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Re: [WIP] RPG-ish(?) Character Portraits
Decided I'd take a shot at it for fun.
April 06, 2020, 04:24:34 AM |
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Re: Winter hides
Quote from: The cue for the elk to change coats is day length. Starting in March as days get longer, the old winter coat starts dropping off. Their summer coat is short, glossy, and generally much more uniform in color than the winter coat. All the hair of the summer coat is the same length. As the days get shorter in September, the longer, thicker winter coat starts growing out. The winter coat consists of two layers - a longer coat of guard hairs protects the short thick undercoat. By winter both male and female elk have thick, dark manes covering their necks, and long, light tan coats over the rest of their bodies. Quote from: The fur of mammals has many uses: protection, sensory purposes, waterproofing, and camouflaging, with the primary usage being thermoregulation.[2] The types of hair include definitive, which may be shed after reaching a certain length; Quote from: Cats moult fur around spring-summer time to get rid of their "winter coat". Cats have thicker fur during the colder winter months to keep them warm, then around spring and summer they shed some of their fur to get a thinner coat for the warmer summer months. Some cats need brushing during moulting, since dead hairs can get trapped in the cat's fur. Abstract After reading through these, I think fur is regulated by light levels more so than temperature, as the purpose of fur in a lot of animals seems to be temperature regulation, which would imply seasonal changes would be the first factor in hair regulation and temperature there after, fine tuning for more immediate short-term temperature regulation (you see this with house pets a lot when they move into and out of the house with varying temperatures between the outdoors and your home). Also, it appears there are several different layers: Quote from: Thermoregulation is the principal function of the down hair, which insulates a layer of dry air next to the skin. Now we can impress our friends with our knowledge of hair. April 15, 2020, 01:02:10 AM |
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Re: Quick and Dirty Character Creation Guide for new players
@jonottawa Good work with the content jon, I looked over your channel and you seem to be quite dedicated to pushing out videos for URW. I have some suggestions in regards to how you could possibly improve the quality of your videos; 1. I'd suggest maybe highlighting specific parts of your play through videos that seem particularly interesting in terms of gameplay as seperate, shorter videos (like you've done with this one, albeit specifically as such and not from random gameplay), and then doing a voice dub over the video to evaluate and discuss it, I believe you'll have an easier time perfecting what you're trying to discuss in relation to the video as you can always replay your cuts and think about what points you want to underline easier than on the fly commentating, should also open up more options when you're editing your videos (if you use some editing software) in terms of sound and overlaying stuff you want to discuss. 2. The sound quality isn't particularly pleasant, at least for me I find it harder to listen to. I don't know if it's just your mic or what, but I can hear your voice all over the room as sort of a background tone, might just be the location you're streaming from. Wouldn't hurt to experiment and see if you can reduce the background noise. 3. I haven't looked at too many of the game play videos, but one thing I notice that keeps the attention of viewers are long term goals with planning, and the explanation of why you're doing particular things to achieve particular goals or milestones. 4. To cut down on video length and increase the quality of your videos, I would remove boring parts of gameplay that aren't too exciting such as traveling from point A to point B, grinding/processing a lot of the same material, I believe cropping redundant tasks and highlighting the most rewarding parts of the experience will give you higher quality videos. Nothing wrong with full gameplay videos though, but I think people will find your content easier to pick and choose from with more organized cuts, and reduced video length, as most people like to watch videos between 5-40 minutes in length depending on the videos content. Overall, I think you should focus more on polishing the content after/during recording, and make particular highlights so each video stands out as its own, currently you have a lot of gameplay videos, which can be fun to watch, but you have so many of them at such high lengths that the average person looks at the them and isn't sure which is going to be worth their time sifting through, where as shorter videos with a particular focus will give someone the most bang for their buck on a particular mechanic or subject in the game. Another thing you could consider, is combining clips from multiple videos in the case of explaining a particular mechanic or concept as obviously you wont be doing the same thing everytime you're playing the game, but you can accumulate a lot of clips where the situation occurs and combine these clips to create a video where you can explain each part of the subject in greater detail, and with far less subject change. Anywho, I hope this can be of some help for you, obviously you have the passion to produce the videos, so if this helps improve that process for you in any sort of way I'm glad I could be of help in your future creative endeavors. April 15, 2020, 06:30:19 AM |
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[Tool] Character Designer v1.1.0b
[Tool] Character Designer v1.1.0b A nice little tool that allows you to combine and layer different apparel for custom pc-male and pc-female sprite sheets. Comes packaged with over 140 unique default sprites for designing your dream character. Created by myself and @Krutzelpuntz who provided some amazing 8 direction sprites for this project, as well as testing for bugs and providing great feedback. Major props to him for his amazing work. Menu: ![]() Instructions:
Future goals:
Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam: Fandom homepage: URWCharacterDesigner Wiki Download attached to thread. (Only registered viewers may see downloads) Credits: Night - Creator/Programming. Krutzelpuntz - Creator/8-Directional sprites, testing, constructive feedback. Enormous Elk - Unreal world. Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed) >Source for study< October 13, 2020, 06:58:31 AM |
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Re: Kill counter?
