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Messages - Erkka

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General Discussion / Re: Some new player's feedback
« on: July 31, 2018, 09:34:03 PM »
  and I don't see the thawing that occurs and makes ice unsafe. When the game tells you in one situation it's not safe to do something but allows the same action in another, you of course logically assume that it's safe. It's the messages that create the whole problem with the unsafe ice in the first place. 

well, the way I think of it:

- the moment you stepped on the ice it was safe, and the game didn't warn you.
- you kept on happily walking on the safe ice
- the moment you noticed that the ice has been thawing while you walk, becoming dangerously thin, that very moment the game gives you a message and forces you to zoom in, as now every 2 metres counts

this is the logic now. I do understand that it would be very helpful if there were some kind of early warning messages like "you think the ice might be becoming dangerously thin rather soon" or something, but that is always a question of balance. I mean, if there was a small message in the message log, we could still get players complaining "I didn't pay attention to that humble small message, I'd like the game to tell me in big red letters on top of the map screen that things are soon getting dangerous!". Or, if the early warning messages were more attention-catching, I'd guess some players would be complaining "I'd like to have a config option to switch off these annoying spammy messages!". (And, again, we can still think that the system now is that the game tells you as soon as the character notices that the ice is becoming unsafe. The game can't tell you before the character notices that. You are told the moment your character spots the marks of the dangerous thawing. How could the game send you a message about a think your character is not aware of?)

Well, but I agree there could be more player-initiated means to check the ice. Maybe in some future version weatherlore or some other skill could be used to evaluate the ice thickness. I think that would be a realistic way, and leaving the decision up to the player.

ps. what comes to drinking waters; I'm not sure but I'd guess this is something which is different in places with warmer climate, and places with more dense population than iron age Finland. Even nowadays in Finland, especially in remote areas, about all waters are drinkable. The risk of catching a harmful bacterial infection is rather low, and I pretty much believe that the ancient people indeed were more resistant to the common bacteria living in local waters. Yet, I do agree there maybe could be some risk added to drinking bog waters in the warm summer months - but that goes into the more general category of not-yet-implemented features, like the risk of accidentally cutting your knee when felling trees with an axe.

General Discussion / Re: Some new player's feedback
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:06:35 PM »
I've always interpreted the "north" side of the UrW map as being cognate to the Gulf of Bothnia rather than the Arctic Sea, but I guess the interpretation isn't exactly clear. 

Correct  :)
That is about what I thought when coding the random map generator. That the map loosely resembles Finnish geography but is not 1:1 equivalent. And that the sea is modelled by real life Baltic Sea, although in UrW map we don't see anything resembling Sweden and Norway. So the interpretation isn't exactly clear - I never thought of a accurate explanation of how the land masses are formed beoynd the UrW map.

Also, the basic philosophy is that the game world doesn't actually simulate the world as such, but the way the people at that time experienced the world they are living in. So, it might be that there are some land masses behind the sea, but they just aren't drawn on the map as the peoples of UnReal World might not know exactlty where and how those lands are.

General Discussion / Re: Some new player's feedback
« on: July 24, 2018, 10:56:46 AM »
Welcome aboard, and thanks for the feedback Flibbo!

  A death that I think was complete BS, if I can't trust the ice please tell me from the start in the wilderness map, like it usually happens, and not after I'm halfway across just to death-troll me.

Well, things went like that because when you started crossing the lake the ice was still thick enough to be trusted. And only got weaker when you got that message telling so. That means that the game had no way of warning you the moment you stepped on the ice - at that very moment the ice was ok, and the game can't predict how many hours you are going to spend walking on the ice and how the weather will be during those hours.

The ice thickness is tracked hour by hour, millimetre by millimetre. And in real life it also is so that after a freezing cold night the ice can be safe early in the morning, but becomes dangerous after noon, as they day gets warmer. These are things that the game can't so easily tell you beforehand, so we just have to assume that players pay special attention always when moving on ice, especially in autumn and springtime.

