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Topics - JP_Finn

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Suggestions / Inventory interface change/tuning
« on: April 17, 2020, 06:09:33 PM »
At the moment arrow keys 'left' and 'right' in inventory are duplicates of 'up' and 'down'.
Multiple keyboards on laptops and alternative platforms don't have PgUp and PgDn keys.
Would it be possible to either have the 'left'-'right' arrow keys to hop between groups* or to function as PgUp and PgDn keys?

*Weapons, Armour&Clothes, Containers, et cetera

Suggestions / Mushroom blanching
« on: April 17, 2020, 12:09:05 AM »
Currently the limit to Boil / blanch mushrooms is set to 10 pieces. That's 1lb for most uncooked/raw mushrooms. sure mushrooms aren't as dense as meat/vegetables, but even mushroom soup (when using non-poisonous mushroom directly) accepts 2lbs of mushrooms, or 20 of the same mushrooms used mentioned above. So it shouldn't be volume of the pot issue.

Can we increase the boiling item intake, for mushrooms, to 20 or 30 items? (the boil herbal/meat/fish I feel is good as is at 10 pieces)

Edit: larger mushroom like Bearpaw at 0.4 lbs, the set max of 10 is pretty good. So smaller 0.1lbs mushrooms max would be nice at 40 units, or 4 lbs, like bearpaws'.

Suggestions / Winter hides
« on: April 13, 2020, 05:55:28 PM »
The winter hides are at the moment strictly bound to the UnReal calendar. Come Winter, animals tend to puff up before cold hits and most every year the first frost and snowfall do align pretty nicely with the Winter Season and beginning of Dirt month.

But come Swidden and beginning of Summer, with snow still knee/thigh/waist high, animals suddenly drop their winter fur.
It'd be bit more appropriate if the animals shed their warm winter fur after the cold/freezing season has passed.
i.e. animals should retain their winter fur until ice is mostly or fully gone (Swidden to Fallow);  according to weather, not calendar.

Suggestions / Dog commands
« on: April 11, 2020, 07:22:27 PM »
Can we please call our dogs to Come, even when we see them, but are outside of ‘conversation range’

Also, command to ‘Chase’ would be nice, as in: follow/track, bark, not engage.

Side note: badgers should tear up dogs. Albeit dying in the process.

I’ve hunted furbearers with terriers and dachshunds both. From caves and under barns etc. if it is raccoon dog or fox, no problem with either dogs.
If it’s badger and hunt with terrier; it’s always a vet trip to stitch the dog back together; as terriers engage their prey and drag it out. Badger’s claws are no joke.
With dachshund and badger; the dog corners and chases the prey out of the cave (they naturally dig multiple entrances to their in-ground nests) for the hunter to kill it.

Suggestions / Word choice on joining tying equipment
« on: April 10, 2020, 02:54:26 AM »
Currently joining ropes and cords returns:
After tying the two **tying equipment joined** together you now got xx ft **tying equipment joined**
Suggestion is to change to:

After splicing the two **tying equipment joined** together you now got xx ft **tying equipment joined**
After braiding the two **tying equipment joined** together you now got xx ft **tying equipment joined**
^^ for ropes

It'd be sort of difficult to tie 2 items together and not lose linear feet.

Another one where I'm not certain if bug / sugestion.

When digging a pit and taking a break, it can't be filled up; unless it's dug all the way first.
2nd, I noticed when I drop bones of dead father (unfortunate hunting trip) in the pit and then filling the pit up; the bones surfaced... good thing I didn't bury the mutilated corpse earlier in the spring (well, ground was frozen). Might've got a zombified father  :P

So, here's my request/suggestion:
    • Allow filling of partially dug pit, either from Building|Deconstruct, or add inquiry when applying shovel at the pit: Continue digging pit Y/N, and if answered N, then ask to fill the partially dug pit Y/N
    • Anything left in partially or fully dug pit should be memorized by the game. i.e. buried bones*.  And also, to allow us to stash backup items in case of robbers etc. Pushing on to Big Rocks or into trees seems like anyone *should be able* to just pull them down (NPCs won't. At least not at the moment)

    *although iron age burial tended to be stone mounds. Maybe allow cooking "robber roast" i.e. carcass buried couple feet, then bonfire lit on top.

