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Hello world, hello forums Look at that! We do have new UnReal World forums now. Welcome!

We'll have a completely fresh start with these forums. Old post or users won't be migrated, but you may want (and are encouraged) to copy&paste your greatest/selected posts from the old forums. Now create an account, feel like at home and carry on posting and discussion as usual.
You can still find the old forums here.

Based on the community needs forum functionalities and boards will be expanded and tweaked along the way.
SMF engine is nicely moddable and hosting the forums of our own gives us all the control -- and zero ads.

Credits for forums background image edit goes to Simon "KillerFRIEND", and credits for early forum testing goes to bunch of trusted lifetime members.

We do have lifetime membership badges and section on these forums as well, and accounts lifetimers are upgraded with delay of few days from the registration.
If you are a lifetimer and don't seem to receive your badge, you may want to notify me by e-mail.  Do that especially if register on these forums with a completely different account.

We're quite busy with many different things, so don't expect quick replies to anything these days, but we'll try to keep the forum launch as smooth and painless as possible.
Things may still a bit under construction here and there, but the boards we've got here are familiar and playable already. :)

Now let's get these forums started. Be nice, be polite, and have fun with the power of the brave new boards. Speak, friend, and enter.

May 21, 2017, 04:39:50 PM
Drawings of my travels in UnReal. HI,

I didn't know where or how to post this, so it's going here.

Last Inktober 2016 I did a series of drawings, and from the 16th October to the 23rd they are inspired by UnReal World and a few characters I was playing with then.

Please feel free to comment and discuss.



June 08, 2017, 05:23:09 PM
Character Dementia Just had as close to character dementia as can be experienced in a video game.

Finished my cabin... built the sleeping bunk, and pushed all my lovely furs onto it to make it as cozy as possible. Woke up the next morning, and went out to the woods to cut timber for javelins. Came home to no furs.

Searched absolutely everywhere.. "Where would I have put them?!?!". I've never seen my own life so accurately represented as I frantically searched my entire camp ("WOULD I HAVE PUT THEM IN THE CELLAR?!?!").

Then it occurred to me. The cow. Yup... apparently in my exhaustion, having finished my cabin, I loaded all my furs on the cow, pushed it off the bed, and then went to sleep. I love this game.

August 05, 2017, 04:14:13 AM
Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command Let's announce just one small but significant upcoming addition....

 - added: wounded or starving dogs may refuse to attack on command

        If your dog is seriously wounded or starving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs still defend
        their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, but are just reluctant to act as war dogs who always
        run after a given target completely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you to keep your dogs
        more safe and better fed from now on.

This is an upcoming feature, not functional in the current version 3.40.

October 04, 2017, 02:21:40 PM