out if you dont get on your punt quickly and "seal" the bay off. ![]() You have to adapt to the situation, and try got get into the seal's head. And you have to really, really digest that frustrating failing attempts... Good luck in hunting and in the new year to all of you! May 2021 not be so shitty. At least that stupid noises and explosions have been forbidden in our country. Ow, now i made myself some enemies ![]() ![]() ![]() December 30, 2020, 03:03:49 PM |
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Re: Seal hunting tactics
Thanks! Yeah i guess that would be a viable tactic. But i did not often succede when trying to get them from the land side. Most of the time i managed to get close for one short ranged attack, then it was gone. I have to admit that i gave up quickly on that tactic, when i realized it is that much easier from a boat... When i think about it, it could be a good opening since you can get much closer and chances are your first hit will be better. Circumstances have to be perfect though, so it cannot escape out of the bay. I also have some ideas regarding hunting in winter on ice. One could make a hole near the land, then get the seal to get out of that hole somehow. Then trying to keep it there until the hole freezes, and voila there is the helpless victim. But i dont know if they actually dive under ice. Not sure but i think i vaguely remember one sticking his head out of one of my fishing holes... When i got them in melee, i target the head. Even if you crush the legs, it might jump into the water if it is near. Most of the time the blow connects, sending it in a world of stars. But in case he has much ground to cover, say 6 or 7 tiles to the water, targeting legs would indeed be my choice, since it gave me more chances to hit. just got an idea to mod a new item: A barbed javelin, with damage like a normal jav(5 or 6), but treated like an "Ango". But i dont know if that would make it stuck and cling to the animal better, in order to slow it down. I dont have experience with that weapon and dont know if it has a higher chance to do that. I also dont know if that would be immersive, but there is no reason a character shouldnt be able to carve some barbed hooks on the tip. December 30, 2020, 10:37:27 PM |
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Re: A few things i am afraid that they could be overlooked in all the euphoria...
One thing that would do harvesting (and some things also) easier would be to allow auto-picking up single item stack, just like one single item is picked without confirmation. But then again, sometimes you only want to pick x items from a stack. That would be really cool. Especially the first one would be quite handy. perhaps a new "auto pick mode" in general... perhaps even better than adding a single harvest pick command, which probably would make annoying consumers like me going on your nerves with that issue again, only referring to other not-farming situations. I see myself(and i guess many others do also) running around in "vacuum cleaner-mode" alot, gathering stuff like stones, rocks, triggered snares with carcasses, harvested plants, not caring in detail what is wandering in my inventory. I just get rid of excess weight/unwanted items in regular intervals. Ofc it should be optional, since critical situations could render this unhandy, for example picking up a knife from a killed enemy while fighting. Hm. hard to tell which would be more convenient, not only for players and gameplay, but also for you dev's and the general design of the code. Because we players cannot see the future plans(regarding code changes) and the new bugs, impact and obstacles such a change would create in turn. No matter how you decide, i think both options would be appreciated by the people. Really cool you took the time for this! *puts another mud worm on the altar of sacrifice* January 02, 2021, 12:29:37 PM |
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