Forest Reindeer description mentions:
"Both males and females are horned"
Neither actually has horns, they're antlers.
(found commonly on bovids vs cervids. Permanent vs annual shed)

Suggestions / Snow melting for drinking water
« on: April 04, 2020, 05:47:17 AM »
Once snow shoveling goes live, can we also get “scoop snow” and then either “boil” or take scooped snow indoors to heated cabin/cave keep by fire outdoors and melt it?

(Before southerners or city folks think otherwise, eating snow to hydrate doesn’t work; too much body heat is lost in the process)

Suggestions / Rain catchment/cabin roof/gutters/barrels or troughs
« on: April 04, 2020, 05:41:12 AM »
It would be iron-age appropriate if we could carve log gutters for rain catchers on our cabins.

Not bugs / [Not a bug] Northern cultures clothing discrepancy
« on: April 04, 2020, 05:28:20 AM »
Northern Cultures are wearing linen, nettle and woollen (+leather footwear) garments, yet none of the villages NEVER have a single such item for sale. (I've yet to see the Northern cultures offer for sale any piece of clothing.)
Doesn't make any sense, either they travel south and buy clothes with extras, or only wear locally made stuff.

=/= !!Logic!!

Suggestions / Stuff sack/bag
« on: April 03, 2020, 04:33:31 PM »
Would be extremely nice to have a stuff sack in game.
I.e. enable containers, at least bag, possibly birchbark basket too, to be able to take multiple types of items in and also get them out manually.
Nethack/rogue style “Bag of Holding” where you can ‘apply’ the bag to put in or take out items.
(Apply bag, then fill/put it/take out (instead of ‘empty in to oblivion)

With a nod to travois, sled/sleigh&cart in dev notes. Presumably they’ll have some sort of inventory management?
Would enable quick drop of excess weight when active hunting. Would help nomadic characters “move camp”. Could also help trappers re-bait small game trap fences.

Of course, if a bag has flour in it, game should ask if the flour should get contaminated/dirty/disposed.

Bug reports / Graphic glitch, underground cave wall
« on: April 03, 2020, 03:10:12 AM »
When it rains/snows, it's visible on cave walls. INCLUDING indoor/underground ones.
Minor issue, purely cosmetic/immersion.

Multi-part suggestion INCOMING!

  • please enable open/close of shutters (from inside or outside) with same mechanism as doors (i.e. also out of view)
  • smoking duration should be decreased to 2-3 days AND would require the fireplace to be burning or hot.
  • before entering the smoking room, shutter(s) & door should be opened for "smoke has cleared a bit" similar message to "It smells like *food* is ready". Or get woozy/CO poisoning, when burning fire in sauna/cabin with all shutters closed.
  • enable smoke from fires (with a nod to dev note on dry/wet clothes and firewood; wet wood smokes a lot more than dry/cured wood)
  • with door/shutters open, expedite heat loss from room&fireplace, moreso with below freezing temperatures. (wake up shivering in your cabin; forgot shutters open and already extremely tired... light small fire with shutters closed... or bigger fire with one shutter open... choices between suffocation & hypothermia  :-X
  • enable/disable external light with open/close shutters&doors. (cabins, caves)
This would change the labor&attention, smoking takes, also would make the meat available sooner. If the fireplace--room is cold too long, the meat/fish would spoil, or at best turn out to be awful.
It'd also make winter survival, even with cabin, bit more challenging/intricate; scheduling burning&smoke to clear, prior to going to sleep. Or burn the fire with shutter open and lose some heat.
This'd make using sauna as a smokehouse in winter more inline with historical--present smoking of the delicious animal proteins  ;D

Suggestions / Outdoor light to caves
« on: April 03, 2020, 02:00:05 AM »
I was contemplating posting this in bugs vs suggestions... anyway.

Once a cave front gets a door built on it, no light enter the cave, even if the door is open.
This is partially mitigated by Building | Wooden | Ceiling & Floor which illuminates the interior.

So my suggestion would be to allow an open door &/ shutter to let light in the cave. Say 5-6 tiles 10-12m
Do not auto illuminate the depths of the cave even with built ceiling&floor.

Bug reports / Climbing up, in to a wall
« on: April 02, 2020, 12:11:27 AM »
Found an odd one: can climb to inside a wall.
Setup needs a climbable  rock wall upon which a log wall is built. Climbing that slope will position the character in/on the wall.
Not sure if NPC could climb up and bypass a wall. Neither have I've had a chance to test if enemy arrows would hit the wall or the character.
see pics VV

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