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Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll First saw this game at Jef's 10/12 hour streams, found a pirated version after that, played it for 6 more hours and bought the lifetime membership the next day. :P
May 06, 2017, 11:30:46 AM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll Was brought to my attention by Jefmajors streams, loved it then and still love it now, wish he was still active :c
February 13, 2018, 04:34:18 PM
Lika's Story Hello friends.  I've recently started playing this game again, after putting it down for a few years.  I think I've become enraptured with the folklore and even the developers themselves I've developed a keen interest in.  There is something very fascinating about the eccentricity of them, as well as the lifestyle of those you control within the game.

Anyway, I will preface this story by saying I am not a writer, nor an artist of the traditional variety at least.  You'll have to forgive me as I intend to supplement this story with some (crude) traditional drawings and proverbial speech of my own.

Lika is an escaped slave, most of you know of course this means they have very little to begin with.  My interpretation is that they were forced to build for their captors, thus their high skills in that region.

Hungry and alone, far into the west he went with only a stone knife to get him by.

And they will be starting far in the east, near the Njerpeziläis.

The Story:

Many years ago, a great event sparked great divide.  The Kaumolaiset engaged in a skirmish with the Njerpeziläis and it lit off an unending cultural war.  The Reemiläinen were therefore targeted for reasons of being similar enough to their Kaumolaiset neighbors.  It's disputed among elders why the reasons for this hatred is on-going, but the general consensus is that revenge outlives the trees and therefore, we will never see an end even when we cannot remember the beginning.

Lika's parents are but a distant memory, and his original name is long forgotten.  Only in his dreams does he experience his heritage, as the spirits whisper to him throughout the nights he is most hungry.  He can now speak two languages and understands his enemy is not so different from himself.  Grueling winters of building and working against his will has hardened his physical body, but more so his spirit.  Those in red have given Lika a new thought on revenge and future prosperity, and that in the end, everyone is reclaimed by nature.

One early midwinter Lika was involved in maintaining an outward camp, watched over by but one lowly Njerpeziläis warrior.  Seeing his opportunity to escape, he pushed the man over and ran as fast as he could, the sound of swearing and swaying chainmail behind him almost as loud as his heartbeats.  With arrows flying past him and the spirits of his ancestors pushing him forward, he managed to lose his captor in the trees and escaped without harm.

The gentle thicket swayed around him quietly, the distant noise of curse and footsteps long subsided.  Freedom.  It was at this moment, Lika knew what he must do.  Head west, to the Driikiläiset.  The traders.  He remembers them as the most difficult for his captors to attack.

Hungry and alone he will go, for many days.

To be continued...

May 08, 2020, 10:25:12 AM
Galgana's creature sprites This weekend, I took some time to revamp some predator models. Check them out in the before/after demo picture under the spoiler. Their prone sprites are also revamped.
The bird models had a bit of recoloring to make black grouse and capercaillie more distinguishable.
I also revised the water spirit after witnessing him walk on shore because the vanilla sprite did not help my immersion (especially since he showed up with nothing in his inventory).

Installation: unzip and drop PNG files into the truetile folder

list of revised sprite sheets:
  • black grouse
  • capercaillie
  • arctic fox (updated v1.03)
  • red fox
  • lynx
  • wolf
  • water spirit
  • dog (v1.01)
  • elk - male and female + antlers (v1.02)
  • sheep - male and female (v1.02)
  • squirrel (updated v1.03)
  • hare (v1.02)
  • small mustelids (v1.03)
  • willow grouse (v1.03)

See Wickham's Graphical Enhancement Project v1.3 for revamp of the forest reindeer by Krutzelpuntz.

Preview and comparison of animals with vanilla eastern man and prone bull for scale (v1.0):
Spoiler: show

Preview and comparison of water spirit (npc-wtrman):
Spoiler: show

August 16, 2020, 10:06:36 AM
[Tool] Character Designer v1.1.0b [Tool] Character Designer v1.1.0b

A nice little tool that allows you to combine and layer different apparel for custom pc-male and pc-female sprite sheets.
Comes packaged with over 140 unique default sprites for designing your dream character.

