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Re: Official Legacy Character Thread (multiplayer urw) Xena lives on!  Xena is another 4-5 year old character (real life years). She's 25 months old, has a giant house. Davidor has her right now.

We're always looking for more players if you're interested. Requirements are showing up in IRC now and then + being able to play your turn within a reasonable amount of time (you get 30 real life days to play 30 days of the character's life, but faster turnaround is appreciated.)

October 12, 2018, 09:05:22 PM
Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" The second world record received acknowledges UnReal World as a forefather of the genre.


Back in 2016 we got (and proudly hold) the record for longest update support for a videogame in GWR Gamer's Edition 2017.
And now, in the recently published Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2019 UnReal World gets the record for "First open-world survival videogame". Oops, we kind of created a videogame genre, but we do not regret :)

The book happily presented at the end of this post is a Finnish edition, and here's how GWR mentions the record in English:
    "The second millennial decade has witnessed an explosion of open-world survival games, particularly on the Steam platform with the success of PC tiles such as DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved and the battle-royale shooter PlayerUnknown's Battlegrouds.
    The genre's trues roots can most likely be traced back to the indie sandbox RPG UnReal World, first released in 1992. Set in Iron Age Finland, player's principal aim was to survive its challenging and harsh environments. Incredibly, the game was still going strong and receiving updates, as of September 2017. The game was developed by two people - head creator Sami Maaranen and programmer Erkka Lehmus (both Finland). As of September 2017, it held the record for longest update support for a videogame."
(Yeah, it's out-of-date info with latest updates as the books live in press-time info. And in case somebody wonders about the near future updates a new bugfix and balancing patch is actually to be released this month.)

Cheers and thanks to all of you for making history and taking part in creation of a videogame genre with us.

Erkka (co-designer) at the left, Sami (creator) and Alli (the cat) at the right.
And if you take a look at our previous GWR post it seems like have started a tradition with these world record promo pictures as well ;)

October 21, 2018, 12:03:14 PM
Re: Coffee - alcohol - drugs to work longer without sleeping Bear/Mother pipe will get you real high, try them.
October 21, 2018, 07:29:17 PM
Re: Change the wilderness map? In most cases, no.

However, I actually have gone out of my way to cut down every single tree in a map tile, and managed to turn a spruce forest into an open plains tile.

October 22, 2018, 06:38:44 AM
Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Time for a small but essential patch update. Version 3.52 is now released on Steam and for Lifetime Members.
Additions in the now released version are foremostly bugfixes for smoother survival, but some balancing of exploitish issues is also featured.

Find the full changelog below, here's UnReal World Steam page, and the version is also available for lifetimer members at the designated forums section.
Standalone installer versions at the homepage will be released in November.


Version: 3.52 (stable)

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version. **

 - balanced: villagers' interest to buy boards
         Previously trading boards could be used an exploit as villagers did buy them without any reasoning.
         Now there's a cap for villagers' interest in boards and they only buy the amount they want to
         have as a reserve. This varies from village to village, and some villages are not necessarily interested
         in player character's board trading attempts at all.

 - added: NPCs will store the obtained timber in the village

         NPCs may obtain timber (eg. boards) through trading. Previously NPCs just carried the heavy loads around
         causing unncessary burden for themselves. Now they eventually store the timber in the village.

 - added: roasting meat/fish decreases its weight

         We tought this was featured already, but no. Now roasted meat/fish loses about 25% its weight in the process.

 - updated: NORTHERN BOW game encyclopedia info + image added

 - added: new NPC kid portrait

          Still not much variety with kid portraits, but if you are into portrait customization more of them can be now
          added for kids as well -> truegfx/kid?.png

 - fixed [Linux]: redundant libcurl dependency removed

 - fixed: character creation extra skill point issue for 0% skills

          Increasing and then decreasing skill for 0% level skills mistakenly allowed two points then to be spent
          on the said skill.
 - fixed [rare condition]: quest generation and companion rehire delays

          Long lived migrated character might encounter extremely long intervals between new quest generation and
          earlier NPC companions willingness to be rehired.

 - fixed [rare condition]: bird thief quest sages forgetting about the quest

          This occurred only with long lived characters. Sages involved in the quest first talked about
          it normally, but might not recognize the quest anymore after a while.

 - fixed: kids not recovering from wounds and injuries

 - fixed: young animal skins were worth the same as adult animals skins

          Now the price is reasoned according to the skin size.

 - fixed: when trading with NPC the accepted items they couldn't carry just disappeared from their inventory after the trade

          Now the excess items NPCs can't properly carry are put on the ground as a common village property.

