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Messages - PALU

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Suggestions / Re: Trapped Crippled Beings Are Too Good At Dodging.
« on: June 27, 2020, 02:33:20 PM »
Well, it's an opposed check, with the animal doing it's best at getting out of the way of the inept kick. I fully agree that the seal should have no chance to affect the outcome in this case, but displaying it better would require the code to determine the cases where the "opposition" of the opposed check is completely ineffective, as opposed to almost completely ineffective. The melee hits are automatic when the the target is unconscious, for instance (although one might question whether someone fatigued to the brink of collapse would hit every time).

So, I agree in principle, but realize it might be tricky to balance code to handle it properly.

Suggestions / Re: Trapped Crippled Beings Are Too Good At Dodging.
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:50:07 AM »
Not only does an encumbrance penalty of 20% reduce your hit chances, but it also increases the fatigue buildup significantly. I'd expect the 86% penalty to be about 20% encumbrance and 66% fatigue (possibly from repeated attempt at kicking the animal). Dropping all carried stuff except the things you need to fight is a useful strategy, but you have to ensure you can find your stuff later if the enemy is mobile. In the case of an animal caught in a trap they're unlikely to go anywhere (but predators can still attack at melee range: I use blunt arrows against trapped wolves and bears, and often gluttons as well).

Suggestions / Re: Trapped Crippled Beings Are Too Good At Dodging.
« on: June 26, 2020, 11:05:13 PM »
You should see them without that handicap :P

On the positive side, all those misses mean more opportunities to train unarmed combat.

Gameplay questions / Re: 361 Three gamaply questions.
« on: June 26, 2020, 06:09:22 PM »
1. I'd expect bark regrowth to be slow, but I don't have any real life knowledge.
2. Meat sacrifice goes towards the spirit of the forest, fish to the one of the water. It should be possible to sacrifice to both in the same day (for a while it was one or the other).
3. Given that smoking is done in a sauna, I'd expect tents to be too draughty. Note that a player made "sauna" works for smoking, but not for the quest requiring a sauna stove (as players can only build regular stoves). Thus, I'd expect the inner dimensions to be 2*1 (my saunas are always 3*1), with one of those tiles taken up by the stove.

Gameplay questions / Re: Kota
« on: June 26, 2020, 01:33:06 PM »
You can probably survive just fine in a single tile kota, provided you've got skins to bed down into, but you can't do any cooking "indoors". I suspect it's just an artifact of the kota construction logic, though.

General Discussion / Re: Inconsistencies/problems with rope?
« on: June 24, 2020, 06:08:44 PM »
As princebunnyboy mentioned towards the end: you don't need cord for smoking/drying/fence making, as withes work perfectly fine for these purposes, and withes are fairly easy to make from reasonably abundant material. You don't really need to bother about splitting and splicing withes, as you get them back after smoking/drying, so you build up a sufficient stock reasonably quickly.
"Real" cord and rope should be cut to the desired length, however, in order not to waste this precious resource.
You can also make rope out of bark for making a raft, although you have to harvest the bark in spring.

It's currently unknown, I think, whether "forest cover" is to be taken literally or not. I've definitely seen the tracks go out into open terrain, but I can't remember if any of the "last" tracks have been in open terrain. In my last case new tracks appeared after a day of fruitless burning on "last" tracks, and I eventually found the missing creature.

Thus, you probably have to search each and every tile within the circle (probably excluding the village). Also note that it's easy to miss the tracks in spruce forest because of the limited visibility. In pine forest you can get away with moving on the overland map and zoom into each tile, look around, and then zoom out again, while you have to be lucky for that to work out in spruce infested terrain. I walk back and forth mostly zoomed in for one row/column of tiles at a time, which is extremely tedious.

Also, you're unlucky to get a boar, as, unless the track changes have modified it, you can't see the difference between the tracks of a tame boar and those of a wild one.

It is the most tedious quest in the game, and one I'm prepared to skip or fail because of the extreme tedium involved.

Gameplay questions / Re: Kota
« on: June 23, 2020, 11:17:56 PM »
My guess, without having built a kota for years, is that you've made it too small so it actually only has a single tile of space in it. If possibly try to compare your kota with the ones in the game and see if yours are smaller (you might start a new character in an easy start up in the north and walk to the nearest village).

If you're using Windows I'd expect the deleted character folder to be moved to the recycle bin, but whether that folder contains info marking it as dead is unknown to me. Also note that resurrection requires you to get rid of the ancestors file (or whatever it's called), as its log of the character's death prevents the usage of that character name for a new character.

If the character folder is in the recycle bin, I'd expect it not to show up in a disk search for removed files/folders, as the folder still exists (unless the bin has been emptied).

Personally I try to copy the character folder after every play session, removing the set once there's a hundred or so of them (keeping the latest, of course). While UrW is very stable, there is still the occasional fatal corruption (I think my latest case was caused by a power outage, something that's very hard to protect against in a program).

Obviously, though, it makes it very tempting to resurrect characters that died legitimately.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Skinning
« on: June 21, 2020, 09:16:49 AM »
I believe that's a bug that's been fixed for the next version.

Gameplay questions / Re: Companians and Rituals
« on: June 19, 2020, 06:05:11 PM »
As Owlant said, rituals are taught by NPCs either as quests in themselves or as payment for quests. Your standing with the spirits probably does not have anything to do with that.
Note that you'll have to find the quests, i.e. visit villages where quests are available, without knowing where that may be.

I use companions exclusively for the game course event that requires you to get one and for robber quests. I don't use companions for labor both because I'll eventually run out of projects anyway, and because I want my character's skills to increase, and that's slow enough as it is (and the projects tend to run out well before 100%).

General Discussion / Re: A Hunting Goshawk
« on: June 18, 2020, 02:29:54 PM »
It's not unheard of for my early characters to steal the kill from hunting birds (once, I think I've even stole the kill from a wolf, before legging it).

General Discussion / Re: Need some help with Unreal World please
« on: June 18, 2020, 10:23:10 AM »
Note that using tracking on a tile that ought to have a track on it (e.g. because it's to the north of a tile with tracks leading to the north) can sometimes reveal tracks (I guess it means the character is looking more carefully and finds them), and using tracking on a tile can also reveal tracks in neighboring tiles (for the same reason).

I've played various types of characters, from an enormous Kaumo warrior (eventually doomed by an unlucky hit and possibly some questionable decisions when he was already losing after having wiped out about a third of the Njerp villages), a minute Owl tribe girl (as small as I was able to make the character, aiming for a low strength as well), quick as greased lightning, but struggling mightily with heavy work (one slender trunk at a time),  eventually one shot by a Njerp, to an escaped slave (resulting in essentially random stats, I think, who kept fainting all the time when hit, which wasn't good when the injury was caused by an attacking wolf). I'm currently playing in the "make the roll and take it" territory, resulting in an about average character.

Nope (but I haven't created any throwaway characters, except, sort of, the ones for the runaway slave start, where you lose 20 or so before you actually get away alive with one).

I don't think I've lost any characters to robbers, because they usually beat the crap out of your character and then dump it. Wolves, yes, Njerps, yes, most, bear I'm not sure. However, I never attack bears or wolves as they're too dangerous, and I'm careful with Njerps (always losing eventually, though), returning home to gear up before engaging them (unless it's a random encounter, in which case I try to retreat). Also, I don't engage Njerps in spruce forests.

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