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Re: Tracks covered and decayed by snowfall and rain
One thing to look out for, though: The "animal lost in forest cover" quest is painful enough as it is (or, rather, too painful), and if care isn't taken to ensure the tracks are refreshed during the time the character is fruitlessly searching through the other parts of the search area, the tracks may well be gone by the time the PC stumbles upon the right world tile (and happens to see the correct part of that tile).

Another tedious quest that may be become even worse is the robber one, where you typically find the footprints, but don't actually see the robbers themselves.

For animals in the forest cover we'll need to add some additional logic as their movements in the forest cover is do different. Gentle adjustments though, so that it doesn't become all too fixed and gamey. Possibility to fail forest cover quest due to tracks getting lost in the snow will still exist. Weather can be taken into account with the plans of seeking the animal, as well optimizing character's travelling speed if need be.

For the robbers there will be no additional adjustments. This is the beauty of procedurally generated and organic quests. Tactics need to be changed according to how the world rolls.
Now you may need to reason if it's a good idea to go finding robbers in a blizzard or maybe it would best to do after the rains have ceased. Their footprints are renewable resource after all.

February 20, 2020, 12:59:31 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] Everlasting dog bone Fixed now.

This was because of each nibble reduced small bone weights so very little that it got considered insignificant in the following item data procedures.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 20, 2020, 06:06:49 PM
Re: wiki and email I checked out these options and MediaWiki e-mail preferences making sure they are true and active. But with a test account it fails for me too.
We'll try to take a closer look soon enough. It may require installing extensions or to upgrade MediaWiki version.

February 20, 2020, 06:34:12 PM
The Kalevala Day and 10,000 days of digital Finnish culture in UnReal World Today, February 28th, Finland celebrates Kalevala Day and the Day of Finnish Culture in honor of The Kalevala - a 19th century work of epic poetry regarded as our national epic. That's something to celebrate, but we've got some more for you on this special day...

In early 2020 we received an interesting e-mail from a player (Cheers, Travis!) sending congratulations on a milestone: UnReal World had lasted 10,000 days in the real world.
This was calculated from the date stamp in executable file of version 1.00b distribution archive. We don't even remember the exact release date, but it was summer of 1992. So the continuing lifespan of the game is at least 10,000 days - and well, it's quite something.

Needless to say, The Kalevala and UnReal World go well together. It is not so much about direct influence as a book, but the game draws inspiration from the same pool of oral tradition, folklore and mythology of our ancestors. Of this content some is rooted in ancient unrecorded history dating back thousands of years, and some is closer to Iron Age - where the game takes place. So let this day be a celebration of The Kalevala, but also 10,000 days of digital Finnish Culture in the form of UnReal World.

10,000 days...

10,000 days is a long time. Lines of source code in the game now sports somewhere around 140,000.
On average that makes:
14 lines of code per day
for 10,000 days.

Changelogs for version releases contain around 15000 lines of text, so that makes:
1,5 lines of changelog entries per day
for these 10,000 days.

...and continuing

That's just some numbers to give an idea of the long history, which is continuing as we speak. It seems to be 9 days since the last here at the forums.
So on average there should be around 126 new lines of code and 13,5 lines of changelog entries written.
We haven't checked but we are continuing.

Would you buy an old but continuously developed fenno-ugric roguelike from these guys?

From the left: Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) of UnReal World

We wish you happy Kalevala Day and the Day of (digital) Finnish Culture.
Let's continue.

February 28, 2020, 07:40:40 PM
Re: [3.61, Windows 10] Items are no longer showing as unpaid when I pick them up
So save your progress as it is now, and send it over and I'll take a look. Pause the playing until you get reply back from me.
I feel like your time is surely better spent working on the next release than repairing my games. I'll send them over, but if you're fairly confident that the next release will fully address the issue, then I'm probably better off just not playing until then. Especially since your last repair only gave me maybe 4 or 5 hours of restored gameplay before the problem reappeared.

I downloaded 7-Zip, it can create a file either with the extension .7z or with .zip. The .7z file seems about 25% smaller. Is that what you'd prefer to receive? I'll just send you the .zip for now since I know you'll be able to work with that one.

Got the saves, and sent them back already. Any archives, .zip or .7z or many others is fine by me.

