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Messages - Plotinus

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Suggestions / Re: Make it easier to find quests + add more quests
« on: December 29, 2023, 06:16:07 AM »
I think the timer is 14 days not 15, but if you're not keeping track of what time of day the quest appeared then 13 days ago but it was just before midnight then and now it's only just after midnight then that might seem like 14 days to the player if you're just subtracting but the game may count that as 13 still. So aiming for 15 accounts for rounding errors.

I think also if you enter a village that you visited less than a week ago, there won't be a quest there yet. I put a light lever trap near the villages I visit so that the game will keep track of how long it's been since i went there and try to rotate through the ones that have items I might want to buy.

In practice what I do is I spend an entire day at a village, to give the "personal problems" quest giver time to find me and I talk to a few people in case there's a publicly known quest, and then I move on to another village if I'm really seeking quests, otherwise I try again next week.

For some of my characters, this leads to doing a quest almost every 2 weeks, but some of my other characters only get a quest every few months -- probably because there's a quest giver that I'm not encountering somehow, they're not all in villages, some you can only get from the random guys you run into in forests, which I usually try not to run into if I can help it because random guys can be robbers, and then it takes a while for the quest to expire and new quests to be generated again. I think there can be a few active quest givers at a time but the first one that you notice is the one that sticks and then you have to wait 2 weeks for new ones to be generated? I'm not 100% sure, the mechanics are pretty complicated.

Not bugs / Re: Crops not staying planted?
« on: December 29, 2023, 06:06:43 AM »
In addition to the animals already mentioned, elk and reindeer eat some crops, too. I put all different kinds of traps around my field, in a trap fence -- the fence doesn't deter the small animals but if there's a trap for them nearby they'll often find their way into it anyway, based on your trapping skill

Not bugs / Re: Crops not staying planted?
« on: December 24, 2023, 07:39:19 AM »
Are there any rabbits around?

General Discussion / Re: Did anyone ever see a seal for once?
« on: December 20, 2023, 03:31:03 AM »
I use traps, I put a bear trap right next to the water, no bait. I can't find it in news.txt but I remember when they were added back in 2014, it was discussed on the forums (probably the old forums, I think that was before the move) and I remember Sami said that he didn't want seals to be attracted to the player's food and inclined to steal from them, so they're not attracted by baits either. But it was a long time ago and I could misremember or things could have changed since then.

Suggestions / Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls
« on: December 06, 2023, 03:10:24 PM »
Maybe pots could require cleaning and metal pots could be easier to clean than wood, the wood could rot if not cleaned quickly after use and have to be thrown out or it could be degrade in quality if left outside in the rain and sun and ice, eventually it might split or flake apart -- maybe over the course of a year? in real life i have some wooden stools on my balcony that are very decayed after decades of being outside but probably they originally had some kind of treatment, some laquer or something to preserve them against the elements. I'm imagining the bowl would be more fragile or you'd tolerate less decay before making a new one

No matter how much mould grows in a metal pot, you can get it clean enough to be safe with boiling water and scrubbing it until it shines again, but if you get mould growing on your wooden spoon then that's it, you throw it out.

Suggestions / Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls
« on: December 06, 2023, 11:37:04 AM »
I do think that for balance reasons, there should be a reason to buy the pot, which is expensive, it should give you access to some things you can't do with a cheap wooden bowl that anybody with an axe can make. Otherwise nobody will buy it.

Modding / Re: Was pausable crafts added to the modding language?
« on: December 05, 2023, 02:08:30 PM »
I don't think so. At least, the new net isn't in the fishing menu of diy_glossary and I didn't see it in the notes.txt either.

Also, when they say the water is 25 meters to the northeast, they mean that starting from where you're currently standing, you should walk 25 steps northeast and then either your X coordinate will be right, or your Y coordinate will be right.

So they correctly get it from your perspective not from their perpsective in that situation.

So they don't always get it right but I guess this is how real people are, too, sometimes they think you know the things they know and make a mistake, sometimes they realise that you don't know the same things and accomodate you.

I think they try to do it from your perspective but they don't always succeed

Code: [Select]

For example the other day I was standing in the @ position and I asked X if he knew where W was, and he said that he was inside just around the corner, instead of saying he's right over there, you see.

asking for directions from the villagers also helps somewhat, but if you're too close to it, the conversation goes like this

Villager: it's right over there, you see.
Me: No, I don't see it, it's covered in ice and snow.

This is a good suggestion, I like it!

My current workaround is that i put some branches in a little circle around the well in every village that i go to so that i can find it again later.

Suggestions / Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls
« on: December 03, 2023, 06:13:15 PM »
I have been imagining the game pots to be ceramic all this time. Is that ahistoric?

Suggestions / Re: Alternative methods of gathering water
« on: December 03, 2023, 06:11:13 PM »
And then if you forgot to close it while carrying it, some berries would spill out, leaving a trail behind you for bears :D

Suggestions / Re: Alternative methods of gathering water
« on: November 29, 2023, 12:48:14 PM »
We used to have a thing like option 1, where you could drink raindrops but it was removed in February 2013 (it was a bit overpowered and drinking raindrops with your mouth won't usually quench very much thirst in real life

        Options to drink raindrops or eat snow to reduce your thirst have
        been removed. (In the future there will be options to melt snow and
        fill a container with rainwater by leaving it outside when it's

So maybe someday it will come back

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