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Re: Unique Player Portrait
This thread in the old forums should hold the answer ![]() May 26, 2017, 10:16:51 PM |
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Re: Armor - Maximum Protection
Diminishing returns in the way of more armor adding more encumbrance penalty. Sure, you can wear all the armor you can and barely be able to move, but the penalty will make most of your skills - including combat skills - useless. Generally you'll want to keep your penalties to a minimum, because they directly affect most skills. So only wear heavy armor when you're heading for combat. As far as I know, each body part's protection is calculated by the items covering it. Wearing a woollen veil or cowl will give the same amount of protection for skull and neck (double if both are worn). (Linen undergarment actually protects the elbows, forearms, knees and calves in addition to those protected by a linen tunic. The wiki should be correct about this. It's not too long since I checked these.) Not sure about the quality thing though. It might be that it only affects how durable the armor is, i.e. how many hits it can take before breaking. May 26, 2017, 10:53:56 PM |
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Hint about impending expiry of quest or spell
Last night I got the Bird Thief quest, did the spell, and went back to camp to work on my cabin. I completely forgot about the quest and happily worked on my cabin until I got the message "Bird thief quest has expired and is removed from the quest journal" after about two weeks*. Considering that the quest was practically done - all that was left to do was to go talk to the quest giver for my reward, a reminder before the quest expired would have been nice. (The expiry date might be in the quest log, but it's not much use, if one's forgotten about the quest.) I'd also think the quest giver would remember that I did the spell for him and that a person from a neighboring village came to confess the crime for a bit longer than a few weeks. Perhaps the quest timer should be reset for this and similar quests to a couple of months (up to 6?) after the quest has been done, but there's waiting before the reward. The hint could be either a blunt "The bird thief quest will expire in three days" or a more subtle "You feel like you've forgotten something". *I'd done stuff before moving to comb the forest as I wasn't actually looking for a quest at the time. I also read about someone trying out a new swimming spell and ending up drowning when the spell wore off. (I read about it in Steam's 'stupidest thing you've done' thread. It was there for a reason.) Some kind of hint about the spell's effect wearing off might be in order. Something like "You wonder how much longer the spell will last" after about 66 % to 90 % of the spell's duration the first time you cast the spell, and "The spell's effect will wear off soon" at about the 80 % mark in consequent times. Maybe these are already in the game, and I and the swimmer both managed to miss the hints ![]() December 08, 2017, 12:19:47 PM |
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Re: Bones
Dogs eat them. A dog can eat from a single elk bone about three times.
January 08, 2018, 11:13:27 PM |
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Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll?
The game log (shift + L) contains all the important activities you've done (e.g. dug a pit, caught a roach, encountered/killed an animal, entered a settlement) and the date and time it was done (e.g. Day 3 of last week before midsummer point - year 16 - noon). You start in year 16.
January 16, 2018, 06:36:53 PM |
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Re: Skins
I believe Acolyte's talking about 0.3 lbs waterskin needing 4 lbs of leather to make. Here's how it is in vanilla diy_glossary.txt: Code: [Select] .Skin. [effort:1] [phys:hands] *COMMON* /120/ %40% It is probably a bug. I can't imagine where the remaining 3.7 lbs of leather goes... January 21, 2018, 03:36:04 PM |
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Re: Skins
I did some calculations on how much the leather in a 5 lbs holding waterskin would weigh. I assumed a full waterskin would be a sphere, and used the apparent density of chestnut tanned leather I found in this article, which is 0.72 g/cm3. I converted the lbs to kilograms using both the standard lbs->kg ratio of 0.453 and the old Finnish one of 0.425 lbs to kg. From the results, a 0.3 lbs waterskin with volume for 5 lbs of water would be made of 2 mm thick leather. (The leather weighing 0.27 lbs as standard pounds, 0.28 lbs as Finnish pounds.) The weight increases by about 0.15 lbs for each additional mm of leather thickness. (Averages for the first 10 mm of leather were 0.1417 lbs/mm for the standard pound and 0.1450 lbs/mm for the old Finnish pound.) I don't know much about leather crafting, but I'd expect a leather waterskin to be made of leather between 2-5 mm thick, meaning the leather of an empty UrW waterskin would have a weight of 0.3-0.75 lbs. Considering that a waterskin would not be a perfect sphere, and it would have a cork and a strap, I'd expect the game's waterskin to weigh between 0.5-1.0 lbs when empty, depending on what thickness the leather is supposed to be. I don't expect crafting the skin requiring much more leather than it weighs. The extra leather cuts can be used to make a strap. (Maybe the recipe doesn't not need tying equipment at all... Just assume that it's made from the leather while crafting the skin.) I also read somewhere that the Sami people used to make waterskins out of reindeer leather. Maybe the game's waterskins are based on those, but I don't have a clue what those look like or how they were made. @GiTiB: Coming up with 4 lbs of leather isn't that difficult either, and a skin isn't that useful of an item. I always make one, but rarely use one. January 22, 2018, 09:00:05 PM |
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