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Topics - Kantall

Pages: [1]
I've decided to survive as a hunter/trapper and for the most part this is going well. During spring I got a lot of elks, stags and the odd wolf and bear wandering into my trap fence (Two world map tiles long, with a non-spiked pit every 6-7 area tiles apart, not sure if this is a decent setup or not) and I didn't even have to bait it, every few days I'd have a new prize. These early successes have faded though and I haven't had an animal caught in it for over a month, nor in my bear traps in spruce mires. I have no bait for herbivores honestly, since I read it's turnips I need and although I have a box of turnip seeds, I missed the right time to plant them and will have to see winter through now.

My trapping skill is 65% and though I'm not sure if it matters I make sure to be reasonably unburdened, unfatigued and fully fed/watered when setting my traps. I've baited them all with smoked meat, though I can't find ouit anywhere if this works as bait.

If anyone could run through some trapping tips or point me toward a good trapping guide I'd really appreciate it.

Following on from this I do have a couple of minor questions I couldn't find the answers to.

Where can I buy cows? I've searched a good amount of Reemi, Koivula and Kiesse villages though admittedly haven't been able to go further yet. I've found pigs, sheep and dogs but no cows/bulls.

For actual hunting my strategy has been, against animals that flee (Stags, elk and reindeer) to command my dog to attack, fire a couple of arrows at the target while it's fleeing, then chase the tracks in a walk, switching to a run when I hear my dog barking. Is there any way I could improve on this?

Finally, my agriculture is at 0%. Is it worth just ignoring farming altogether with that in mind or will I still get a reasonable harvest at 0%? Or, does the skill raise fast enough to make it worth pursuing?

Thankyou to anyone who can answer any of these.

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