And yes, I'm fairly confident the next release addresses this issue. Although if the adjustments still fail for one out of 10,000 players the fairly confident turns into frustration for that individual. That's why it's important to double-check, which just happened with these recent saves. I simply loaded them up in version-in-development and adjusted maintenance routines easily freed maps again now - so it's an indication that the routines can handle these saves.
However, we still can't know the hours of restored gameplay for you after this. It depends. But I don't mind triple-checking if you end up in frequenting maintenance again - it makes only that "fairly confident" even more confident.

March 02, 2020, 05:33:56 PM
Re: [3.61, Windows 10] Items are no longer showing as unpaid when I pick them up
When I visit a village I leave a map marker with a list of the stuff that I care about so that I can come back for it later -- and except for salt I've never noticed it not being there. Usually I'm interested in axes but I also care about clothing, silver, seeds, pots, nets. I leave a small trap near the village so that i can see from the F6 map how long it's been since i've visited that village and i try to leave at least 30 days between visits to a particular village so that they have lots of time for restocking, but sometimes it happens that I go a lot longer without visiting a village or that I visit one a little sooner.

My current characters: Pekka's living in owl tribe, where the villagers don't have very much he's interested in but there's some villages in driik that he's marked with his interests. He hasn't been to the driik village in 3 months but I expect the items he cares about will still be there if I take him back. I also have Fretterat, who is also in owl tribe but has some villages in kaumo marked as having seeds. i expect the seeds he's picked up are still there and the ones he hasn't aren't, and Carl who is in islander territory and has some islander villages marked and some driik ones marked. None of them are in a village right now or experiencing the unpaid bug as far as i can remember.

Do you want me to send any of them to you?

In general stuff that isn't a resource or material circulate and get used up relatively slowly, so most of the time you can count on the tools and weapons etc. to keep existing in the village for quite a long time. But it all depends, on the population for example. I tested this again and if the theory/issue is that items picked up or left in the main house (which means they need to picked up first) stay in the village forever (except for salt) at least I can't reproduce it. I'll put test examples below. Also codewise there's no indication why things would behave like that. But out of curiosity and to double check, I could take a look at Pekka.

My tests follow. I tested with both picking stuff up, and not touching a thing.

1. In Driik village I picked the following items and dropped them on the main house table:

broad knife
woodsman's axe
14 arrows
fine sickle
hunting bow
fine woollen trousers
winter lynx fur
wooden shovel
birch-bark basket of hemp seeds
birch-bark box of turnip seeds
bag of salt
7 smoked lynx cuts

Then went away for 90 days. And when I returned the things on the table were:

broad knife
woodsman's axe
14 arrows
fine sickle
fine woollen trousers
wooden shovel
birch-bark basket of hemp seeds
birch-bark box of turnip seeds
6 smoked lynx cut
fine juniper bow
16 arrows

diff goes like:

- hunting bow
- winter lynx fur
- bag of salt
- 1 smoked lynx cut
+ fine juniper bow
+ 16 arrows


2. In another Driik village I searched a storehouse with bag of salt and other products and took a note of its contents. There was:

birch-bark basket of hemp seeds
birch-bark box of turnip seeds
bag of salt
3 birch-bark boxes of turnip seeds
woodsman's axe
bag of peas

Didn't pick up anything, then went away for 90 days. And when I returned the things in the storehouse were:

birch-bark basket of hemp seeds
12 arrows
birch-bark box of turnip seeds
woodsman's axe
3 birch-bark boxes of turnip seeds

Diff goes like:

+ 12 arrows
- bag of salt
+ woodman's axe
- bag of peas


This kind of tests are easy to do and give a good idea of actual item circulation.
But I'll do a quick check for Pekka too if you send him.

March 03, 2020, 10:49:40 AM
Re: Minor bug: water craft and vanishing feathers This is intentional. I had to check from the code as I couldn't remember right away :)
Feathers are the only exception to the "items on your way" rule and they get lost or destroyed under watercraft.
This has probably been added because otherwise it would be pain to row at watercourses with lots of dropped feathers.

March 08, 2020, 12:09:27 PM
Pausable digging and filling up pits We're wrapping up version 3.62.
A trusty small patch with about half a dozen additions and dozen of fixes.
It's just around the corner.
Of the latest additions digging and filling up pits are now made pausable, so you can stop these shoveling processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.

