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Messages - XxYvngJermxX

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Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Game loading bug
« on: March 16, 2023, 05:13:36 AM »
I've been a huge supporter of this game since it came out and have loved every second of it. I recently decided to switch from the original download to the steam download edition and had no issues whatsoever. I decided to run the game today and had some issues. As the game initially loaded, some of the game plug-ins failed to load causing lingering text boxes from interactions, the home screen to not load properly, character creation window to be completely invisible showing only the black screen from the startup screen. When i loaded an old save, after doing interactions the crafting window and steps would continue to linger on my screen and the values such as encumbrance and temperature would appear in random areas of the right panel. I deleted all of my files including mods and uninstalled it then reinstalled everything (thinking my modding may be outdated for current standard) to no avail. Everything still isn't working. Any ideas for a solution?

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