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Re: Any mods out there that allow you to modify your starting stats? Sorry y'all, you got got by another bot
August 02, 2020, 06:41:38 AM
Re: 5 reasons why Unreal World is one of the most original and rewarding games ever, This one, too, was a spam-bot for the post is a copy-paste from a reddit post some years old.

I've seriously tightened the forum anti-spam measures, but still it seems that some bots manage to sneak through. Sigh. Well, I need to think if something more can be done. And in the meantime I'll be manually weeding off the spammer accounts. Fellow forumers, please use the "report to moderator" function when you spot a message which appears to be a copypaste from old forum posts or from reddit or some other urw-related discussion forums.

ps. I'll still leave the copypasted post here, for the content is okay. I just blocked the spam account so that it can't return to edit the post to insert their spam links.

August 04, 2020, 03:00:30 PM
Killing foreign traders in 10 easy steps! If you don't like exploits, don't read any further!  ;)

Hi guys,

I discovered (or re-discovered, surely somebody already thougth of this) a simpler, friendlier way to be a mass murderer to eliminate foreign traders.

First, about you:

1. Please have your bow skill as high as possible. Above 75 is fine, but YMMV. (Be nice and please be born as an Owl guy, with high eyesight and dexterity. Thanks)
2. Have in your posession many furs. Good furs. Winter furs, from the North.
3. Also, a good bow and some arrows/broadheads may be useful, or so people say.
4. Some armor, but not so heavy it impairs your bow skill significantly. A good fur overcoat and/or a cuirass (depending on your strength) are enough.


5. Meet the traders in some kind of open terrain. A frozen lake, an open mire or similar. No one's going to hide!


6. "Frozen lake" wasn't a poetic preference. Do this in the deepest winter, with the snow almost touching your cristallized but still functioning testicles.


7. Look carefully at the happy traders. Ascertain which ones are selling arrows and broadheads. Buy all of them with your furs (you remembered to bring them, right?) Smile. Try to learn to say "hello" and "thanks" in their language. Also, "you suckers!". Keep smiling. It is a wonderful cultural exchange (you may also buy some of their swords and axes to be extra sure, if you have enough furs). 

8. Once you are the only one that has any arrows and/or  broadheads in a ten kilometer radius, step back to a comfortable distance, take your bow, bow, and start shooting. Use the broads at first against the nearest traders. Your objective is to kill or maim. Once a trader is unable to walk, let him crawl awhile and shoot the ones still standing. NEVER RUN! Ski backwards, let them tire themselves in the gonads-high snow. The more hurt they get, the faster they'll tire. After a few good-placed shots, all those sword-and-axe wielding capitalists will be either dead, crawling in the snow or so hurt/tired they will never harm you. If you are running out of arrows, give the coup-de-grace to the nearest blue sad sack and retrieve your arrows.

9. Recover your furs, arrows, and add an ungodly, game-breaking amount of loot.

10. Optionally, feel guilty. Not recommended. It is a game. (You know that, right?)

And that's it. I don't think this is an original find, but I discovered it with my latest character, a mad Owl with bow skill at 97 that got invaded by a band of traders that just wouldn't leave the settlement, and he was kind of a nervous little man. A sensitive, delicate soul, what can I say...

September 25, 2020, 01:57:19 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Less of what's happening in my unreal world and more UrW happening in my world.

So my wife just gave birth to our first child on Monday. Through the process of the induction and waiting for her to dilate UrW has been there during the down times, at least for us there was plenty of hurry up and wait. UrW has been great with it ability to quickly save anytime. It's allows me to pick it up and put it down as needed to attend to my wife and babies needs. Thanks to all the UrW team for being my emotional support person.

November 11, 2020, 12:01:08 AM
Ancient Savo : A new Enormous Elk game in the making Would you like to participate in the making of a new game by Enormous Elk?

The game is called Ancient Savo, and it is a peaceful simulation of a 1200 CE Finnish family who moves to live alone in the woods. Do slash and burn agriculture to grow crops. Hunt and fish. Try to survive hunger, cold, accidents and the scarcity or resources. And in case you accumulate some extra, go visit the annual market to barter for more and better tools. The timescale of the gameplay is weeks - you can see years rolling by, your children growing up, and forest re-taking abandoned fields. Instead of controlling a character you hover on a more abstract 'designer level', a bit like the old SimCity.

Estimated release: Autumn 2021, for PC, Mac and mobile devices

We run a small home-made crowdfunding campaign for January. Become a follower for free - join project Discord channel to read frequent development news. Or donate any sum to become a backer. Backers can participate in the discussion, and have an access to the early development-phase releases. The first development release is scheduled already for this January. (If or when you donate, remember to send Erkka a message at Discord, so that we can connect a donation with your Discord user account!)

During the development phase we will have quick and simple graphics, but graphics and UI will be improved once the simulation and game mechanics are up and running.

For more info see the campaign page

January 06, 2021, 04:35:25 PM
1070 Hours Certainly no milestone for the oldest hands here, but, I've now logged over one thousand hours in the Unreal World. What a great game!
March 18, 2021, 03:24:46 AM
Re: 1070 Hours ... thank goodness there are no timers for all the versions: pre and post steam  ::)
March 18, 2021, 04:55:35 AM
Re: 1070 Hours
Certainly no milestone for the oldest hands here, but, I've now logged over one thousand hours in the Unreal World. What a great game!

... thank goodness there are no timers for all the versions: pre and post steam  ::)

Pretty impressive for a game about chopping down trees  ;)

March 18, 2021, 05:00:05 AM
Re: 1070 Hours That's quite some time spent in there, Tom H. Apparently we've done something quite right ;)

When it comes to playtime seen in Steam reviews, it's not uncommon to spot few thousands hours here and there.
This is the top of review writer's playtime so far, I guess:

March 18, 2021, 07:24:55 AM
Re: 1070 Hours
Some impressive hours there ;D. Do you guys play for that actively or just have the game running on the background, I tend to do that quite often. The game is running, I play some turns alt-tab back to whatever else I'm doing, and repeat the cycle.

And even then I only have 300hrs :o

I run 5 characters and cycle through them to keep the play fresh. Every hour logged is from play. I have over 3 thousand hours on Skyrim...heh, my wife calls herself a "computer widow". lol

March 18, 2021, 06:32:01 PM