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Topics - Jojobejo

Pages: [1]
I have added 124 of my own custom portraits to the game. Whenever I try to start a new game, it always freezes and crashes after confirming the scenario. None of the files are damaged, the files are all PNG and 200x200 pixels. I noticed that if I add only a few portraits, it will work. I'll then add a little more and see if it still works. But It seems to vary with every experiment at what point it starts crashing. I have no Idea how to fix this anymore. Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a cap to custom portraits? Do I have to change something in the code? For reference, I've added:

25 female, 22 east, 23 west, 19 north, 9 girl, 11 kid, 10 oldman, 5 sage.

Mod Releases / Jojo's Unreal Portraits
« on: December 24, 2022, 07:10:29 AM »
Howdy yall. I've been really enjoying Unreal World lately but wanted to get some more immersive portraits for the game. Since just had a major update, I decided to create a portrait set for the game. made some real beautiful portraits that I felt fit the immersion so well. I also tried to be consistent in how I categorized the portraits east/west/north.

Download Here: ""

I originally made this just for myself but decided to share the fruits of my labor after spending a few hours generating, converting and assembling. I think they came out great! check them out:

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