Also, when crossing thin ice the same rules apply in the game as in real life; go crawling, as your weight gets spread on larger surface and you won't fall through that easily. And have a knife wielded, for in case the ice breaks you have greater changes of pulling yourself back to solid ice if you can trust your knife into the ice instead of desperately trying to grab slippery ice with your bare hands.

In real life Finland a few people drown because of this kind of reasons, every year. Sure, we can call it complete BS, but then I think it is more like a way the world works, and the game simulates the same BS  :)

General Discussion / Re: Forum crash
« on: July 13, 2018, 08:46:29 PM »
I still think it might have been a techical problem somewhere in systems of the webhosting company, for in the morning the entire database connection was unavailable. That came back by itself after a few hours, so I assumed the tech guys at webhosting did what they could. After that a few database tables were corrupt, and I ran the database system's internal repair command on them.

So, yeah, it might or might not be related to spam bot activity. In any case, I don't know if we could do more to prevent spam accounts from registering without making it too unconvenient for real users to register. I think at the moment we have it so that each new user has to answer two custom questions - I have no idea how the bots bypass that, as I'd guess that even with a brute force attack getting two random words correct might not happen so often.

General Discussion / Forum crash
« on: July 13, 2018, 02:49:59 PM »
Seems like we have had a forum crash. I'm not aware of the reasons behind it, but luckily we are on-line again. I had to manually run some database recovery procedures, and seems like everything is back to normal, only that for most of the boards the "last post" column is empty on the index page. I hope it will get fixed by itself as the discussion resumes and new posts appear.

Gameplay questions / Re: Newbie combat question
« on: July 03, 2018, 04:49:32 PM »
Sounds like a technical problem. What is the hardware you are using? What operating system are you on? Do you use 1 on keypad or above the letter keys?

Off-topic / Re: Trip to Finland
« on: July 01, 2018, 07:43:26 PM »
Unfortunately, we have no experience on sea level but I read that pneumatic kayaks are much more suitable on sea than PU ones.

I was thinking about the shape and structure of the underside of the kayak. On wide open lakes if if gets windy any lightweight vessel with a roundish underside gets easily just pushed around by wind and waves. But, if a pneumatic kayak is OK for seas, then I'd guess it will also manage Finnish lakes no problem  :)

Fish trap is very good idea, especially because it's foldable and my skills are far below novice. I don't quite get this part about local fee... It depends on size of the catch?

Strictly speaking, the local fee is per equipment / per year. The system is mainly designed for us who permanently live in one place, and if there are that many people accessing the same lakes, there needs to be some regulation to control overfishing, and to share costs fairly among those who fish. (The money is then used for maintaining and supporting local fish populations). Also, the local areas are smallish. At worst a single lake can be divided among three different "board of local people collectively managing their fishing waters". So, depending on which corner of the lake one wants to set a net or two, one needs to buy a license from a different person... It all gets messy rather quickly, especially if you aren't a local and don't know who manages which lake and so on. To make things simple and easy I'd lean on the common sense side, and say that having a single fish trap set on one spot for one night is such a minimal activity that it doesn't require a local license.

Although, it might be a bit different in the national parks and other such officially maintained outdoors areas. When you get to plan the details of your trip you can send them e-mail to check if it is okay to use a fish trap at that time at this national park. Restrictions might apply to protect local wildlife.

1. Lapland - as whole but further north the better :D Something is calling me from out there but I have to be cautious with wife, she is excited but not as much as me :D Also, myself would like to see more 'civilized' side of Finland first, afterwards this more cold and harsh

Especially in June / July Lapland might occasionally get hotter than the southern part of Finland. So in the summertime it is not the coldness, but all the insects which fly, bite and sting. They tend to come in bigger flocks up in the north. But you'll encounter them anywhere in Finland, so be prepared  :)

4. Visiting Erkka, Helvetinjärvi national park and other nice places around, Tampere - thank you for invitation Erkka. Even if it won't be our main destination we consider to stop by for a day or two or seven

