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Topics - Rolman99

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Character metabolism varies by size?
« on: July 15, 2023, 02:12:02 PM »
Just wondering if I'm hallucinating:

Rolled myself a big ole Kaumolaiset at a shocking-for-the-Iron-Age 1.93m by 95kg, definitely the largest character I've ever played and loving the strength, fast running, and high carry weight.

But I swear the dude goes from "abundant" or "nourished" to starvation in like 24 hours tops. And not a no-food 24 hours, a crowberries and one squirrel cut 24 hours. I feel like in the past with more average-sized characters it took a couple days or even the better part of a week of that kind of diet before hitting starvation.

So, do you gotta eat more if you're big?

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