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Messages - Bert Preast

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Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:34:53 PM »
Light lever traps can catch birds, hares, foxes and other small game.  They are cheap and easy to build, and usually work best on the shores of a lake where there are lots of birds around.  I also put them on berries or plants that are close to ripening, so there's no need for bait.

If you're in spring and hungry; and from your other posts not much use at fishing, you need to either make things to trade for food, or hunt game.  Trapping birds will likely just make you starve a little more slowly - there's not much meat on a raven!     

Gameplay questions / Re: Does snow depth effect npcs combat abilities?
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:27:56 PM »
War camps are most commonly found in and around Njerp territory, as well as around Reemi and Kaumo lands.  Usually there are a few huts and kotas, and around four to ten Njerp warriors.

Gameplay questions / Re: does shutter cause a heat loss?
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:26:00 PM »
Not at present, though people have pointed out in the suggestion forum that it would be a nice thing to enable.

I expect Plotinus means pine mires and open mires.  These are swampy terrain tiles with few trees, so easy to see and follow your prey and nothing to block your shots.

Bug reports / Seeds looted from Njerp villages have "Taken" tag
« on: April 24, 2023, 07:36:16 PM »
I have been gleefully genociding the Njerps and have noticed that when I loot their stuff, bags and baskets of seeds often have the "Taken" tag that denotes them as stolen.  I suppose that technically they are stolen, though their former owners were in no state to raise any objections!

I think it's a bug as other stuff I loot does not have the tag, just seeds and then only about half of them.  The other weird bit is that after a month or two in my cellar, the "Taken" tag disappears.

Anyone seen similar?

Development News / Re: Version 3.80 (beta) released
« on: April 24, 2023, 06:25:24 PM »
Excellent!  Is it the case that saved characters from previous versions will not find blacksmiths in villages that they have already explored, but unexplored villages may contain one?

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: April 19, 2023, 02:07:32 AM »
Assaulting what I hope is the last Njerp camp now...  Some of them seem to have sensed that this is their last hurrah, and by God they are going to die hard:

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: April 17, 2023, 07:49:55 PM »
Following a fairly peaceful first two years in the URW, my Finn decided to spice things up a little and wreak genocide upon the Njerps.  This had been going splendidly, until the last camp I hit turned out to be filled with Njerp archers, who turned out to be rather good shots.  I took over 20 arrows, nine of which penetrated my armour.  I was 60% wounded and unable to move, with the last remaining Njerp (who was not having a good day either) at under 20 yards away.  We spent a hilarious ten minutes exchanging arrows, which we loosed off in all directions due to our wounds and fatigue.  Finally I got the bugger in the neck, and the job was done.  My hands were still shaking for a while after!

Now I can look forward to a couple of weeks making stakes and withes while I heal up.  Still, only three Njerp camps left to deal with, two of which are close to Reemi villages.  Hopefully I can recruit some likely lads from them to help me out with the battles.  I've never got this close to removing the Reds before, wish me luck!

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 16, 2023, 11:34:59 PM »
I'm no expert trapper but from what I have observed, trapping can be rather seasonal.  I tend to get nothing for a month or two, then suddenly I am getting a couple of kills a week.  So the first question is, how long have you been trying?  Next question, how good is your trapping skill?  With trapping around 65%, I have chased elk and deer towards my trap fence and watched the animals avoid the traps, as if they could see them.  So I think the skill matters. 

I usually use light levers and loop snares not at the water's edge; but rather on or around crops, berries and the like.  Obviously this works best when the berries or crops are ripening, I should probably move them during the winter and spring but I am lazy.  Instead I bait them with berries and get a few cold and hungry birds. 

I set trap fences across land bridges to peninsulas or between lakes.  This drives the animals into them, and unless the water is frozen should get a lot of kills.  I make a pit trap every six tiles or so.

I scatter fox traps about pretty randomly and bait them with some raw meat or fish.  If I see a fox, by next morning he is almost always in one of my traps.

Finally, animals don't seem to come to the traps when you are not in residence.  I have left a trap line for over six months, and come back to find it empty.  I suspect the game is husbanding resources by not simulating animal life when the player is not around. 

Mod Releases / Re: Plasmator Expanded mod
« on: March 07, 2023, 07:43:55 PM »
Looks very interesting!  Great to see you intend to focus on realism, if you look after that then the balancing sorts itself out  :)

Please say it makes the bog squelching sound when you step onto the tile?

Hehee. We didn't go that far, but would be a nice easter egg in case of bigger droppings at least.

Take it to the max:  "Bog squelch... PERKELE!"

General Discussion / Re: Running on Linux-ARM (it can be done!)
« on: March 02, 2023, 11:44:58 PM »
Welcome to the forums!  Most of your post was just gibberish to me, except this bit:

Having lived in Finland a short time, I can confirm this captures the feel of the woods and the people there.

They murder each other for axes and turnips, and wear nettle underwear.  Confirmed.   :D

Suggestions / Re: Unconscious and Unable To Walk fatigue
« on: March 01, 2023, 09:04:12 PM »
I think the losing consciousness through shock may represent fainting, but may also represent lying on the deck and screaming/moaning/blubbing for mummy rather than having actually blacked out.  In game terms, there's not much difference between the two!

Bug reports / Re: Too much cold
« on: March 01, 2023, 08:58:50 PM »

The third problem is, that the villagers don't know how to throw anything. I'd be in trouble if they know how to throw rocks. Instead, they try to hit with a rock.

Another problems:

- You can fill (partly) a drinking vessel with dried meat.
- Salt spoils.

NPCs using throwing weapons is not a thing yet.  You are right, it would increase the challenge if they did.  I would think twice before chucking a javelin at that Vagabond woodsman if I thought he might chuck it back!

Containers are always treated as if they are filled with liquid, it seems to work okay though it is a little odd keeping your milk in a birch bark basket!

Do you mean that a bag of salt spoiled (which I don't think it is meant to), or that some salted meat spoiled (which it is meant to)?

Bug reports / Re: Too much cold
« on: March 01, 2023, 08:53:55 PM »
Uh... I'm sleeping in a village house steps away from the fire, waking up shivering from the coldness. Not great protection from the cold, but I'm in a heated room....

Something isn't quite right here.

Villagers often open the door, letting the cold in.  You may as well sleep as close to the fire as you can, as overheating is not yet a thing in Unreal World.

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