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Re: Recipes for Raft and Stone Axe require "Rope" but any tying equpment works I understand this is a small, perhaps trivial issue but it seems like it would be easy to fix and it could help someone new to the game better understand crafting recipes.
April 29, 2018, 04:14:56 AM
Re: Rauko It's mid-day and the pair have been following the river north-east in search of a settlement. It's been a long day walking and Rauko is weary by evening, so he stops to spend the night on the riverbank.

He sits on the shore and wonders what a water spirit would look like if he ever was to meet one. Would it look like a person, or a faceless horror?

He lays down after feeding the dog and falls into a deep sleep. Again, he is troubled by dreams of his father's death and the bear that killed him haunts him until the small hours before sunrise, when he awakes. The river water is shockingly cold as he splashes his face to dispell the night's dreams.

Walking along the river, just before dawn it snows for a little while. Then he sees what looks like an elk to the south and tells his dog to stay quiet until they get closer. He walks across a mire and into spruces with bow ready, but finds no tracks or sign of the animal, so he returns to pick up his items and heads back to the river.

Or could a water spirit even be made of water?

May 03, 2018, 12:04:40 AM
Re: Rauko The journey has been long since that fateful day, but Rauko is happy that the Kuikka suggested he travel south along the coast to the Driikaiset. Still hopeful to find a mail shirt like that work of art he found in the first Driik village, he travels the road south-east toward a 3rd village.

The craftsmen there have some fine swords, but Rauko is not trained to use those. There is a battleaxe which tempts him, but he will hold out for some good armor and trust in his handaxe and shield. So he journeys on...

Early afternoon brings him to a 4th village, in which he trades his shortbow for a badger fur, then finds they have several swords available. The last workshop he visits has what he is looking for, a long mail hauberk (which he gives up a huge amount of his possessions for) and perfect mail cowl (which he does not barter for).

Inside, Rauko is very proud and excited to have such a piece of armor, but he tries hard to act casual about it. Anyway, he can certainly find something other than barley to cook in his new pot. And now his load is considerably lighter too!

May 05, 2018, 02:45:44 PM
Re: Rauko Walking south toward his camp through many, many spruces and along the west shore of a large lake, 2 more villages come into view. It never hurts to meet more people and see what they have to trade, so he enters the first village, which has a wall around it. They have cows and a fine-quality battleaxe.

Rauko makes his way back south to his shelter and is grateful to lay down and rest after scraping the tanning fat off a grouse skin with snow falling on his head.

Waking in the small hours after peaceful sleep, it's still snowing so he stays in the shelter and makes some arrow heads. The snow stops and melts on the ground without sticking, but now the lake has thin ice around the shoreline.

May 06, 2018, 11:45:25 AM
Exploring the medieval hunt (blog) I was searching for some more information about javelins and I found this web site dedicated to historical reenactment.  They have some great stuff and I thought I'd share the link.

May 11, 2018, 04:37:54 PM
Re: Rauko His excitement is dulled a bit by the feeling he gets when sacrificing some of the grouse meat. But he does have four skins to tan now. Exhausted, he falls asleep in late afternoon. Nightmares return and more images of angry spirits haunt him during the night... he wakes, sweating and afraid.

Rauko decides he should set free any more grouse if they are caught, and sure enough, there is another that has gone for the blueberries. This bird is very lucky because it flies away to live another day.

For now, he picks up all his traps, makes a few arrow shafts, and finishes tanning the 5 grouse leathers. Tired, he shares a roasted badger cut with his companion and beds down for the night, wishing he still had a large elk fur to sleep on.

May 12, 2018, 06:05:11 PM
Fishing could use a little love! Bear with me if I'm not up to date. I'm a long time player but I usually don't have internet so I tend to be out of the loop.

The Problem:

Fishing is very basic with little involvement other than a spear or a fishing rod. From my experience, with a spear you starve, with a fishing rod you stand a chance.

Some Ideas/Suggestions for Solutions:

- Add complications and requirements to fishing that makes fishing more involved and easier.

- Fishing could use some bait.
    - Bait in your inventory would automatically be used when fishing is activated. Make fishing rod fishing require bait while spear fishing has the advantage of not requiring it.
    - Make bait from meat? (I shy away from this option because I don't like the idea of having the player stay in one spot)
    - Maybe have a collect fishing bait ability that can be activated from the fishing menu.
         - Have the ability to find different kinds of bait for different biomes? (See below about catching target fish)
             - If activated while standing in shallow the water you catch small crustaceans or bait fish? (bait fish trap?)
             - If activated in certain biomes or around certain objects find certain worms, flies, beetles, moths, etc.
    - Maybe collect bait automatically while moving from square to square? (I shy away from this as it isn't as involved)

- Have some sort of fishing ritual where something is thrown on the water to help encourage a catch. (Again I shy away from this because I want to encourage the player to explore)

- Catching target fish
    - Have certain fish prefer certain bait
    - This would help for people who actually want to smoke and dry lots of one kind of fish (as you spent a couple days catching only one kind)

I don't know for sure, at least this is my two cents. Thanks for all you do Sami! It's a marvelous game!

May 13, 2018, 08:07:40 AM
Re: Rauko Frustrated with the poor quality of arrows he's making, Rauko shoots them at the large spruce, only hitting it twice out of two dozen shots. The arrows are not worth keeping, so after gathering those he can easily find, he shoots until they are all lost.

As the day passes, his mind becomes made up. He will travel back up the river if it still flows. If there is ice, he will leave the canoe at the mouth and travel up-river on foot.

He's going to leave the shelter and the arrowheads & shafts, along with some ratty cords here. Using a rope, he packs 3 furs onto Badgerbane's back. Rauko's own load is just about all he can carry when the canoe is hefted onto his back.

He says goodbye to the capricious spirits that inhabit the area and heads north-west toward the river.

Around mid-day, they find a squirrel in a large mire and his faithful companion trees it. Rauko takes this as a good chance to practice throwing his knives. The squirrel ends up on the worst end of it.

May 16, 2018, 03:34:55 AM
Wind I think adding wind effects to the simulation would be a great benefit to the game.  This would add to the depth of the world in several ways.

We could have blizzards where high winds would cause low visibility and rapid heat loss, creating deadly conditions.  Weatherlore could help a survivor predict an incoming storm, prompting them to take shelter or at least seek a heavily wooded area.

Stalking prey downwind would be extra challenging because smells drifts toward them.  This might necessitate careful planning of a hunting expedition or the use of a ritual to mask a character's scent.

Strong and especially gusty wind conditions could cause projectiles to veer off course, especially long range shots.  Blowdown could cause trees to uproot and fall.

On the other end dead calm conditions might cause sound to travel extra far, I'm thinking of Sami's whistling arrow shot from the recent video.

Clearly this would be a large effort as it would change many existing systems.

May 18, 2018, 05:26:41 AM
Re: Rauko Waking in the small hours before dawn to a cold rain, Rauko gathers his gear, wakes up Badgerbane, and heads north-west again. He will find a tree trunk to finish beating the badger fur later on... the weather is too miserable.

Walking through the rain in an open pine mire, his good tracking ability reveals what could be badger tracks that are too fresh to be from yesterday's victim. He decides to follow the tracks for a bit and drops his canoe & heavy gear, also unpacking Badgerbane.

In the rain, he loses the trail and decides it's better to continue his journey. Soon he enters a large spruce forest, then some heathland and up to some high, ground. From there he thinks he might see the river in the dimness far ahead.

May 18, 2018, 11:22:27 AM