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Messages - PALU

Pages: 1 ... 101 102 [103] 104 105 ... 109
Suggestions / Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes
« on: August 31, 2017, 10:12:46 PM »
Snow doesn't make you damp unless the temperature is close to thawing, as the clothing insulates the snow from the body warmth. You can just brush snow off you clothes when it's cold enough (a few degrees below zero) until you get indoors, of course. Getting wet from the inside due to sweating is a much greater threat (which I guess Privateer's first link explains).
Rain is more of a pain as "natural" textiles tend to soak up water. Wool and rain is not a great combination...

Gameplay questions / Re: Yeah so my dog got in the way of my arrow.
« on: August 31, 2017, 02:53:15 PM »
No, the dog will flee, but eventually calm down.
I had an incident where I had a henchman and accidentally performed a melee attack against him rather than the intended trapped animal (me targeting the wrong tile, not my character somehow hitting the wrong target). This caused him to become enraged, after which the dog attacked him, he injured the dog so badly it fled, my character fled/retreated, and eventually everyone calmed down without any fatalities and things resumed as normal.

When firing arrows you ought to first put it in your hand and then fire it, rather than using the method to pick an arrow from the inventory and firing it in one command. Both methods take the same (in game) time, but the latter involves the risk of a free line of sight being blocked by someone you don't want to shoot while fetching the arrow. Obviously, there's also the case of intentionally taking the risk of hitting allies, but then it's a calculated risk (but be aware that companions don't care one whit about whether any or their allies are in between them an a ranged attack target. I've had robber fights where friendly fire have caused a lot more injury to my team than the enemies did. It's almost standard routine to get arrows in the back during robber fights...).

Gameplay questions / Re: Atypical Build
« on: August 27, 2017, 04:47:36 PM »
I haven't made such a character. (and I suspect I'd find it boring and repetitive, given the limited number of crafts you can make)..
I assume you mean your character should be poor at hunting, farming, and fishing, and thus should be a craftsman (as you can't make a living from trading for profit, as far as I understand: bringing "civilized" goods from the coast to the remote inland and hides back would otherwise be an interesting career choice).
If so, I'd assume carpentry is the required skill, unless you use mods although you could probably use woodcrafting to make boards. As far as I understand you can't make a profit from making clothes.

A small character has a need for at least one animal of burden, and if the character can't fight there's probably a need for a sacrificial dog for Njerp encounters.

Another thing to consider is that you may very well have to travel, as I've had villagers refuse to trade for more of something I've already sold a lot of.

Suggestions / Re: Increased and Expanded Valuables
« on: August 25, 2017, 06:24:04 PM »
@Mati256: My comment was intended to refer to coins, but I wasn't exactly clear on that in my wording.
Coins are useless (without intrinsic use, but not without value). If I was a barter economy character I'd most likely would want a bracelet than a few flat pieces of metal with some strange engravings.
My UrW characters certainly hoard jewelry...

Bug reports / Re: Empty container and loose contents
« on: August 22, 2017, 09:20:08 AM »
It's a reasonable update to allow for containers intended as such (e.g. a backpack) rather than just "fluid" containers. I'm not sure if it's on the developer page, but it ought to be. The only "containers" you can take things out of currently are animals of burden/companions and the cellar.

Bug reports / Re: Empty container and loose contents
« on: August 21, 2017, 09:49:06 AM »
This comes up every so often, but as this is a new forum, there's no prior report here.

There is currently no mechanism for taking things out of containers apart from processing the contents (e.g. eating it) or moving it to another container. Emptying a container means pouring the contents on the ground, which means it's lost when liquid or fine grained. The logic doesn't contain any exception for items that can exist as free items, so they're lost as well.

It can be noted that this is a general container issue, not a mod one, as you can do the same with vanilla containers such as bowls or pots.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Vanishing fire.
« on: August 19, 2017, 09:36:19 AM »
It's not really troubling, mainly annoying. It doesn't happen that often, and in most cases you can just start a new fire as there's no vanilla need for an ongoing fire. I would guess you could miss out on ash when preparing farm plots, but, again, it's just annoying, as you only need a few branches to set a new fire.

Hare paws have something like 3 or 5 uses, but I've only used them accidentally. I can think of two very good uses:
1. Critical combat attacks.
2. Crafting something valuable and difficult.
I don't know how well it works, though.

Most skill lessons have been for weapons, but I've occasionally gotten other skills. Definitely fishing, and I think trapping as well, and probably one or two others (hide working?).

Gameplay questions / Re: Need a Fisher's Knife
« on: August 18, 2017, 02:11:22 PM »
I encounter them occasionally. Since they're rather useless (unfortunately) in vanilla I haven't taken note of where, but I'm certain I've found them in Driik territory, and probably elsewhere as well.

Suggestions / Re: Animal Husbandry
« on: August 17, 2017, 02:45:56 PM »
In a lot of animals the horns (etc) are used to "protect" the harem against competing males, not predators. Cows have horns and use them to protect calves (and horses form rings around calves to kick predators with their hind legs as protection of foals), but I'm not sure bulls and rams care about anything but saving their own skin.
In fact, many herd animals have the females and young live together, with the males living alone except for the mating period.

Suggestions / Re: Combat injury awareness
« on: August 17, 2017, 11:10:21 AM »
Yes, the injury page can be accessed in combat. What I find strange, though, is that it doesn't tell you when something is out of commission: it just tells you that e.g. the left arm had a damage of X, but not whether it's still functioning or not. Instead, you're told only when you try to use the injured limb.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Vanishing fire.
« on: August 17, 2017, 11:04:23 AM »
It definitely sounds like a bug.
I can be the same one I've reported earlier (on the old forum) where a fire lit in a stove is gone without embers remaining (which I wanted for cooking requiring embers) when going away for a short trap checking trip (a few hours).
In my case it always seem to happen at the change of seasons/months or something similar, and always across the turn of day time in the morning (stove lit on the "day before" and checked on the "next day"). In at least one case I noted the palette changed as I was checking the traps. I believe I've also seen it with a large fire (similar to your case).

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:57:59 AM »
How long does it take for human bodies to decay?  Do they every "go away" on their own?
As far as I've seen there is no such thing as natural decay (of any bodies). However corpses CAN be eaten, but it doesn't seem to happen often (as bodies tend to just lie around for years). It's been mentioned that starving dogs eat corpses (including human ones), but to do that you need to starve the dogs first (which, apart from animal cruelty, involves keeping up with constant barking), and I've experimented with feeding Njerp and robber corpses to the carrion birds (i.e. raven), to some effect. It takes something like 3-5 raven "sessions" to eat a Njerp corpse completely, leaving nothing left, but it's not that easy to get them to feast.

Suggestions / Re: Animals eat garden
« on: August 16, 2017, 10:39:42 AM »
Traps only work on badgers if they actually enter the traps...
I did have a few badger compatible traps, but the bugger ignored them. I hadn't yet had time to close the whole area off with snares/smallest dead fall traps (hard to have time and materials to do that for the first year planting). These small traps won't trap badgers, but they act as fences so nothing crosses them (including elks), while animals of the size targeted by the traps occasionally get caught.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: August 14, 2017, 09:35:07 AM »
I've had at least one case of hypothermia where my character started to get confused from the cold.

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