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Messages - PALU

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General Discussion / Re: Animals Spawning at Rapids
« on: September 11, 2017, 01:54:07 PM »
I've certainly had big animals spawn inside both my trap fence surrounding a single tile lake, the trap line surrounding my homestead, and the one surrounding my farm plots, and this for a homestead bordering rapids. When it comes to Njerps, they can recognize trap lines and proceed to disable the traps (I had one that knocked out about two dozen traps, snuck past my charancter's back when he restored a trap (I saw something move in the corner of my eye, and later saw the foot prints), to disable another half a dozen traps. I did eventually kill him, though. I've also (with an earlier character) been invaded by robbers who waded through freezing cold water to climb my fence bordering the lake rather than the fence lined with traps on the inside. Unfortunately they didn't seem to be bothered by the cold, but somehow my character actually managed to kill them all in a desperate fight literally at the doorstep of the house.

General Discussion / Re: Character Dementia
« on: September 11, 2017, 01:46:03 PM »
I believe the main reason for keeping the animals indoors in the old days was because of warmth. Just people give off a fair amount of body heat, and big animals like cows even more so. A few farm animals indoors could improve the temperature from utterly unbearable to just unbearable.

General Discussion / Re: Large animals wandering out onto ice and dying
« on: September 11, 2017, 01:39:04 PM »
It's not uncommon for animals to walk out onto the ice, fall through, and eventually drown, and you can use it as a hunting tactic by scaring the animal away from the shore. You need to take some care to ensure you don't fall through yourself, though, when recovering the remains. I typically gather a pile of branches (in case I do fall through) at the shore, drop everything carried, and then crawl out on my belly to the corpse. I then pull it to me, drop it, crawl a tile back, pull,... until my character is finally at the shore, at which time I can start the butchering.

Gameplay questions / Re: Quest: punt
« on: September 10, 2017, 11:19:27 PM »
Without knowing for certain, I think any kind of precipitation is sufficient. You can tell if a log is a "cut during rain" one or a "dry cut" one by whether it stacks with a "dry cut (or rain cut) one. Thus, if you have two logs that do not stack, one of them is suitable and the other one is not.

Also, any suitable log will do: if you have one in store you can use that one.

I've seen clothes lying in the wells, but the bodies have been removed in my cases.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Pig in forest cover quest
« on: September 07, 2017, 02:39:41 PM »
Sorry if it's a bit of a tangent, but it definitely seems villagers are generated for at least some quest. I believe the weird message quests and the bird thief quests seem to generate new characters, as the message recipient and thief respectively tend to be people that have no known name, so either they're new or they've been stripped of their names for cases where the quest target is a village you visit regularly (I can't keep track of everyone in every village, so I wouldn't normally note if someone was pushed back to an unidentified state). Ah, yes, I believe the craftsman for the punt quest also seems to be generated.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Vanishing fire.
« on: September 07, 2017, 02:32:04 PM »
I'll be on the lookout when I start a new character (which will be after the next update). However, for my last character the fire was lit in the "sauna" stove, she went to the trap fence about 3 tiles away, walked around the single tile lake inside the fence, and returned back to to make a stew on the embers that were MIA. The stove was lit with the minimum number of branches.
There wasn't enough items around for an item overflow explanation, and I don't think tracks were removed either (I've never actually seen an item overflow warning, apart from the one for loading watercraft, animals/companions of burden, and the character with items, but that's a different one).
I'm fairly convinced it is a timing issue where the fire has to be in some specific phase when the day (and possibly month/season) ticks over. I'm not convinced the character has to be away, as I believe my character was doing some kind of crafting to pass the time the first time I encountered it, but cannot rule out that the character has to be absent from the tile.
A problem from a fault finding perspective is that the player has a rather hazy notion of what time it is, so it's hard to time the setting of a fire to a precise time (and there's no precise way of passing time to reach the desired time should we be able to identify it. At a guess, a large fire with a large burn time may be easier, if the condition is just that the fire is burning at the cross over time).

Gameplay questions / Re: Easiest way to trap njerps?
« on: September 05, 2017, 02:45:59 PM »
There are some problems with you intended approach:
- My experience with traps vs warriors indicates they're rather useless for that purpose. It might work better to harass civilians, though.
- Killing them one at a time works only if your character is faster. Otherwise the first one will magically summon other villagers, and eventually the whole village is following you. If you're fast enough I guess you can run and lose them that way, but running with armor is a lethally bad idea (the running speed equals normal walking speed within 50 meters, and keeps dropping until it reaches zero).
- Engaging warriors equipped with bows without a bow and using trickery is very dangerous. The buggers are deadly shots. Doing it without heavy armor is probably lethal rather quickly, since it only takes one unlucky arrow to knock your character unconscious.

Gameplay questions / Re: Easiest way to trap njerps?
« on: September 05, 2017, 09:23:28 AM »
Traps are virtually useless against Njerps.

