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Rid of the crash related creature and item losses We're clearing bugs away from the path of a stable tag, which is shining in the horizon and to be attached to 3.50beta version soon enough.  Lately I've tried to find ways to improve crash security to overcome creature and item losses when travelling with companions and watercrafts. Not a frequent issue, but a real annoyance if it might happen to you.
And now I think a reliable and fast way to get rid of this legacy issue has been found, and will be put to effect in the next patch.

There's now extra data save added upon each map load to provide crash security and to minimize certain creature and item loss potential. Previously it was quite often the case that the pets and companions you were travelling with would disappear upon a crash. The same sort of crash related disappearence might also happen to the items you were transporting with a watercraft - including the watercraft. This sort of losses should be history now. Crashes may naturally lose some progress in the game world, but all the creatures and items should stay intact and be available upon returning to post-crash UnReal World.

This is a future feature, not yet functional in 3.50 beta version.

January 23, 2018, 06:37:14 PM