 - fixed [rare condition]: aquatic birds flying still above the frozen waters

          This was a result of aquatic birds terrain exploration routines failing to find them new meaningful areas to check if the waters at their habitat got completely frozen.

 - fixed [rare occasion]: irrelevant quest related persons appearing in chat dialog
          Sometimes you were given chat options to ask whereabouts of irrelevant quest related persons in the village.   

 - fixed: young animals giving as much fat as the adults

          Now the fat yield from young animals is more or less smaller depending on the cub/calf actual age and size.

 - fixed: nameless villagers ie. occasional blank NPC names

 - corrected typos: harvesting dialog "select select the plants..." -> "Select the plants..."
                    northern name "Duo?gi" -> "Duongi"


October 28, 2018, 02:09:26 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Villages are not shopping malls... You are getting to comfy with today's economy and logistics.
Things in village inventory are the stocks they are willing to part with but not some "for sale" displays.

November 01, 2018, 05:38:45 PM
Re: "Make" trees and animal kids
Create saplings (they could be available in autumn using timbercraft menu) which can be used for growing tree. A tree would grow in two game-years.

Do you mean saplings should grow to full size trees in two game-years? Why...
Conifers are still saplings even after a decade.

November 01, 2018, 06:20:24 PM
Re: 3.52 Update? That's great. On Steam, I had this clever plan to trade most of the stuff I had to give up for a Northern spear. I would, of course, make boards! Worked fine, twice, for about 12 boards total. Then I got a real surprise reply after I MOVED a dozen more, from a good distance. 'We don't need no stinking boards!' lol (OK, They didn't REALLY say that, but they should have!)
November 02, 2018, 04:52:24 AM
Re: The song of robbers "Loot and mayhem makes my day,
Robbing strangers is the way!
When we are done with our toils,
Home to Kaumo with the spoils."  :P

November 06, 2018, 09:13:52 PM
Version 3.52 released on the homepage Version 3.52 standalone installers have been now released on UnReal World  website, at Downloads section.
Additions foremostly bugfixes for smoother survival, but some balancing of exploitish issues is also featured.


Here's the changelog:

Code: [Select]
Version: 3.52 (stable)

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version. **

 - balanced: villagers' interest to buy boards
         Previously trading boards could be used an exploit as villagers did buy them without any reasoning.
         Now there's a cap for villagers' interest in boards and they only buy the amount they want to
         have as a reserve. This varies from village to village, and some villages are not necessarily interested
         in player character's board trading attempts at all.

 - added: NPCs will store the obtained timber in the village

         NPCs may obtain timber (eg. boards) through trading. Previously NPCs just carried the heavy loads around
         causing unncessary burden for themselves. Now they eventually store the timber in the village.

 - added: roasting meat/fish decreases its weight

         We tought this was featured already, but no. Now roasted meat/fish loses about 25% its weight in the process.

 - updated: NORTHERN BOW game encyclopedia info + image added

 - added: new NPC kid portrait

          Still not much variety with kid portraits, but if you are into portrait customization more of them can be now
          added for kids as well -> truegfx/kid?.png

 - fixed [Linux]: redundant libcurl dependency removed

 - fixed: character creation extra skill point issue for 0% skills

          Increasing and then decreasing skill for 0% level skills mistakenly allowed two points then to be spent
          on the said skill.
 - fixed [rare condition]: quest generation and companion rehire delays

          Long lived migrated character might encounter extremely long intervals between new quest generation and
          earlier NPC companions willingness to be rehired.

 - fixed [rare condition]: bird thief quest sages forgetting about the quest

          This occurred only with long lived characters. Sages involved in the quest first talked about
          it normally, but might not recognize the quest anymore after a while.

 - fixed: kids not recovering from wounds and injuries

 - fixed: young animal skins were worth the same as adult animals skins

          Now the price is reasoned according to the skin size.

 - fixed: when trading with NPC the accepted items they couldn't carry just disappeared from their inventory after the trade

          Now the excess items NPCs can't properly carry are put on the ground as a common village property.

 - fixed [rare condition]: aquatic birds flying still above the frozen waters

          This was a result of aquatic birds terrain exploration routines failing to find them new meaningful areas to check if the waters at their habitat got completely frozen.

 - fixed [rare occasion]: irrelevant quest related persons appearing in chat dialog

          Sometimes you were given chat options to ask whereabouts of irrelevant quest related persons in the village.   

 - fixed: young animals giving as much fat as the adults

          Now the fat yield from young animals is more or less smaller depending on the cub/calf actual age and size.

 - fixed: nameless villagers ie. occasional blank NPC names

November 12, 2018, 11:16:47 AM