I took a hiatus from URW for couple months. Now playing again, my character has killed 6 more Njerpez and his big dog 2 more. But I lost my piece of paper I had the kill tally on. Maybe 40-50 something. This is a neat idea, I might take a look at the message log and make something to scrape such data. October 27, 2020, 06:35:21 AM |
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Re: Point and click start location
Working on something that'll be able to achieve this, and hopefully more in the future.
November 04, 2020, 10:03:26 PM |
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[3.84.2] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
[3.84.2] URWSSSelector v1.0.3 (Start Spot Selector) Simple mod that allows you to select your starting location with ease during character generation, simply start the program while unreal world is running and the starting location will follow your cursor. Map must not be zoomed in in order for co-ordinates to work properly. Right click to stop moving starting location and exit program. Also make sure the game is in windowed mode while using this, fullscreen will cause issues when overlaying over URW. You can change it back to fullscreen afterwards of course. Source included at bottom of thread if anyone is interested Usage: ![]() Instructions:
Modes: (Mouse-Scroll)
Version History:
Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam: Download attached to thread. Credits: Night - Creator/Programming. Enormous Elk - Unreal world. Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed) Source for study: [v1.0.0], [v1.0.1], [v1.0.2] December 05, 2020, 10:20:50 AM |
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Re: Point and click start location Progress bump December 05, 2020, 10:30:50 AM |
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Re: [Tool] WhereIsMyRobber - a "Homeland Robber" tedium remedy
Fantastic work, glad to see you're back ^^. Took a look at the code, overall very good work. notes: Spoiler: show December 05, 2020, 11:51:08 PM |
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Re: [Tool] WhereIsMyRobber - a "Homeland Robbers" tedium remedy
Hi Night, thanks for the feedback, and for sharing your documentation on the CRS file! It's possible they're marked somehow in the entity struct, a better way to identify them is maybe cross referencing their position with any new data related to the shelter/items generated around them, I'm not sure if it's generated fully when the quest begins but, I suspect if it is then the map tile with the items on ground+shelter is likely saved into ZOOMMAPS. then its just a matter of referencing that locations x/y to your robber's x/y. There are a lot of steps needed in order to create new objects/entities and place them, etc. Entities item ID's seem to be located at 0x1B4, extending as far as 0x1CC. I have not yet found the quantity with certainty. for item ID's, the ID (50042 for example) - 50000 = the index of the item in the Character.OBJ file, I believe the item struct is 172 bytes long, and I may or may not have posted some information on it elseware around here, but I have a majority of the struct mapped, with the exception of a few unknown values I have yet to identify, and some values I have not fully tested yet to determine their full scope. As for cross referencing stuff, might edit one of the wiki's with struct information, as my experience so far using the fandom wiki has been pleasant and easy to share/edit. Also I'm still around on discord if you want to chat directly of course ^^. December 06, 2020, 09:54:19 AM |
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