One possibility to consider is to start your trip by visiting my place. With my rowing boat I could accompany you out on the local waters for a day, and then you could continue exploring the nearby islands for a few days on your own, to get a better feel on your equipment. After that few days of 'test run' if you have questions or need to re-arrange some of your equipment, I could act as a local guide. But, I trust that you can also manage on your own, so if you prefer to start straight with a longer voyage on some other water system, I fully encourage you to try that. Adventures are made of .... well, adventuring  :)

Just found fellow-countryman blog with pictures from trip Savonlinna-Kuopio in pneumatic kayak! It takes him 13 days. Look at those beautiful photos!

Ah, yes, that is how the Finnish lakes look like. Looking at the map of his trip, in the start had he chosen to follow the western shores, that route would've taken up to Kuopio passing next to a place where a certain indie-game developer lives. If you choose to ponder that route, consider sending a message to Sami in case he is not following this thread.

Off-topic / Re: Trip to Finland
« on: June 29, 2018, 12:01:51 PM »
1. Where to go? :D Depending on our canoing concept, please post your suggestions in this matter. Preferably not so common places, standing aside from main courses - beautiful and wild. Of course visiting URW fans would also be great option!

I think 'where to go' depends on timing and your choice of equipment. Like, would you prefer river routes with rapids, or would you prefer criss-crossing the lake networks? If you have a canoe which is better suited for lakes, then shooting rapids isn't necessarily a wise option. And if you don't have a lot of earlier experience, going out to the sea might not be the safest option. In any case, the the options are plenty.

For river routes May or early June are usually best, as the water levels are at their highest after the snow has melted. Later on in the summer some river routes might become so shallow that they are uncomfortable to navigate.

In addition to great suggestions by Tervaskanto, visiting my place is always an option. I'm located roughly 100 km north from Tampere, and there are several canoeing options nearby. For example Haukkajoki route starts from Helvetinjärvi national park. I'm not exactly sure but to me it seems that the Haukkajoki route could take you all the way down to the city of Tampere, in case you plan to switch locations by public transport.

2. I also thought about buying kayak or canoe directly in our start area and leave it or sell in the end. Maybe you could help -  is it expensive? Is there some internet sites where I could contact with potential seller?

I'd guess there also are canoe rental services, and some of them are fine with starting at point A and collecting the canoe from location B. But I'm not so familiar with them so on top of my head I can't recommend any webpage listing rental options.

For second-hand equipment here is a link listing 'for sale', 'for rental', 'to give away' options. At the moment second hand canoes seems to sell from 500 € - 2000 €. If you decide to try this option, I think I could personally offer you some help with selling away the canoe once you are done with your trip.

But, of course, a pneumatic kayak would enalbe you to see various locations using the public transport. If you'd buy a second hand canoe, you either need tranportation help from local UrW players, or you are stuck in one water system (which won't be a problem, as all the major lake networks are big enough to paddle around for the whole summer)

3. I plan to fish but I am totally green - maybe you, more experience forumers have some advice for a novice? :) Basic equipment, tips and tricks... I also heard that you could fish with the rod in Finland without license, is that true?

Yes, a simple fishing rod with hook only and no reel - that you can use without a license. With a little bit of luck one can catch enough perches worth a meal.

My tip would be to consider a foldable / expandable portable fish trap. In the evening when you start to settle to camp for the night, you expand the fish trap and set it somewhere nearby. In the morning you go check the trap, fold it and pack it in the canoe for the day's voyage. That, of course, would mean more stuff to transport in your canoe, but gives the option to catch fish while you sleep.

Using a fish trap would require paying the national-level fishing license (they sell for 15€ / week. If you pay that, it would also allow you to drag a lure while you paddle around. Another nice way to possibly catch a pike while you go.) To be precise, a fish trap would also require a local-level license depening on the waters where you are. But my personal opinion is that if you are switching places every night, and you aren't highly experienced fisher then you catches are likely to stay so small that paying a local fee isn't that necessary.

