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Messages - McKwack

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Save function/ respawn/ +1 life : thought
« on: Today at 02:44:37 AM »
Disclaimer: This is not my original idea, just someone who pitched in his two pebbles. Original post can be found here (Steam forum) by OP. Will link this post on the other forum as well. :)

Spend a night tripping on the Noaidi's in an actual heated sauna, yours or a villages. Perform general sacrifices before midnight. Use the vasta and some water from a bucket at midnight. Get a message in the early morning saying "Your spirit has been passed to the realm of the guardians. You will be remembered. You feel safe"... or something along these lines.

Bada-boom bada-bing. Believable way to have a respawn feature in Unreal World?

If it has to be EXTRA difficult/believable... it could be a mechanic that needs a spell/magic means specific to it to be known.

Just a postulation.

PS from me: not sure if it's even possible to manipulate save files directly using mods.. nothing urgent, mind you, just 'nice to have'..

Suggestions / Re: Ability to know language?
« on: Today at 02:24:34 AM »
I would have thought that everyone in the game simply speaks Finnish (translated to English for the convenience of us players). CMIIW?

Suggestions / Re: Companions with stone axes
« on: Today at 02:23:14 AM »
Sounds (reads?) to me more like a bug than a suggestion.

Might be better to move this post to the bugs forum?

Gameplay questions / Re: Is someone stealing my poop?
« on: May 23, 2024, 02:16:18 AM »
There might be some seeds left in those poops *coughkopiluwakcough*, that's why that birb has been stealing them..  8)

Not sure if this has been asked before, but searching for 'Abandoned Trap-Fence' resulted in only 1 unrelated post, so here goes:

A couple of times I've tried creating a new character with the 'Abandoned Trap-Fence' starting scenario, but this time I decided that some of the fences aren't exactly.. 'strategically placed'.. so I decided to disassemble a couple of fences, and lo behold.. I got 2x Birch-bark Ropes (5 m) for each disassembled fence.. I would have thought I'd only get 2x 1.33m of withes, NOT 2x 5m of ropes.

Not sure whether this is intended, a bug, or simply an oversight?


Don't remember exactly how I found UrW, since I first found out about it back in version 3.62 (just before the change to smoking mechanic). But most likely I found out about UrW from Steam, even though I played the free version first before finally buying it on Steam.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: April 01, 2024, 03:26:59 AM »
Finally!!! First confirmed sightings of a Grey seal in the zoomed in tile!!!  ;D

Link to my Steam screenshot page:

Have seen them a coupled of times on the zoomed out world, but haven't been able to see one this close. Now.. if only I could find out where they make lands, so I can start hunting them..  ;)

PS sorry for posting the link instead of embedding the image directly.. it's not cropped so better to see it directly on the Steam page..

Are you counting the weight of the empty bowl?

Not yet.. I also had the same thought just after I posted this, but haven't had the chance to check it out since I had to go out..

Can I put this bug report on hold until after I have had the chance to test it?

Thanks, and sorry if it turns out to be a false alarm..

Edit: Did some testing by moving the flour from the wooden bowl to an empty skin.. the skin changed weight from 136 gr to 160 gr, while the bowl changed weight from 0.70 kg to 0.68 kg.. looks like I really did have less flour then required by the recipe.. oops..  :-[

In my previous playthrough, I put the flour in a bag, which weighs much less than a bowl, hence my initial confusion of "it wasn't like this back then".. I will now put my head in the nearest bog in shame.. :-[

So.. what should I do with this post? Delete it as though it never happens? Put it in the 'not a bug' sub forum?

Thanks, and once again, apologies for the confusion..

Not sure if this is intended behavior or bug.

I was trying to bake a batch of flatbread for the "Cursed Wolf" quest. The recipe calls for 0.23 kg of flour (playing with Metric system and 2 digits decimals.. sorry..) Very sure that I have about 0.78 kg (or close enough) of flour in my bowl, but when I tried to bake the bread, it says that I'm short by 88 gr.. w00t???
So I grinded some more seeds to get the rest of the required flour (up to 0.98 kg I think), but when I have finished baking the bread, I still have about 0.70 kg of flour left in the bowl.. double w00t???
I can provide the save file if needed, and/or provide a more accurate numbers as soon as I could get some more seeds to grind.

PS I remember vaguely baking the same flatbread pre 3.83 (don't remember which version, might be before the changes to the smoking system that's currently in place), and back then it didn't show this weird behavior.


General Discussion / Re: Sharing Hacks?
« on: March 28, 2024, 04:57:04 AM »
I don't see why it would be bad, seeing that there are already some members who post their thoughts and stuff in the 'Guides and Tutorials' sub-forum. :)

Gameplay questions / Re: Cursed Wolf Quest
« on: March 22, 2024, 11:48:20 PM »
PS if anyone knows how I can post 'external links',

The method to enable posting external links is to make a few more posts, so that the forum software considers your account a legitimate user instead of a possible spam-bot. As we have suffered from swarms of bot accounts posting irrelevant links, we needed to make the security settings tighter. So every user account starts with external links disabled, and if their account does not get blocked / banned / deleted after making a few posts, then posting links will get automatically enabled.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Fair enough.. thanks for letting me know, Erkka.  :)
I didn't realize I haven't posted that much in the forums, even though I have played the game for several years already..  :o

i found the link and i'll post it for you!

And reading the discussion there, yeah, I think i did try that too actually, not with a bone but with some other meat but i tried a bunch of things and then i didnt know which one worked, because it didnt happen in front of me

Thanks for the link, Plotinus!  :D
FYI I just found the quest and has started working on it. We'll see how it goes. ;)

If you don't mind the spoiler, this quest has been discussed in the Steam forum as well.

For some reason, I couldn't post the full link, so if you can go to the Steam Community page for Unreal World and go to the Gameplay Questions sub-forums, just search for the 'Of Wolf and Woman quest - help!". Someone managed to figure out how to feed the bread to the wolf.

Good luck!  :)

PS if anyone knows how I can post 'external links', I'll post it here to save the hassle.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: February 17, 2024, 12:04:31 AM »
I don't remember much about the details.. something about being exhausted after finishing another section of my island home and tanning that squirrel hide I happened to chance on my way to my shelter..

All I know is that, when I reached my shelter, I came literally face to face with an unsuspecting elk..  :o

Neither one of us were prepared for the encounter.. save scumming hilarities ensued.. with me too tired to try hunting the elk and only have my club readied, I had no choice but to let the elk go..   :-\

Might be it will fall to one of my pit trap later..

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