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Re: Some clothes weigh too much This is just my input as someone who owns several different garments that are similar to what one will find in UrW, and the following is a list of what I have IRL with the weight of each item in kilograms and pounds:

Wool Cloak-7 lbs or 3,1 kilograms
Wool Tunic-4 lbs or 1,8 kilograms
Wool Trousers-3,5 lbs or 1,5 kilograms
Wool Leggings (pair)-2,6 lbs or 1,1 kilograms
Wool Kaftan (overcoat)-6 lbs or 2,7 kilograms
Wool Hood (two layers)-1 lb or 0,5 kilogram
Wool Hood (one layer)- 0,6 lb or 0,2 kilograms
Wool Mittens (one layer wool, one layer linen)-0,3 lb or 0,1 kilogram

My only garment that is entirely made of fur is a cloak made from the hide of an adult male whitetail deer; it covers my shoulders and torso completely, the length is just above my knees, and it weighs in at just over 12 lbs or 5,4 kilograms. I'm not sure if elk or reindeer hide is heavier or lighter than our regular deer hide so I don't know if that is really relevant to this.

The wool garments in-game, however, seem to be quite accurate when compared to what I have IRL. Of course, comparing my garments to those of the Iron Age, even though I've done my best to follow traditional designs, methods, and materials, could be considered anachronistic and irrelevant.

March 12, 2018, 06:18:48 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Trying to complete The Challenge for second time. Luckily few days in game and rabbit went into ice that melted and rabbit drowned. 0.5 lbs of fur means stone axe from the beginning - that's like finding a treasure.  ;D
March 29, 2018, 12:34:48 AM
Re: "The Challenge"     Hi everyone, I've been trying The Challenge for a few days and I liked it very much. I was very lucky in my random character, only a little less than what I usually play with, she could walk at 6 km/h which is very good for me since I like to run big game to exhaustion also, the initial wounds weren't serious and I could make tools right away, even better, I started by a river so cleaning wounds and running big game against the not yet frozen river provided me with clothes fairly soon.
    What I really liked was that since I couldn't zoom out except in hills and such I had to memorize my surroundings and the location of my traps and shelters which is a very realistic challenge, and that I noticed I could play a whole life without meeting anyone and I would be fine, I wouldn't have clothes or tools above rough and crude quality but I could make a living (a very important realization since I couldn't find a single village in 120 days), also I used traps in large scale for the first time and it was exciting to find animals trapped in them and wonder if I could make them more efficient.
    In the end that was my undoing, a lynx was roaming around my traps to take the birds in it so I baited a big deadfall trap I made for a previous lynx doing the same and the next day it was caught I moved in to kill it with blunt blows and it clawed me into unconsciousness and death  :(, next time I'm going to stone them to death.   

April 07, 2018, 10:24:25 PM
Re: Robbers seeking to deliver their ultimatum ignore stealth In cases like this it's really hard to get a good picture of what happened there. A gameplay footage would be the only way to break things down properly.

But somebody might see you even if you don't see yourself that this somebody notices you.
I mean, if NPC spots you from behind, out of your sight, you are not told of being noticed and may think that you are succesfully hiding from everybody - although, in reality you are succefully hiding only from those in sight.

April 08, 2018, 11:46:31 AM
Re: Rauko Watch out, he could be a berserker with 2 axes like that!
April 09, 2018, 12:27:29 AM
New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes I find rain looks great in 3.50 but makes it really hard for me to see enough details to be able to play comfortably. To the point of eye strain actually.

At first I was pleased to be forced to stay indoors crafting, from a roleplay perspective. But then I realised that autumn kept progressing and there were weeks were it was raining more than it wasn't. I found myself waiting for the rain to break to do anything, just because it wasn't comfortable moving and looking around, let alone trying to hunt. The thing is, I'm definitely not advocating against the feel of realism it adds to the game. Same as it makes perfect sense not being able to see at night, an occasional heavy rain shower that completely blocks visibility would also make sense. But sometimes rain is just a little bit of water. It seems to me that the kind of rain that impedes visibility as much isn't all that common most of the time.

Of course it could just be me, I don't see anyone else complaining. In which case, I'll be doing some heavier roleplaying. :) But if not, maybe there is a way to soften the visual a bit?

