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Messages - Plotinus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 30
Gameplay questions / Re: A lot of "Whoa"?! How to go on now?
« on: June 11, 2024, 09:22:17 PM »
This has happened to me before, too! It used to be that if you planted a big field like this, you'd start losing items. Now, this warning appears a while before you reach the game's limit, so probably your items will be safe but you should still take some precautions -- better safe than sorry and that's a lot of plants.

Take any loose items that you want to keep -- your spare axes and your spare clothes and all the random stuff that characters acquire and put them at least 3 world map tiles away from the edge of your giant field.

Some plants may disappear due to the limit but most of your harvest will be fine. You'll have enough food to eat for years.

When it comes time to harvest, stack the harvested plants neatly, 10000 nettles in a single pile count as one item for the sake of this limit.

In the future, if you leave two blank rows between each row of crops, you won't hit the limit. I like to do cellular automata patterns like the sierpinski triangle for my fields beause this pattern will automatically fill only a third of the space.

Mod Releases / Re: Vivi's Skill Training
« on: June 08, 2024, 06:24:18 AM »
I think this might be a bug in the game related to the pausable crafts. Mods work by pretending that the item you produce is a regular in game item, like a rock or a branch or a board. It was added recently that many of the lumber crafts can be paused and then continued later. So maybe the game is mistakenly applying this to the modded items when it shouldn't.

You should report it in the bug reports section

General Discussion / Re: Testing after technical problems
« on: June 06, 2024, 04:31:11 PM »
Glad you're back up!

Bug reports / Re: [3.84.2] crawling while skiing
« on: June 05, 2024, 06:07:58 AM »
I don't really have an opinion about whether it should be disallowed, but if it's left in the game, the speed should be reduced.

Suggestions / Re: Companions with stone axes
« on: June 05, 2024, 06:05:49 AM »
I was on the fence about where to post it. I couldn't decide whether it was a bug or a not implemented yet.

General Discussion / Re: Had a dream about Unreal World
« on: June 04, 2024, 09:16:13 PM »
It means you've been playing it a lot. It happens to me too if I do something a lot

Bug reports / [3.84.2] crawling while skiing
« on: June 04, 2024, 08:10:47 PM »
I was reading through some old news.txt entries, and saw that in 3.17 it was added

Code: [Select]
        1. Now you can remove skis also by [T]ake off command.
        2. Now you can't ski while crawling.
        3. Now you can't ski without ski stick.

But I can crawl while skiing. The picture and text shows me as skiing, the message log fills up with

You crawl.
You ski.
You crawl.
You ski.

My speed while crawl-skiing reduces fom 4km/hour to 1 km/hour. If I take off my skis, then my walking speed is 1km/hour and my crawling speed is 0 km/hour.

Suggestions / Re: Companions with stone axes
« on: June 04, 2024, 07:31:09 PM »
My companion says he is talented at timbercraft, but it seems he is a miracle working :)

Suggestions / Companions with stone axes
« on: June 04, 2024, 06:21:36 PM »
I read in news.txt that

Code: [Select]
- fixed: companions performing some tasks too fast
         Due to miscalculations in companion time counters they managed to complete some tasks, eg. felling trees, all too fast. The issue was mostly noticed in woodworking tasks, but you may find some other companion performed tasks also to appear in slower more reasonable pace now.

I gave my companion a stone axe. He felled a tree in 1 hour, and carved a trunk into a log in 1 hour. Then he made some boards for me. The boards took a couple hours I think, and he got 3 perfect boards, 15 fine boards, and 2 decent boards.

It seems that tool suitability is not yet implemented for NPCs when it comes to how long tasks take or the quality of items they produce.

I don't know how many big trees I chopped with it, but at least 70. And of course I made them into logs, too.

Hi, I think this might not be a bug, it might be a feature. But it's not mentioned in news.txt, so I wasn't sure if it's intentional or not. When a stone axe haft breaks, you don't get a sharpened stone axe head, you get a regular stone, which cannot be rehafted.

This makes sense to me because maybe the stone head is also no longer sharp after all these trees I've chopped with it.

Code: [Select]
Worn haft of your stone-axe breaks!
The stone drops on the ground.
Huh? It's not possible to haft stones!

Bug reports / [3.84] a very large spring
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:33:25 AM »
Kari, a migrated character, is visiting a village which on the shore of a lake. The parts of the lake that overlap the village have been changed to a giant spring. I can provide a save if needed.

Clothing items are capped at decent, because in real life, it takes about a month to make an article of clothing, but in the game you can make it within a day. I think this may change once clothing becomes a pausable task.

I think this cap is throug a separate mechanic, not related to common skill. Using fine cords won't change the quality of the clothing beyond decent. I've made perfect cords before.

It is a waste of your fine furs to craft clothing items, unless you are just starting out and in danger of freezing. If you are freezing, make clothes now, there will be more fine furs later.

Gameplay questions / Re: Is someone stealing my poop?
« on: May 22, 2024, 06:23:29 AM »
The feces is getting absorbed into the ground and increasing the fertilisation of that bit of land. Even if you keep it in the cellar, it will happen. I'm not sure the logic of this happening in winter.

The workaround I've found is to pack it onto an animal.

Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« on: May 21, 2024, 08:49:25 PM »
I managed to get a paddle in the version before it was implemented that you could make boardsd with a stone axe:

On the island in the summer there are nettles growing. Harvest all of them, and plant their seeds, and process the fibers for yarn and then cord and then rope. Try to get perfect or fine yarn and mix only those into cords. If you can get a fine nettle rope, you will be able to make a fine stone axe, and with a fine stone axe, you can make boards. There won't be enough nettles in the first year for this, but by the second year, there will be, if you plant a lot of them in spring.

Also practice swimming near the shore -- if you can train up to 100 swimming then you might be able to get to land faster than the nettles plan. Figure out how many tiles you can swim by swimming along the shore of your island, it will vary depending on endurance, then zoom out and consider your options. Always stop swimming before your fatigue is equal to your swimming skill, and stay just one step away from safety while training it.

It may also happen that when winter comes, the sea ice will freeze and you'll be able to get to a bigger island, or even the mainland.

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