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Re: Ancient Savo : A new Enormous Elk game in the making I mean no offense Erkka, but I always thought that using real names for tribes in URW would've been much better choice. I understand why you guys chose to go the way you did, but still... People tend to forget history and educating the world, even in a game environment, is absolutely a good thing. We have enough (perhaps too much) fantastical goblins in our lives, while our own true history and folklore are being either forgotten, or twisted to the point of being completely unrecognizable. So for what's it worth - thank you for telling us a bit about history of your ancestors. I always thought that real historical evens can be (and often were) much more dramatic and fascinating than any sci-fi or fantasy story. We need more of that.
January 10, 2021, 08:20:54 PM
Re: Fence as drying rack Heh, sure. I doubt that they'll tell me anything super secret since my own drying went rather well almost every time, but sure, I'll ask and see if any of them might remember something interesting.
February 21, 2021, 04:43:33 AM
Re: Fence as drying rack Well... I gotta thank you for putting me up to this. If nothing else, its been a few very interesting days, full of remembering a LOT of things and connecting with some folks I havent talked in quite some time:) All in all, I did learn the recipe and the way the meat was stored long term. Here is goes:

Beat up and roll out the strips of completely fat and any membrane free meat into 2.5-3 finger's wide strips and make them as thin as possible. Try not to rip them too much - the stuff gotta be placed as flat as possible on as wide as possible area. The best meats are those that are quite lean to begin with - chiken, beef, rabbit etc. Pork is not advisable. Perfectly doable, but you really gotta know what you are doing, otherwise it may not be safe.

So far nothing new to what I said earlier. One interesting thing that was mentioned several times is this - if grandma wasnt too sure about the weather's conditions, she used to soak a woolen mitten and place it in the morning on the rack. If it was completely dry by supper, the weather was good enough for drying meat.

The interesting part is how they stored it. Once the meat was dried (strips are completely dry, snap and crumble in your hand like a potato chips would), they'd crumble the strips into a fingernail size flakes, pack them into clay jars (something like this one -, leaving about two finger's space in on top of the jar. The empty space would be filled with dry hay, usually from rye, then sealed with about a finger's thick layer of tallow, covered with a cloth cap and then closed with the jar's lid. Aparently, this way the meat would sit in the earthen cellar as long as you'd like, but no one really remembered it being there for longer than about half a year. Probably would be ok longer, but everyone agreed that by mid spring, the meat that was prepared in the summer was gone, or just about gone.

February 24, 2021, 07:56:32 AM
Tree sap/syrup in spring? Just wondering if you guys do this kind of thing in Finland? It used to be quite a bit deal back in the days since its possible to collect spring sap from almost any fruit bearing tree, maple, walnut or even birch and boil it down to a thick, sweet syrup that has a very good shell life. Given the fact that sugar in general was quite pricey and very scares resource, methinks that springsap gathering would be something most of people wouldnt miss if it could be helped.
April 05, 2021, 07:43:54 AM
Be ready To all my dear friends in Finland - be ready. Rabid orc is on the loose and you guys are not part of NATO. Threats are being made again and I am sure some of you are taking them seriously, but please be ready.

Yes, we are bleeding rabid orc. Yes, Ukraine WILL stand, but there are quite a lot of them and they have been amassing weapons for last 30+ years. I know that its rather low possibility that the hordes will attack you at this moment, but its not impossible. Be ready.

To all youngsters who might think its just a "thing" and will pass, let me leave you with this wonderful song. Have a listen and make your own conclusions:

Слава Україні! Смерть ворогам!

April 24, 2022, 07:23:41 PM
Re: Be ready Almost a year later.... Well...

My very sincere congratulations on getting into NATO. Well done guys. Really. I wish we had the same chance. No matter, we will get there.

April 04, 2023, 05:22:06 PM
Re: Be ready Another cruel and bloody year goes by and still we stand, so I might as well keep the post going. Its funny... Sometimes priorities change so dramatically that its completely unpredictable. if someone told me that my major life goal would be to visit a family cemetery and be able to pay my respects to those who went before me, I probably wouldnt conciser that person fully sane. And yet here we are... 

Learn from our mistakes good people of the world. Learn and never, ever let your guard down. Dont let yourself get complacent, this world is full of evil. Be always ready to defend your home and your loved ones. You can always buy new things, new stuff... But if you lose a relative, the only place to visit him or her would be a family cemetery. And that would be if you are lucky and your family nest wouldnt be in occupied territory.

Please be ready. Always be ready yourself and teach your kids.

April 07, 2024, 02:00:32 AM
Re: Be ready Indeed, JP_Finn, I guess if one sticks around a forum for long enough, some personal info will be known out there :) Born, raised and schooled in Ukraine, family moved to Toronto in 1996 and I've been actively living and working in both countries from late 2000s or thereabouts.
April 12, 2024, 06:37:33 AM