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Messages - PALU

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 109
Bug reports / Re: exploit: running while skiing
« on: July 27, 2019, 07:57:15 PM »
Yes, it's a known issue.

Actually, you don't need a club to make hides. A stone or rock (I don't remember which one, or if either can be used) will do just fine.

There are only a few, optional specific cases where you want to turn a hide into leather, and starting out is not one of those.

Since you start in winter you should be able to dry the meat using the wall of one of the partial buildings, or even a shelter (you can't dry meat in summer), and dried meat is lighter than smoked meat while yielding the same amount of nutrients. As mentioned, it takes longer for the process to finish, though.
As long is the temperature is below freezing, meat does not seem to go stale in a cellar, but I don't think you can build one during winter. It may be that meat won't spoil outside of a cellar either, though.

Thus, tan the hide, make cords from it to dry the majority of the meat, possibly smoke a little bit to act as a buffer while the drying takes place (but I wouldn't bother), keep raw meat for cooking, provided the temperature is below freezing to see you through while the rest dries. You CAN sell roast meat, but I'd rather keep it myself if I can keep it from spoiling (i.e. during winter).

It can be noted that spoiled raw meat can be fed to dogs, while spoiled processed (roasted) meat is completely useless, and spoiled meat doesn't deteriorate further, so you can just keep a pile of it for when you get a dog, if some if it spoils.

I'd probably use the hide that didn't get used for cords to make fur clothing, as you're probably going to need some to combat the cold.

Well, the world tiles are 50 * 50 tiles (100 * 100 m), and you don't know where in the tile you zoom in, so it translates to 300 * 300 meters to comb through, unless there are terrain type borders that can assist you in getting your bearings.

The latter. The overland report of tracks is completely disconnected from the zooming in logic. When zooming in you usually return to the location where you zoomed out the last time you zoomed out from the tile. I'm not sure about the logic for zooming in the first time, though, but tracks definitely have nothing to do with it.
Thus, it's quite possible to zoom in to a tile with reported tracks from one animal and end up on top of tracks from a different one (but usually none at all, of course).

Note that it isn't critically important to follow these precise tracks: you can use just about any tracks.

Suggestions / Re: Precautions against accidental fire setting
« on: July 17, 2019, 11:39:25 PM »
I've done it a number of times inside my workshop... Killing/save scumming has worked, fortunately, and I regularly make backups in case things get corrupted. For some reason I've managed to avoid doing that for a rather long time now, though.

Suggestions / Re: Falling suggestion.
« on: July 09, 2019, 10:12:41 AM »
I expect the raising to be abstracted away, so a falling climber automatically picks himself up, a poor skier does so as well, contributing to the fatigue build up, and characters would occasionally trip on roots or slip on ice and automatically pick themselves up without it being show explicitly.

For climbing I don't see any issues with having to rise explicitly, as you don't do that all the time, but having to do so while traveling would be rather annoying.

Bug reports / Re: "you think you saw something move in the distance"
« on: July 05, 2019, 03:00:22 PM »
What about cancelling the waking up if the message would have been the visual one when sleeping indoors? After all, walls ought to reduce the awareness of what's going on outside (and would provide a small bonus in the form of uninterrupted sleep for sleeping inside).
A shelter would logically fall in between sleeping outside and sleeping inside (50% of the "see" messages ignored, with the remaining ones still present?).

Suggestions / Re: Improved trading system
« on: July 03, 2019, 12:11:24 PM »
UrW isn't geared towards min/maxing, so spreadsheet activities are really a waste of time. It doesn't really matter if you can squeeze out every squirrel pelt's worth of value from every trade, because it doesn't take very long before wealth ceases to be an issue.

I'm not saying the interface can't be improved, only that it's not vitally important.

It doesn't make sense from a realism point of view to walk into a town and ask a random inhabitant for a list of goods sold by every other inhabitant in the town as well as its stores, and have that poor bugger act delivery boy for you.

It can also be noted that the value of items really should differ depending on the individual (and village) you trade with, so prices shouldn't be fixed if realism is the primary driver. However, it would be rather tedious to find the individual who need a new slightly used axe (especially the one who needs it the most, and thus is prepared to pay the most), then the one who needs a new spear, while nobody has a need for a spectacle helm. Thus, the trade system has to balance realism and tedium against gameplay.

Gameplay questions / Re: Autumn planting
« on: June 30, 2019, 12:30:06 AM »

Planting too late for Barley to be harvested in the autumn will cause it to grow and be possible to harvest the next year. "Proper" autumn planting would mean sowing it as early as possible (may not be feasible every year if the thawing is late, but it always works if it was autumn planted, "properly" or not), harvest it in autumn and promptly thresh it and then plant using the seeds recovered (or use seeds left over from the previous harvest, which allows you to delay the threshing until winter when cold and darkness makes it hard to work away from the homestead). There should be a window of a couple of weeks or so for the most finicky crop (which I think is barley).

I typically harvest what's ripe every day during the ripening period and then immediately sow on the harvested tiles.

Gameplay questions / Re: Autumn planting
« on: June 29, 2019, 03:27:43 PM »
"Autumn" planting is species dependent. Any plant that withers before it's ripe for harvest sprouts anew the next spring (possibly while still covered by snow and with the ground still frozen), but once the time for withering sets in it's too late to sow that plant. Withering time varies significantly between plants, and some have a fairly short window between harvest and withering. The Wiki describes when plants can be sown, sprout, harvested (assuming planted early enough), and wither (as well as flowering for some plants).

The current imperfect model has you prepare the field once and it will then be usable throughout your character's life with no degradation. Real life slash-and-burn farming depletes the soil in a few years (3-5?), at which time the field is abandoned and a new field is prepared. Continued use of the field results in gradually decreasing yields. Also, I expect real life usage to require some kind of soil preparation annually, although that process would differ from the initial one. On top of that, I expect you'd also have to remove weeds during the growing season.

Any quest of the type "bring me volume X of resource Y" would be problematic in that there is no chance a character would be able to actually collect the resource within a reasonable quest duration, but rather would be a request for something the player may have available, and so would be reasonable only for mid to late game players.

It would be rather annoying for a new player to be asked for impossible things and thus have to turn the quest down, and at the same time have to wait for a new quest cool down before a new one was offered. I'm not saying that kind of quest is a bad idea, as it is a good one, but that it would need some care in the implementation so the quests would only be offered to players "known" to at least have the possibility to deliver (someone who doesn't farm shouldn't be requested to deliver seeds, new characters and characters with insufficient skill shouldn't be asked for skin, etc.).

Bug reports / Re: Bug/Exploit?
« on: June 28, 2019, 09:57:37 AM »
It's a general quirk with crafting. If something needs a single kind of item, trace amounts of a better quality causes the whole lot to be "rounded up" one step. This differs from the case when multiple types of items are used.

Gameplay questions / Re: How long in game?
« on: June 18, 2019, 05:11:48 PM »
Yes, at least roughly. The log ('L') time stamps entries.

I believe the logic behind player made clothing being capped at decent quality is that higher quality items would require a considerably larger work investment, and the current system supports interruption/resumption of only a few tasks, so higher quality items would need support for working on the items for several days.

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