Created by myself and @Krutzelpuntz who provided some amazing 8 direction sprites for this project, as well as testing for bugs and providing great feedback. Major props to him for his amazing work.


  • Using the tool:
    By default, there are a variety of apparel items included in the tool for use, to begin start with a "Base" as your first layer. This layer represents your characters body, and should always be on the bottom of the list.

    Each layer type will contain apparel that you'll find on that particular layer:
    Spoiler: show

    When you're finished selecting what you'd like to add, click the add item button and it will add it to the list of layers on the left, where you can then move it on-top of or below other layers of apparel.

    The sprite sheet itself is automatically saved to the tools running directory as "TempSpriteSheet.png", you will need to rename this to "pc-male.png" or "pc-female.png" (depending on your characters gender), and then overwrite the original file in your UnRealWorld\truetile folder with the file generated by the program. As of 1.1.0, you may also use the save, and save as buttons.

    A couple of additional notes on check box options:
    • 8-Directional: Designates weather or not to generate the sprite sheet as 8-directions or 2. 8-Directional assets automatically generate 2-directional ones when this in unchecked. (meaning you can still use 8-directional sprites in 2-direction characters)
    • Add Fallen: Automatically generates the fallen pose for the sprite sheet.
    • Add Wading: Automatically generates the wading deep and shallow pose for the sprite sheet.
    • Add All 2Dir: Automatically generates a 2-directional sprite sheet from single 64x64 images (Not yet functional, fairly easy to add just lazy).

    Right click options:
    • Update Sprites: Checks the github's default sprite list for updates/new additions to the default sprites folder.
    • Goto home thread: Opens default web browser to this thread's page.
    • Goto fandom: Disabled for now.
    • Message developer: Opens default web browser to send a PM to @Night
    • Compiled BG Color: Allows you to set BG color of sprite sheet.

  • Adding new apparel to the tool:
    Adding new items for the tool to use requires only a small bit of configuration once you have the sprite you'd like to include. To begin, start by moving your new item to the "Sprites" folder, located in the tool's folder/directory. If you'd like, rename the file to something easier to organize amongst the rest of the sprites, otherwise continue on to the next step by opening Config.txt located in the tool's folder/directory.
    In the configuration file, you can scroll down to the section labeled [Sprites] (or just use cntl+F), where you'll be able to see the configuration data for the default sprites already included, to add your new sprite, simply label it in a similar fashion for example:

    My_Chestarmor_Blue.png=(Blue Scaled Armor,Chest,Scaled Armor,Iron,Blue)

    the format of this example being:


    note: as of 1.1.0, the beginning of the file name is a reference to its items, IE: Male_base, will only use Male_ labeled parts, where as Female_base, will only use Female_ labeled parts.

    The "Layer" parameter for configuration must be set to one of the following:
    "Base", "Head", "Face", "Hands", "Arms", "Chest", "Waist", "Legs", "Feet", "Hair", "Beard"

    When you have your file in the sprites folder, and the configuration setup properly, save the config file and start/restart the tool and your sprite should now be loaded and ready to use.

Future goals:
  • Complete layer saving/loading
  • Bug fix for cropping height on bases with varying heights
  • Community contributions to the default sprite sheets, possible reorganization of file management system if sheets are plentiful.
Version History:
  • v1.1.0b 5/24/21 - Updated image hosting URL, hopefully more reliable than fandom.
  • v1.1.0 10/30/20 - Lots of new sprite's added and updated, Female base added, added right click options (update sprites, sheet background color, etc), added save and save as for compiled sheets, upgraded selection filtration for bases and their counterparts
  • v1.0.0 - Initial release

Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam:

Fandom homepage: URWCharacterDesigner Wiki

Download attached to thread.
(Only registered viewers may see downloads)

   Night - Creator/Programming.
   Krutzelpuntz - Creator/8-Directional sprites, testing, constructive feedback.
   Enormous Elk - Unreal world.

Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed)

>Source for study<

October 13, 2020, 06:58:31 AM
Re: [Tool] Character Designer 1.0.0 Hey thanks for sharing the source code! I just dove into programming and the URW dev team was a great inspiration, and naturally I am interested in the things that also works around the game too ;D . I think it is really cool what you are doing with both the cheat menu and this program (obviously amazing sprites in the designer thanks to the artist).
October 20, 2020, 11:20:44 AM
Seasonal sales and Kekri customs Harvest festival sales are on at Steam and -- and in the Far North we do celbrate Kekri.
So let the new adventurers be respected with the discount, and the ancestral spirits with our special Kekri costumes and customs...

During this festivity period you can grab the game for decent discount on Steam, or from

It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North.

Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we.

Kekri Goat

Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink.
So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition?
Yes. He dresses up as Kekripukki.

We wish you happy and haunting Kekri time, or Halloween - if that suits you better.
Celebrate and participate!

October 30, 2020, 11:53:03 AM
Re: [Tool] Character Designer v1.1.0 imagine this being in the game, and if you equip stuff sprites change in time
November 03, 2020, 07:25:13 PM
[GUIDE] Obtaining and Playing UrW first version 1.00b from 1992 on a modern PC Summary
This is a guide to obtaining Unreal World version 1.00b (1992) and running it on your modern PC.

Background Information
9 years ago, in July 2012, Sami has got the flu and posted this on the old forums:
Summer flu - that's evil, but I've been touched by one.
Five days of coughing and sneezing - no stamina for more than handling e-mails....and browsing archives for ancient UrW versions!
The very first UrW version - 1.00b from 1992 is now available for download as a full version. Get it from here: (website to be updated later)
(editor's note this URL is no longer working --> )

Remember to view and follow the readme file.


It's been so long that I'm no expert in gameplay questions so good luck and have fun! Achoo.

To be clear he has included a registration code in the archive file and thus gifted the very first version of the game to the Internet. I would like to thank Sami for the registration code gift and for utilising his down time beneficial to the masses.

Step by Step Guide
Here is what you need to do to successfully run UrW1.00b on a modern PC.

1. Download and install DOSBox (or any other emulator you prefer such as dosemu although this guide mentions only DOSBox)
If you have never heard of it before here is a description from Wikipedia: "DOSBox is a free and open-source emulator which runs software for MS-DOS compatible disk operating systems".
It runs on many modern operating systems including the big three (Windows, Linux, macOS). Download it from the official website here:
If you have issues with setting up DOSBox, please refer to the online documentation here
Or if you are a video learner perhaps check YouTube for one of the step by step tutorials.

2. (Before getting into URW at all) First launch DOSBox and ensure you can boot into it successfully and reach the C:\> prompt. Then, exit DOSBox return to your normal O/S.

3. (Only once you have confirmed that your DOSBox is healthy) Download URW100b from reference #2 at the bottom of this post, then extract (unZIP) it on to your DOSBox C:\ volume's root thus you should have "C:\URW100B" and all game files under that directory.

4. DOSBox steps
4a. Launch DOSBox.
4b. (Do this only if you are not using DOSBox auto-mount feature) Manually mount the volume which holds URW100b so that it becomes visible to DOSBox.
4c. In DOSBox command prompt, go into the UrW1.00 directory with the command: CD \URW100B
4d. Use DOSBox special key combinations (listed in reference #3 at the bottom of this post) to speed up the emulation, set it to maximum cycles you can based on your actual PC hardware.
Note: that the purpose of using MAX EMULATION SPEED at this stage is to complete the next step as soon as possible because it is a heavy computation step and takes several minutes to complete (waiting patiently is incompatible with most modern people).

5. (Before creating a new character, one need to run world randomiser) To run the UnrealWorld1.00 World-Randomiser mini program execute this: RNDWORLD then wait patiently 2-5 minutes (or a few seconds if you are using MAX EMULATION SPEED).
Note: Sami provides information on this, in Reference #1 (at the bottom of this post).