I've conducted an experiment where I set up a number of pit traps (with spikes), a bear trap, and, I think, a wolf trap and lured Njerps into them. The results were quite disappointing, as they just crawled out of the traps with minor injuries (although the bear trap managed to knock the victim unconscious briefly). It also required quite a bit of manovering to the the buggers to get into the traps in the first place.

Trap lines are detected by humans, so they won't walk into those. If you're going to waste your time using traps you should make a mine field instead.

Trap lines are useless against Njerps. I had one come to my homestead and disable about a dozen pit traps before I finally killed him. At the same homestead I earlier had a vagabond visitor, and that bugger cut down a fair number of trees, including ones forming part of the border trap line. Once the trees were gone the trap line was no longer visible to him, and he stepped into one of the traps, broke his leg, and kept lying there for about two months, all the while insisting everything was fine.

Yes, you can burn down buildings (I tried once, but the Njerps woke up before I'd finished placing the branches I indended to light the fire with. I have, however, accidentally set fire to my own homestead more than once by hitting the wrong key).

I had a character I ended by raiding Njerp territory. He died after having depopulated up towards a dozen villages. The main strategy was to fire arrows at enemies coming rushing while backing off, and this usually succeeded in killing most of them off one at a time before they reached him (he moved fairly quickly). Occasionally he made a mistake and enemies caught up, but they tended to be injured and exhausted at that point, and not really able to do much against the thick layers of armor he wore.
It ended in one of these cases where a couple of lucky enemy hits injured him severely, and eventually he couldn't move, and was slowly beaten to death.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: September 04, 2017, 07:16:00 PM »
Unfortunately not (yet). You can trade with them, but that's it normally. I've seen women being involved in quests to some extent, but I think the case where a woman was the quest giver had someone else direct my character to her, so that wasn't a "have to talk to anyone lest I miss a quest" case.
You're supposed to be able to give some info on traders in the vicinity (and a few other things as well), but I've never managed to get anything beyond the standard from anyone except when it is a quest.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: September 03, 2017, 08:26:42 PM »
There are essentially two kinds of trade in a village:
- Trade of communal resources: Pick up what you want and talk to any (adult) villager to pay for it.
- Private property. This s a sub selection of what they're carrying that they're willing to trade away (you can't trade for characters' weapons and then attack and kill them to take everything). This is also a sub selection of what you can see a character is carrying when looking at it.

Note that occasionally villagers refuse to trade some kind of item because they already have more than enough. For communal resources you just talk with someone else, but for private resources you'll have to come up with something else to trade.

Suggestions / Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes
« on: September 01, 2017, 05:49:16 PM »
Macintosh is a much later invention than the UrW time line...

I doubt clothes rotting due to being wet is much of a practical issue, as they wear out due to wear long before that unless they're constantly wet. Clothes starting to rot will stink as well.

Various migratory peoples have managed to make fur/hide based dwellings that keep the interior sufficiently dry, so I don't think that's an insurmountable problem. Again, I think wear (if torn down and rebuilt frequently) and deterioration due to the sun is a greater problem.

Modding / Re: Whittling away
« on: September 01, 2017, 10:03:49 AM »
You could try to implement decoration of things like bowls to make them into higher quality bowls. Embroidery on clothing is another thing that might be value/quality enhancing. A major problem for all of these reactions is that there is currently no mechanism for interrupting work and resuming it apart from for specific tasks. It can be simulated to some extent by splitting a reaction into several, such as e.g.
Reaction 1: Staff -> Thingie 10%
Reaction 2: Thingie 10% -> Thingie 20%
Reaction 10: Thingie 90% -> Thingie (which now gets some usable properties, while the intermediate steps ought to be useless)
but that takes up a lot of menu space.

Suggestions / Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:54:30 AM »
If the temperature is just a few degrees below zero the warmth from the body that penetrates through the clothing dissipates before it can melt the snow. If it's cold and you get water onto the clothes (such as e.g. drops from an exposed face melting snow, not soaking) the water freezes, so you'd get pellets of ice clinging to the hairs of the pelt.
Note that the situation is different if you have snow that's already wet at around zero temperature. That's the worst weather, in my view: wet and miserable.

I agree that it's probably a bad idea to implement sweating penalties due to the tedium of having to adjust the clothing all the time (all work; no fun). My comment wasn't intended to be takes as a suggestion to implement it, only a comment as to what's worse in reality.

Gameplay questions / Re: Taking things out of bag?
« on: September 01, 2017, 09:40:31 AM »

Currently there is no way to take things out of containers other than as part of reactions that indirectly remove them (e.g. cooking, planting, drinking). Emptying containers destroys the contents.

I guess it might be possible to create custom reactions to take things out (something like a fistful of rye grain reaction that generates a fistful of rye grain removing it from a container). Note that this is a guess: I haven't tried.

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