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"Spirit of the forest, I presume" Now that sort of a phrase may actually slip from your lips in the next version of the game as the Spirit of the Forest gets added to our small cast of otherworldly creatures.
Reworked spells and many kind of spirit world additions has a major part in the galore of upcoming features, and manifestation and actual appearance of spirit of the forest is now featured and off my to-do list. Implementing a related quest (or two) is still required, but step by step the planned spirit world additions do gets wrapped up.

As a necessary spin-off feature we also had to expand possible sacrifices to include not only foodstuff, but also valuables. See, offering silver has been traditionally very much linked to pleasing the certain spirits. And as the spells in the game now are actual collected old spells we had to add silver sacrifices if we wanted to add proper spells for "summoning" the spirit of the forest. (You may want to see post about the used "spellbooks" at old forums).

You know, with this version it feels like our to-do things are proceeding really slow compared to the amount of work and energy put in. Seems like we're dealing with complex entities rather than simple isolated features. But there's the spirit of the forest now. He brought in so much more code and features than first assumed, but it all just had to be done.

Let's not spoil too much about what the spirit of the forest can actually do for you, but we know he's an important spirit, watching over the forest and the animals. According to the folklore the spirit of the forest may sometimes tell you where the game is, if he's pleased with you. That, at least, is an actual feature now. And as a tidbit of our desired in-game perfection I gotta mention that these spirits often concentrate on only culturally important animals. Thus, the spirit of the forest can prioritize his observations differently for members of northern tribes than those of the western tribes.
But now look at this fellow of one of the eastern tribes...
He must have something right to hear this from..well...from the spirit of the forest, I presume.

November 04, 2017, 05:28:15 PM
Re: "Spirit of the forest, I presume" I wanna fight him.
It's my forest now.

November 05, 2017, 12:11:35 AM
Re: Question for Sami Hello there,

I'm sorry to say but the reality is that there is no exact answer to your question. Development takes the time it takes, and at the moment it is nearly impossible to say if a version with marriage and children will be released in summer 2018 or in winter 2020 - that depends on so many unpredictable factors so that the only honest thing to do is not to predict. I mean, this is not because Sami doesn't want to tell - this is because Sami doesn't know, and he only can tell things he knows.

So, okay, instead of saying "we are working on it", I will say: It is on the development list.

November 05, 2017, 09:09:31 AM
Re: Paddles as weapons And yes, we should be able to cut down the largest tree in the forest with... an herring!
November 06, 2017, 12:41:07 AM
Suli the Hermit I'm playtesting some changes to my self-sufficiency mod and thought I'd make a story out of it and see just how self-sufficient I can make myself. 

Suli Reemilainen went out for a walk north of Reemi territory one autumn and found himself robbed, beaten, and left with almost nothing.  Vowing to forswear the company of men forever, he set out into the wilderness to make a living his own way.  He begins by taking stock of himself:

Without any great aptitude for any particular skill other than the bow, he has trained in trapping and tanning small game in his village, knows the basics of timbercraft and carpentry, and has of course some basic knowledge of sowing and reaping.  Likely he can survive through the winter on small game, hoping to set up a small field next spring.  His crafting knowledge gives him some hope of being able to forge some tools to make his life easier.

Unfortunately, the robbers were not merciful; among other smaller cuts and bruises, they broke his shoulder and ribs quite badly (71% injury!).  He found his broad knife nearby when he awoke, and the robbers must have been scared away while they stripped him, as all his clothes but his tunic remain, including a cloak and hood that should help him keep warm during the upcoming winter.

Shuffling off, he hopes to find some water and herbs he can use to treat his injuries, along with some berries or roots to sustain him until he can set up some snares for game.  As he walks towards the nearest river, a stag struts right in front of him, as if knowing he is unarmed and too weak to kill it.  Suli eyes the stag hungrily until it is out of sight.

Suli makes his way to the shores of a nearby lake.  Goldeneye, mallards, and grouse call constantly, and he sees signs of foxes and ermines that hunt the birds here.  The lake reeds along the shore offer the prospect of food for the next few weeks.  Suli decides to rest here and recover from his injuries while gathering food for the winter.  With the extent of his injuries, it takes him most of the day to erect a simple shelter to keep the rain off his back.  He builds a small fire and roasts some of the roots he gathered, thinking of all the work he has to do and wincing whenever he moves from his broken bones.

November 07, 2017, 10:29:26 PM
Re: Borders of Unreal World For story purposes, let's say that the Unreal World is an enclosed spiritual realm, a loop of infinite time within a defined area of space (the space where the spirits are able to express their power to maintain the loop). The humans within are able to humbly live their lives in this distant, infinitely recurring past, and the spirits' energies are kept strong by their worship.
November 07, 2017, 11:10:50 PM
Re: Primitive survival gear & strategies Regarding "eating dirt"... it brought to mind the scene in the Holy Grail...

"Oh! There is some lovely filth down here!"  ;D  ???

Most of your suggestions have been posed before and I'm sure Sami & Erkka have considered
them as far as what fits into their vision of UnReal Iron-Age Finland.

November 18, 2017, 05:22:58 PM
Spirits, spells, short movies, short of time, and the diminishing year Today I came to a realization that the absolutely last thing to do for the upcoming version is to finalize the spirit of the forest related quest, and the many spells that were brought into existence because of this very spirit. The reality check came upon me shortly after browsing books for spells to receive bear hunting aids from the spirits when asleep. Shortly after thinking that dreams and premonitions would be now natural to feature with the other upcoming spell improvements. Shortly after noticing myself to follow a pattern where I add a new big to-do right after the existing list of to-dos before release grows down in size to a reasonable length. This has been a familiar and overly ambitious pattern in case of the version in development. Now as the end of the calendar year is drawing nearer and the holiday season approaches, it's better to start wrap things up for test builds and then consider how far a beta release possibility might be.

There's also been this certain short movie occupying our time. A short movie we shot in autumn 2016, and which has been cooking slowly in post-production ever since. But now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm confirmed to say that a brand new Enormous Elk short movie will still be released this very year. Like the upcoming version, this short movie is also the most ambitious of them all. We had a short post about it at the old forums, with a coffee break pic from the filming location. Now let's repost it here.
All in all, despite of breaks, all kinds of stuff is coming up. Peace and patience to all of you.

November 20, 2017, 04:15:03 PM
Nominate UrW for Steam "Labor of Love" Award Sami and Erkka have kept this game evolving since 1992, which is likely longer than many of its players have been alive.

Let's give them some recognition and much deserved exposure by nominating them for the "Labor of Love" award on Steam now.

November 22, 2017, 11:41:46 PM
Re: Northern Tribes
Will this be implemented in the game?

Well, at the moment the development situation is about this:

- Sami is busy working towards a beta release of the upcoming version 3.50
- Once the beta is out, the focus will be mainly on bug fixing
- Eventually there will be a stable release of 3.50
- After that it is time for a short break, as the version-release and bughunt phase is always a somewhat energy-consuming sprint
- And while the players are enjoying the new version, Sami and me will have the next version on the drawing board, deciding the major new features to be implemented in that version.

So, because of the general psychology of the game development cycle, at the moment the answer to any and all "will a feature X be implemented in some future version?" is and will be "we don't know as at the moment we are fully focused on getting the beta release out".

Put in other words; if there isn't an answer from the development team, it typically means that we are busy developing. Going into too detailed discussions about possible future features often just takes time away from the actual development.

November 25, 2017, 10:44:27 AM