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Topics - Bakkat

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General Discussion / A lovely reward
« on: July 10, 2017, 06:20:09 AM »

He decided to do a long trip, perhaps from the northern areas to the southern coast (or viceversa). As the resources he got were quite few (some nice clothes, few tools, no food. Travelling light) everytime he had covered a nice portion of land, there he went biulding a shelter and settling several light lever traps. Once the belly got full enough, and the strenghts raised back, he then kept walking miles and miles again. Not without before disable all the traps.

Happent in the middle of the way that the tiredness and the low energy was strongly asking him to settle for a while. Shelter, rest, and the several ligth lever traps settled around. Seven in this spot, twelve there, five here and other eight over there.
Days went by, and no single hare nor bird captured. Patiently he tried to hunt some small games around while giving more chances to the traps. And yet, no single slice of meat to roast...

After quite a fair number of sunrises he kept going on the journey. He hadn't eaten in all that time, so he wasn't going to take the effort to disable every single trap he had settled before to keep hitting the road.

Here comes the thing. He had already left behind several forests and mountains when a feeling cought him during night time. Even starvation beeing around the corner, he went back to disable them all. And even if he knows the world sometimes has no explainations, he felt the Spirits smiling at him for his actions once he was there in the shelter, near a fire, eating the roasted preys the woods conceed to him.

Suggestions / Regarding dog's behaviour in front of danger
« on: May 25, 2017, 03:15:17 AM »
Dogs are living creatures with their own will.
Dogs could not follow orders, flee in front of dangers, and so on.
Dogs could be a killing machine if they truly love their owner. They could be...
But as well, they could just decide to run away if the things gets nasty.
Another unworthy suggestion haha ^^'

Stories / Bakinho's short story
« on: May 23, 2017, 05:18:20 PM »
    They left him in the village entrance. The large group had lost its youngest member. And in the end, it was his own choice.
    Bakinho said good-bye and took a look over the place - A light rain falling constantly. An old man, sitting in a cabbin's door, watched into the boy's eyes: "Life is rough - they seemed to express - but you don't know about that yet".
    He didn't enter and went ahead with his lonely trip, seeking for a water source and getting into the unknown. It was not until he found a tiny lake, that the rain stopped. A new page in his life's book was up to be written, this new chapter living by his own.

    His first days were so hard. He knew plenty skills, in their mind and body, but his soul seemed to have sleept away: that burning flame in it was almost extinguished. He couldn't build a fire, fall a tree, get food. He had forgotten everything...


-Hi, my name is Bakinho. I am starving - I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. And a tiny, streched stomach.
-Hello, Stranger, we don't know who you are - Answered the old man.
-I need something to eat - I begged.
-Pick up whatever you want, but pay for everything you pick - He stared at me.

I went out the village. What were they doing, taking care of their own beloved ones and property or beeing pitiless?


Those days were even roughers. But Bakinho managed to fish and fullfill his stomach by himself. Never getting enough food, although he could get over the starvation and its issues. He realized that those tiny wild 'fruits' were edible, that those tree leaves were a great wall to get away the weather elements so then sleep better. His spiritual flame was growing. And he was thankful to the Great Spirits for that.


I am alone, I need to talk with someone. Is this what i think it is? And the village's people shown me their backs. Yeah, this is a fresh track! Some child, they are purer, they are more gentle. So you are going to the north, huh? It seems like a big creature. A child or maybe a good friend to be with me, to share even silence. I have to be very... careful... it saw me! Run!


Tomorrow will be a better hunting day. Luckely i have fish for breakfast.


Bakinho climbed up to the top of a hill, and watched the peaceful horizon. Two human shapes into the far. He went for the encounter, that was a great sign of providence, claiming that finally some fraternal warmth was near.


-Hello, my name is Bakinho. I am hunting - I said with a smile in my face, to the tallest man there.
-Hi, friend o'mine. You seem like a great hunter! Just look at you! - He replied with a perfect smile.
-Well, i do what i can. I am improving, though. 'Cause i am young. Now i became a lonely man - I said, my chest got bigger and wider.
-You are! Look that staff, such a masterpiece. You'd fight three bears back in a row - His vivid eyes had a hidden secret. I heard two human laughing behind me.
-I... c-can te-teach you how to make one fo-for yourself - I began to fear.
-Don't lose your time, just handle me that spear and knife, then if i feel mercyful i'll let you go with your legs still sticked in your body.
I am screwed, i thought. The last thing i felt was a hard hit in my head.


I woke up. The forest was strange, my inner, desolated. I was all broken and slowly i managed to recover. I understood i couldn't feed myself with those great fruits. I couldn't fish nor hunt.
I didn't find my way back either. After several days I found my shelter, and entered in the village, some hundred of meters away.


-Hi, i am Bakinho. I really need your help, I...-
-Hello Stranger. What do you want? - She asked.
-I need to recover myself, i am not well - I was clearly bleeding.
-I am really sorry, i cannot help you -

Fury. Anger. Awoke a demon within. I hitted her in the head, she ran away screaming in pain. I catched her again and hitting, i knocked her down.

He stayed in front of the unconcious body, breathing heavily, his mind drifting away. Some loud screaming were getting closer.

-There he is. I saw him, he is trying to kill her. Come everybody. He is trying to kill her!-

The old man hitted Bakinho's head with a club. Wasn't until there that he went back into reality. Bakinho fighted back, and really quickly understood he had failed. A second man arrived, with a knife. The two men were stabbing and hitting him. Bakinho just got lost into a dark new place, a new world.

At the end this was a short trip. That thorax stab was deep! huh! And i just have to say... those hits in my head are crushing my skull... to the Great Spirit, how regreted i am.
Another stab...


The coward young boy learnt from this life, and the soul's trip goes on. Now in another place, no more in this world. He learnt from mistakes and suffering, now he awaits a new oportunity to go beyond understanding.

(Migrated post. This section were quite blank. This was the first experience i had with the game some several months ago. I loved it. Regards)

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