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Messages - More_tribal_interaction

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Suggestions / Snake venom arrows
« on: January 24, 2019, 01:19:26 AM »
Can we have the option to make poison arrows? Perhaps we can use snake venom for this.

It would make a great anti-bear and anti-njerpez weapon.
After getting hit, muscle paralysis would gradually set in. Would that be too difficult to code though?

Reason for asking is that currently, after getting 3 or 4 arrows into Njerpez or bears (they were running at full speed mind u) they still are able to close the distance. There must be some way to even the playing field for small puny owl tribe players who cannot melee.

If I were a tiny owl tribesman in real life going against large prey, I'd definitely use any tools available to my advantage.

I think it's not too OP, becos snakes are rare. Thus venomous arrows would be powerful but difficult to obtain.

One last thing, why is it that after you throw javelins or shoot arrows into humans, they can use them against u? There shld be a bleeding effect when they pull them out at least?

Gameplay questions / How exactly to make elk leather
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:16:22 AM »
Tried to search the forum for an answer, but to no avail.

How exactly do I make elk leather (or bear/reindeer etc)?
Is dehairing once enough?


I'm 150% sure that harpoons for whales/seals have been in use by seafaring cultures for very long. What I don't know is whether harpoons were used in Iron Age Finland.

As for Signatus' reply, you are aware that the ango doesn't come with *rope* right? How can something be a harpoon if it doesn't have rope attached?

@ bert preast, you can use dogs to run the reindeer to exhaustion before lassoing? It would be fun to be Klaus and gather your own reindeer tribe. All you would be missing are short helpers with pointy ears...

Well then so it's not just me. I definitely remember in a previous version animals like elk had been modified to escape into water when pursued by the player. I don't remember if forest reindeer were supposed to have been modified to escape into water too. Anyway, can Sami comment on this? Are the animals supposed to escape into water or not? That's definitely what a real life animal would do (refer to National geog documentaries etc).

Also, referring to a previous post, why are there bull elks but no bull forest reindeer?

Suggestions / More options needed for companion commands
« on: January 16, 2019, 11:05:32 AM »
Can we just have 2 small additions to companion commands?

1) Chop down small trees too
2) Chop tree trunk into boards/blocks

After about 1 year or maybe even 6 mths, I'm rich enough to get almost one village worth of companions to chop timber for me. I should be able to get them to provide boards/blocks/slender trunks for me to focus on training my trapping and carpentry skill. 😂

1) Can we have a harpoon for stabbing seals and reeling them in? Would make hunting more exciting. Seel hunting is such an integral part of the lifestyle of many coastal tribes/cultures.

2) There are unique ranged weapons specific to particular cultures like the atlatl, boomerang, and there's this non-lethal weapon made up of stones tied together with strings that are thrown around an animal/human's legs to trip them up.
Are there any such weapons used by iron Age Finnish?

3) Can we please have a lasso system to capture forest reindeer?

Unsure if it's a bug. Met a herd of forest reindeer that included 2 calves, chased them into mire terrain, with lots of pools of water. Isolated one doe and one calf at a curved piece of land that was almost fully surrounded by water. The 2 animals didn't run across the short stretch of water to the other side. I remember in a previous patch, the animal behaviour was changed so that they could escape across water, to make hunting more challenging.

Is it because the calf couldn't cross the water body? But it wasn't a large river, just a pool of water in a mire.

Anyone else notice this? What about other animals like elks?

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