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Messages - Airali

Pages: [1]
First things first: I just signed up on the forum, so I think that I should probably start by saying hello, it's nice to meet you all :)

I discovered the game through Reddit during the past Christmas holidays, I was sick at home with a very bad cold and looking for an immersive and in-depth survival game to sunk hours and hours into, and saw lots of users recommending this UnReal World game, so I said to myself "This game must be really cool, I should probably try it", and I'm so glad that I did because I love it, I've been playing it everyday since then, and you should know that I'm that kind of gamer who endlessly jumps from one game to another, so the fact that I've been sticking with it since then it's quite of an accomplishment for the game :D

P.S: English is not my native language (I am italian), so I apologize for all the mistakes that could be present in my posts, due to lack of practice my written english is becoming a bit rusty, but I hope you can bear with me :)

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