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Messages - dezxter

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I can try those things thanks. But I can't say I've noticed issues like this in any other game or watching videos or other things. Maybe it's just more noticeable in URW due to how the game works though.

Alt + Tab does help with the sub menu issue. I can't confirm that it helps every time but so far when I've tried it it has helped. I should also clarify that I haven't updated my graphics driver since I had the issue but that it has been updated recently.

Yes. I've updated my graphics driver. I was playing on full screen when this was happening. I have since switched to windowed and I haven't had it happen since. So I'm not sure what is different about the two of them but playing windowed I haven't had it happen. I will try playing it full screen and see if Alt+tab helps with the submenus.

Oh. Derp. The Ryzen is the CPU. It's an NVIDIA RTX 3060.

I have an AMD Ryzen 7.

I've done a browse on the forum here and didn't notice this issue reported so apologies if I missed it. But I'm running the steam version of the game (I also tried exiting steam entirely and running the game without using the steam client) on Windows 10. I use a SSD for storage. But since I started playing the game again recently I've noticed that often when I take an action which should bring up another menu to make a selection (For instance eating food or building something. What type of action doesn't seem to make a difference, even pressing the button to perform a ritual (F4) which should bring up the page to select which ritual I want to perform causes it) The game won't freeze and I can make a selection if I know what key to press and sometimes pressing a directional button will show the selection menu but not always. But basically it makes it very difficult to play the game. I'm not entirely sure I've explained it clearly.
Basically when taking an action which brings up a menu to allow for a selection the menu I should be selecting from won't display. I can still make a selection if I already know what key
I want to press. And only sometimes will pressing the up or down key cause the menu to display. I'm not running any mods. And I'm not sure what else to try. I've tried closing pretty much everything else to make sure it's not a memory issue. And it doesn't seem to be a memory leak in the game as it can happen on starting the game up fresh. And seemingly related on starting the game up fresh a black screen with only a mouse cursor is displayed. Usually that clears up with either Alt+Tab or movement keys though.

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