4. Buying food (and of course alcohol;) ) . Let's suppose that I won't catch a single fish :D - Some advices regarding supplying?

Regarding alcohol, anything stronger than 5.5 % is only sold at special liquor stores, which can't be found in every small village. So if you want to have that bottle of dark rum to warm you up in one of those rainy evenings, plan to buy it beforehand while you are in a city or a town with liquor store (they are called "Alko"). Otherwise I'd guess it is the basics of camping food. Dry and canned stuff. Things are a bit easier if you have a portable stove - that way you don't have to start a fire every single time you'd like to have a mug of tea. (Ah, especially in May / early summer most of the water is safe to drink. And becomes safer once boiled. So packing a lot of drinking water isn't absolutely necessary. You can boil lake water every night and store it for the next day.)

It never hurts to have a bar of dark chocolate for quick energy if in situation where you need it.

5. Traveling in Finland. Quickest, cheapest way of traveling - by bus, train or maybe car sharing?

Trains are the quickest and often the most comfortable way of travelling. Buses can be either a lot of cheaper or more expensive. (Like, where an ordinary train ticket would be 30 € / adult, with a luck you can buy a bus ticket for the same route for mere 2.50 €.) I think train and bus operators all have such a pricing scheme that the earlier you buy your tickets the cheaper the prices.

For buses see matkahuolto.
For trains see VR.

I know there are car sharing services out there but that's pretty much all I know about them. That they exists.

For now this all that come to my mind, probably I would have more questions later.

So, if you are planning for summer 2019, feel free to start a separate topic when you get into more detailed planning.

Off-topic / Re: long layover in helsinky
« on: June 08, 2018, 11:07:56 PM »
No matter where you are going to sleep the night, I'd definitely recommed taking a small midnight stroll outdoors - just to get an impression of the midsummer white nights.

In the morning, depending on your budget and how adventurous you feel, I could imagine a few options. For example, take a commuter train, route I, but instead of driving it all the way down to Helsinki central station, stop at some smaller station. Like Vehkala or Pohjois-Haaga, which both have parks to walk around, rather close to the local train stop. (I'm not completely sure, but I'd guess the same train line is labelled P when it drives the same route but opposite direction, so you'd probably like to take that on your way back to the airport).

Or, if you'd like to see the actual Helsinki city, take a train or bus there. Near the central station you could either take a walk around Töölonlahti, or head west to Hietaniemi - area, which has parks (and a cemetary), a beach, and a few nice cafeterias here and there.

But, all of that naturally depends if you are suffering a jet-lag or something. So, back to basics; if you feel like skipping all the other activities, the only thing I recommend is a little walk outdoors either at midnight or in the small hours. After living here for more than forty years I still feel that there is something special in the light of the northern summer nights.

Off-topic / Re: Trip to Finland
« on: May 29, 2018, 08:36:46 AM »
Ah, yes, if your stay in the country is only for a few days, I'd guess there is no need to leave Helsinki.

It is a long time since I myself visited the iron age place of Pukkisaari, and that was an organized event. But I'd guess it is free to go walk around having a look at the buildings etc. Also, it is located next to Seurasaari museum which has buildings from past few hundred centuries. The oldest ones pretty much resemble the ones we have in Unreal World, so it might well be worth a visit, too, if you are interested in cultural heritage. On the plus side, Seurasaari is not a big museum building, but actually an outdoors place with the old buildings scattered around, so it makes a nice place for a walk.

Only a year ago I discovered the archipelago of Helsinki. There are boat cruises starting near the city central area, stopping at various isles. You could either just cruise it there and back, watching the scenery. Or take a stop at Vartiosaari (number 4 on the route map), for Vartiosaari has plenty of paths to walk around.

One of my favourites in Helsinki is Cafe Regatta, located a short walk away from the central railway station, sitting next to a bay of the sea, a tiny small cafeteria with a live camp-fire burning on the yard. The only downside is that I'm not the only person liking the place - sometimes it is crowded with foreign tourists and there is a long long queue if you'd like to buy coffee. But maybe worth taking a look.