6. Prepare for launching game: Use DOSBox special key combinations (listed in reference #3 at the bottom of this post) to slow down/speed up the emulation and try to set it to about 3750 cycles.
Note: If you do not do this, you might get lucky and it might work but the most likely outcome is you will get 'stuck' at the URW game main screen where it lists F1, F2 keys etc. - will look like your key presses are ignored.

7. Finally, launch the game with: URW
You will see that the on-screen instructions list;
F1 show story
F2 create a new character
F3 exit the game (back to DOS)
F4 will 'Enter to Ankhyrnia'

If you need help , please REPLY to this thread and I -and probably others too- will try to help.
If you spot missing steps or errors, likewise please REPLY and report so that we can improve the guide.


Reference #1: README for UnReal World 1.00b - full, registered version
UnReal World 1.00b - full, registered version

This is the very first version of UnReal World RPG (UrW) released in 1992.
You may be able to run the game from command prompt in Windows systems, but sometimes
DosBox emulator ( may be needed to play this ancient MS-DOS version.


This version is pre-configured to run in C:\URW100B directory.
For easy installation, extract contents of URW100B.ZiP to C:\URW100B folder.
(If you prefer to use alternate path you need to CONFIG.EXE after
 installation to change settings.)

Before starting the game you should run RNDWORLD.EXE. Rndworld needs to be
run EVERY TIME your character dies and you wish to create a new one - otherwise the
game maps won't renew. After running RNDWORLD you can start the game by
running URW.EXE. If you can't get the game running after creating the
character, you should exit the game and try to run it like URW CHARACTER
where CHARACTER is savefile name of the character you created. And once
more, when your character dies remember to run RNDWORLD before you start the 
game again.

All of this (and more) has been explained also in URW.DOC.

Have fun,

UrW author
Jul-6th-2012, celebrating 20th year of development of UrW

Reference #2: Unreal World version 1.00b (1992) download URL   (linked with permission from Sami)

File signatures (if you would like to check to be safe) are listed below. If you have not used this file signature concept before, here is a guide for MD5 signature verification on Windows:
     MD5: 38826fb600db8fdcb7fd738340310a28
   SHA-1: 3f3f5738b1a79ddd0fe79e698e87b1bafa258906
 SHA-256: 992fbbc90003f332c01fc785343acf85e0ebb6ce6df23a624f1e4d12e502385a
 SHA-512: 83fec8de5d6be51fbd7b355e0e9006b5345b972970b8ec6693eb1dc54b25e73770c2d43b8a9e7d69e5c3fd9dd3800bf2bfcc6b14829319fbff661410bf80c659

Reference #3: DOSBox Special Keys
CTRL-F11   Decrease DOSBox cycles (slows down the emulation).
CTRL-F12   Increase DOSBox cycles (speeds up the emulation).
Note: more special keys are listed here:

Edit 20211003: Received Sami's approval & added fileserver link to the file Removed MediaFire link.

October 03, 2021, 01:45:38 AM
I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? Hey guys, I've been working on a couple of animal sprites recently.

I've been a fan of Galgana's creature sprites (incredible, especially when compared to the vanilla sprites) for a long while and I thought I might as well try my hand at making sprites reminiscent of their work. These are still obviously my own creations (thanks MSPaint), but I wanted to create something that could be used in tandem with their mod, to fill the gaps more or less. Who knows, I may even create my own overhaul that covers all of the animals. If any of you have any suggestions on where I can improve or where I've f**ked up feel free to let me know. I've also dabbled with the rain and snow, it's always bugged me that you lose so much visibility in these weather conditions, but that's for another topic.

Here are the sprites, a humble badger, and beaver (already done the full sprites, these are just teasers).

EDIT: I modified the badger/beaver sprites and created two more, the glutton (wolverine) and polecat

December 06, 2021, 11:57:24 AM