Now it only takes some building, packaging and testing and hopefully the next week will be the release week.

March 14, 2020, 12:56:22 PM
Version 3.62 released on Steam, and for lifetimers Wrapping things up went easily so it's time for the first release of 2020 as version 3.62 is now released.
It's available on Steam, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
Later this week we'll be setting things up on and release the game there as well, with continuing updates. We'll announce when it happens.

But well, what's new?
Half a dozen additions and dozen of bugfixes as follows:

3.62 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version.  **

- added: trading cap for meat and fish

         Villagers stop accepting meat and fish in trading when if they have decent reserves already.
         This cap isn't fixed but depends on village population. Also, cooked meat and fish are often
         accepted in larger amounts than raw.

- added: digging and filling up pits are now pausable tasks

         You can stop these processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.
- changed: pits are now simply called pits instead of former vague term 'hole in the ground'.

- added: tracks getting covered and decayed by snowfall and rain

        Snowfall and rain now affect to tracks getting covered and decayed. You'll notice these effects
        by tracks getting less visible, and eventually disappearing completely. How fast this happens
        depends naturally on amount of the rain or snowfall. Severe snowfall may cover even the fresh
        tracks in an hour or so. Decay caused by rain is often lesser, but still noticeable. The older
        the tracks are the sooner they are prone to decay and disappear in case of both elements.

- added: tracks left by children now appear smaller

        This includes graphical presentation and description of the tracks eg. "You see here small
        human tracks."

- added: aggressive village dogs calm down together with their masters

        In case of minor breaches villagers might punish you for a while and calm down after you had
        learned your lesson - but their dogs didn't react accordingly. Now village dogs will calm down
        if their masters do so. This doesn't prevent village dogs from being a serious threat as they
        don't always reason the power of their attacks the same way the humans do and may cause lethal
        wounds by accident.

- adjusted: precautions regarding character save failures

        Additional precautions to overcome rare cases of character data blanking upon unexpected
        termination of the game have been added.

- adjusted: map maintenance routines
        The adjustments remedy rare occasion of too frequent maintenances of fresh characters with heavily
        explored zoomed-in maps.

- fixed: overlapping tracks modifying the existing track information

        Things like animal size and track freshness were sometimes mistakenly modified by overlapping tracks.

- fixed: watercraft mistakenly transported with the character when zooming out right after getting on shore

- fixed: everlasting small bones

        Certain bones would never get eaten up completely no matter how long dogs would chew on them.

- fixed: carcass disappearing if the creature dies while making a hole in the ice

- fixed: human tracks described wrong

        NPC description was mistakenly added to track description.
        It said eg. "You see here craftsmanhuman tracks." instead of intended "You see here human tracks".

- fixed: quality improvement when items decay to stale stage
        Foodstuff and skins might mistakenly improve a bit in quality when decaying if their original quality
        was the lowest possible.
- fixed: sages of some cultures not replying with valid phrases when asked for their skills and expertise
- fixed: animals released from the forest cover not following character on zoomed-out map level

        This got broken along with NPC pet ownership additions. Now it works again as it should.

- fixed: some cave treasures you heard of were never to be found

        The bug was caused by map maintenance being prone to mistakenly remove cave treasure locations.

- fixed: partially skinned carcasses mistakenly turning skinned upon map load

     This bug usually manifested itself when skinning got interrupted and the character fell asleep, which
     also initiates map save and re-load.

- typo corrected: angrered -> angered


Who can have it?

You can have it, but you gotta get it from Steam - or later this week also from
The release interval between paid and "donation-based" releases have grown significantly longer than what we have gotten used to in the past. This is because during past years donations have dried out disallowing solely donation-based development to thrive. Donations are still an option, people do it for a reason or another, but your generosity isn't any longer linked to the great perk of most up-to-date version being freely available for everyone. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors, so don't hesitate to eg. e-mail me if you feel like it.


March 16, 2020, 05:12:52 PM
Re: Version 3.62 released on Steam, and for lifetimers
Sacrificing a mud worm for you, Master

:D That's a unique sacrifice for a unique game.

March 17, 2020, 08:52:10 AM