April 10, 2018, 12:31:49 AM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes It's been mentioned by Sami that rain is a .png (gui-rain.png and ele-rain.png according to a search in the truetile folder) and that those images can be edited. Maybe somebody with a hint of artistic talent beyond the stick figure drawing level could edit the images and post alternative ones with a lesser impact?
April 10, 2018, 04:00:38 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Just had an unusual event happen - was escorting a lost vagabond back to civilization, and ran into a squirrel on the overworld map and decided to take it for dinner.  I chased it up a tree and was throwing rocks, I had managed to hit it in the foreleg when all of a sudden an aggravated hawk swooped in, and knocked the squirrel out of the tree.  I threw my rock at the bird, and it fled.  I stomped on the big squirrel to put it out of its misery.  It had been gruesomely shredded by talons.  I wonder what it could portend...
April 11, 2018, 04:11:05 AM
He was in my cabin! The following is a story of Ossi.

It was my first winter alone since I escaped from my Njerpez captors.  You see, I had cleared their camp earlier in the spring and used it as my homestead, remaking two of their buildings into my own cabin.  My homestead was then a central camp with my cabin and sauna with a pine mire to the north and east, all surrounded by spruce mire.  I had ringed my homestead and border of the spruce mire with a contiguous trap fence and staked trap pits.  In the months between then and mid-winter, I had explored and become friendly with local villagers: trading for many goods I needed, helping them with chores, traveling between regions, and even finding a bird thief. 

In those travels, I had encountered numerous Njerpez warriors wandering the forests, especially near my homestead.  More so even than I had ever heard of.  I had had numerous encounters, and almost perished a few times.  Because of this, I often wore my best armor and was armed as I traveled around the forests near my homestead.

One morning near mid-winter, I checked my trap fence and found a lone small wolf caught in a pit.  I killed, skinned, and butchered the animal, offering up a gift to the spirits for this bounty.  I set the meat to dry and tanned the fur.  I came back and picked up the rinsed winter wolf fur and took it into my cabin to finish at my table.  I had a decent fur at the end, was weary and moderately fatigued, and it was evening.  So I decided to add the fur to my sleeping pallet and rest.  I decided not to re-kindle the fire that night and was about to lay down on my furs against a cold winter night ...when I heard my door open

Confused, I was about to look to my door when I was hit from behind and felt something break in my thoraxI turned and I was being attacked by a Njerpez Warrior holding a mace! He was in my cabin!  He had apparently scaled my fence, snuck across my homestead, rushed into my cabin, and attacked me, all in the darkness of the night as I was finishing a fur.  I wasn't wearing armor and had no weapons, so I grabbed a handaxe nearby and fought the intruder.

I had little hope of succeeding against this enemy with my fatigue and wound, but I struck back against his blow to my shoulder and luckily hit him in the abdomen, which wound began to bleed.  I think he was shocked that his first strike didn't knock me unconscious and I was fighting back.  After that, I chopped my axe against his skull and he dropped dead.  I was stunned at my survival! 

I gathered my weapons quickly, searched my homestead in the darkness, and found this intruder was alone.  I was left with a major fracture in my thorax, a dead Njerpez next to my sleeping pallet, and bloody gore marring my peaceful cabin.  I felt as if my home was violated.  If there was only some way to secure my cabin or bar the door.  I don't feel as safe as I did before this invasion.  It is a blessing I was awake.  One more moment, and I would have lied down and the Njerpez warrior would have found me asleep.  I am truly lucky.

Note: In all my years of playing URW, I've never encountered so many solo Njerpez warriors in such a small geographical region.  They've given me a fairly steady stream of goods for trade.  But I've also never had a Njerpez invade my cabin directly.  I've found them in tiles adjacent to various characters' cabins, but this is the first time I've ever had this type of experience.  It scared me to death.  I was literally shaking by being surprised by a Njerpez in my own cabin.  I was sure my time invested into this character was about to be flushed down the tube, but was genuinely happy to survive.  I also wonder if it would be possible to bar a door in a building.  This would require the invader to break down the door with an axe to get in, but would give some defense against home invaders.

April 16, 2018, 10:45:35 AM
Re: Spirit relation re-balancing Actually, I disagree slightly with Lin.  I'm not sure I want to know exactly where I stand with the spirits at all times.  I think maybe the fishing rod ritual both helps and hurts?  I always try to make sure to sacrifice a fish after using it.  I like the mystery of not knowing exactly how magic/spirits work.  Even after a character has accumulated all the furs and treasures of the world, the spirits are still a little mysterious.
April 16, 2018, 10:46:11 PM