But, yeah, I think the Nuuksio park offers a plenty to explore, and gives an impression of the typical Finnish woodlands nature.

Also, in the city, Helsinki Central Park is a nice place to walk around.

These are just my tips,
wishing you a pleasant and interesting experience in Finland  :)

Off-topic / Re: Trip to Finland
« on: May 28, 2018, 06:14:31 PM »
It depends on what you prefer to experience.

If you want to see some ponds and lakes in the woods and walk a forest trail, that can be accessed via local buses of Helsinki-area - there's Nuuksio national park.

Also, if in addition to nature you'd like to see Iron Age history, you might consider Pukkisaari in Helsinki.

I think Helsinki, Kuopio, Tampere and Jyväskylä all offer some possibilities to take a boat / small ship touring the sea / lakes. There probably are UrW players in all of those cities, anyone willing to be a local guide?

Also, if our dates match, UnReal Adventurers are always welcome to visit my place - I'm located one hour train trip north from Tampere, and I have a rowing boat and access to the local lake. Or, I'd guess you can also ask Sami if he has free time to host an adventurer for a day or two - he is in Kuopio-area.

General Discussion / Re: ##urw IRC Chatroom
« on: April 22, 2018, 05:30:42 PM »
Hello folks,

It is Sunday 22th of April, half past six (Finnish Time; UTC+3) and I'm online at the irc channel. Come to chat if you happen to feel like that. I have an idle evening with nothing special to do, so I might well hang around the irc channel until 22:00 UTC+3 or so.

  I did check the snow depth in the morning to get a feel for how much longer skis were needed, and I'd expect the elements to wear off the snow first and the ice after that, once the insulating snow layer is gone, as the melting from below is rather limited. Once the snow turns into slush it ought to eat into the ice, making it brittle.

It is supposed to work about that. But I just checked the source code, and I think you are right: there was a small logic error which causes a bug potential.

The way it is supposed to work is that the thickness of snow cover slows down the ice melting rate in warm temperatures. In some conditions those checks fail, making the ice melt quicker than intended. Sorry about that, and thank you for pointing this out! We will fix this for the next stable version release.

the water temperature should not be affected at all before the ice is gone,

That is how it works. I also checked that, no bug potential there - it is coded in such a way that the water temperature can rise above zero celcius only after all the ice is gone.

The ice thickness it tracked millimetre by millimetre, hour by hour. So that means that in a warm sunny day the ice can be safe at sunrise, but become dangerously thin after the high noon, and be safe again in the night when the temperature drops. That is how it is in real life, too. And every year a few Finnish people drown because they fail to estimate the ice thickness correctly. Well, but yes - I take your suggestions as valid suggestions; it would be wise to have a bit more ice-related feedback. I'll talk about this with Sami.

What was the weather like? Bright sunlight and heavy rainfall are both elements which wear down the ice rather rapidly.

General Discussion / Re: Attack bonus
« on: January 19, 2018, 11:04:51 AM »
I can't find any information about this one, what exactly is attack bonus

In the game, press F1 to open the built-in encyclopedia, press space to type a keyword, then type "weapon class". That should give you an overview of what attack and defence bonus is.

So, in a melee combat situation, what matters most is the ratio of "the attack bonus of attacking weapon" vs "the defence bonus of blocking weapon". Or, in case of counterstrike, it is the ratio of attack vs attack. For exampe, if your opponent attacks you with a sword, and you try a counterattack, you are in worse position for the sword can reach farther away than your knife - you have to get closer to your opponent to deliver a strike. But if you are fighting knife vs. knife, the attack bonuses are equal so the don't have that much effect.

Or, consider the situation you are sneaking from behind to stab an unaware NPC. If you want to stab with a knife you have to get a bit closer compared to thrusting a spear - so your spear attack is probably more likely to succeed before your opponent notices you. The attack bonus simulates that.

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