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Messages - DfDevadander

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I think this addition will make it even more intense for a character to deal with having a wounded companion; it's sad when one is killed, but I feel it will be even more heartbreaking to make an effort to save them only to fail and have them die anyway. On the other hand, it could be a moment of great excitement and triumph when your character can stop a companion from bleeding to death and thereby save their life. All in all, I'll be very happy to see this new mechanic implemented :)

Gameplay questions / Re: Harvest field near village
« on: January 12, 2018, 09:25:30 PM »
I have been taking things from fields that are close to, but not inside of, villages for my entire UrW experience (almost 4 years) and was under the assumption that since I wasn't reprimanded by villagers, I wasn't stealing anyone's property. After having learned now that I've been a thief this whole time, I'm mortified :( I suppose I'll have to clear my conscience now by giving a bunch of dried meat to several villages where my apparent thievery took place

Modding / Re: Someone know about Privateer from the old forum?
« on: January 06, 2018, 05:02:21 AM »
Ah that's a beautiful trout, and the rainbow isn't half bad either! I haven't fished for trout in a while, but I did go fishing for king salmon a few months back and caught a couple that were around 13 kilos (~30 lbs) along with a few decent northern pike, and found some late season dryad's saddle mushrooms; they were tough as leather but the flavour was as good as ever. As a (weird) side note, I've watched a video of yours on YouTube and I must say that after having seen your face on here, it matches your voice perfectly!

Suggestions / Re: Wearable trinkets
« on: December 27, 2017, 05:00:08 AM »
Just an aside, It is possible to use the provided mod environment to make an item like a necklace wearable.

If it's too much trouble, could you explain how to do that? I've wanted to make trinkets wearable as well, but I'm very green when it comes to modding this game

Modding / Need help with Fennec's plant mod
« on: December 20, 2017, 06:12:30 PM »
Hello, everyone
  I have downloaded Fennec's plant mod since I reinstalled Version 3.4, but I don't remember how to activate it. If anyone could help me I would be very grateful

I had to vote the middle option as well, and for much the same reason as JEB Davis chose to vote that way. I would love to see spouses and eventual offspring in the future, and I agree that if it is to be implemented then it should come after some AI updates so that we don't have the old problem of "It's a nice car to look at, but it won't run without fuel!"

The work that has been done to this game (read:life-changing experience) over the years is wonderful, all of it being due to the dedication and passion that Sami and Erkka have for this work of theirs, and I am more than happy to simply sit back and watch it grow organically at their behest :D

Off-topic / Re: Shooting snowballs
« on: December 18, 2017, 07:18:06 AM »
Impressive!! I love the whistling arrow, as well, and now will be attempting to make a few of them for my longbow. Subbed to the channel, and happily awaiting more content :)

General Discussion / Re: Northern Tribes
« on: November 23, 2017, 07:34:52 PM »
Then if the northern tribes represent Sami prople as you say,then you should add asian character portraits

Not all Saami people have an Asian look to them, though, as they are quite a varied group; some look very Scandinavian while others resemble Inuit-type people. Remember that the Saami are not exclusive to Finland, and are present across all of Lappland.

General Discussion / Re: Borders of Unreal World
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:09:45 AM »
For story purposes, let's say that the Unreal World is an enclosed spiritual realm, a loop of infinite time within a defined area of space (the space where the spirits are able to express their power to maintain the loop). The humans within are able to humbly live their lives in this distant, infinitely recurring past, and the spirits' energies are kept strong by their worship.

In a way, that actually ties in with the story of the UnReal World :)

Off-topic / Re: Generic chat thread
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:05:30 AM »
Yes and it's doubly sad that most good faires only run for a month or two during the year :( I make sure to always bring a cookie with me to brighten my day while I'm there, and of course the mead/cider blend is fantastic, even if I only get to have a couple of mugs since I've made a deal with my girlfriend to be the designated sober driver.

My Halloween was quite eventful. My dog decided to try and swallow a piece of scrap leather that was about 15x5cm, and I only knew that because after a few hours of him making these strange hiccup/vomit motions and me loving on him because I thought he was sick, I heard him make the noise and then a chewing sound; so I reached into his mouth and pulled the piece of leather out of his throat. I had felt so bad for him that whole time he was acting strange, and all the while it was caused by his own buffoonery. I have no idea how he got the leather in the first place, but he's now prohibited from being anywhere near any unapproved leather goods.

General Discussion / Re: Borders of Unreal World
« on: November 07, 2017, 09:54:08 PM »
Just tried this today, and the results were less than spectacular. Once you hit the edge of the map, you get a notification saying "For some reason you dare not go any further!"

Stories / Re: The Challenge
« on: November 05, 2017, 04:17:32 PM »
Yes I suppose I cheated a bit in that sense lol I did destroy the pants and hat that I started with, but I was suffering from blood loss at the start so I didn't have much choice other than to cut the shirt up for something to stop the bleeding :P Also, after dying, I found out that I was South of Kuikka tribe land-forgot to add that into the story

General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:24:08 AM »
Just so you know: I gave this challenge a go, and posted my results in the Stories forum, where I've started a thread for people to post their stories after trying the challenge :)

Stories / Re: The Challenge
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:13:26 AM »
My first run did not go well.

I started with several minor puncture wounds, as well as two severe cuts in the abdomen. I cut my shirt into bandages, applied them to the worst wounds, and headed West in hopes of finding a river. After a full day of walking, and eventually stumbling through the darkness in the seemingly endless lichenous pine forest before finally succumbing to the cold and starting a fire for the night, I happened upon a great deal of lingonberry bushes. Oh what a joyous find! After filling up as best I could on the berries, I noticed the sun was rising and I was feeling desperately thirsty, so I continued my journey.

After two more days of travelling in this manner, I hadn't found anything in the way of something to drink. I found more than enough lingonberries to keep my stomach full, but I could tell that my body was weakening from hunger, and the berries could only sate my thirst so much; I had to find water.

Two more days, still no water to be found, but those berries are everywhere and I seemed to be cursed by them! To only have enough to feel full, but know that your body is falling apart for lack of real nutrition, it's maddening! It was on the sixth night that I found my reprieve...

The sun was down and I could barely see even a meter in front of me, but I just couldn't stop my body from moving forward. I needed water, I needed it more than anything in the world, and even the numbing cold was a mere nuisance in comparison to the nail of thirst that was driving itself into me. I was exhausted and confused as I trudged on in the pitch black of the night, but I was aware enough to hear the crack of ice as I blindly stepped onto the frozen surface of the lake. As I felt the ice give way beneath me, I had a feeling of bitter happiness; I found water! Once I was fully submerged I realized that I was too tired to make my way back to shore, and smiled because I knew now that I wouldn't have to wander aimlessly through this frozen wasteland anymore, nor would I worry about thirst or hunger. The sun came up just as I felt myself slipping into my icy sleep, and I looked to the forest one last time. My smile turned to a frown at what I was gazing upon, and my final thought hit my mind like a hammer: "Lingonberries...dammit."

Stories / The Challenge
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:52:01 AM »
I'm starting this thread as a place for people to post their stories after trying out "The Challenge" as posted by nekot in the General Discussion forum :)

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