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Re: Why is the spirit of the forest upset with me?
Spoiler: show
The Spirit of the Forest is a Njerpez

March 11, 2020, 09:55:49 PM
Pausable digging and filling up pits We're wrapping up version 3.62.
A trusty small patch with about half a dozen additions and dozen of fixes.
It's just around the corner.
Of the latest additions digging and filling up pits are now made pausable, so you can stop these shoveling processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.

Now it only takes some building, packaging and testing and hopefully the next week will be the release week.

March 14, 2020, 12:56:22 PM
Re: Cruel hand of Winter? I think you hit him with the paddle on the head without noticing, while you were in turbulent rapids... 8)

If i were sami, i would pay you for reporting those rare incidents, even reproducing them ;D
Aint you that guy who told about beeing murdered in sleep as well?

anyway, i guess its not meant to be that way(on topic)

March 19, 2020, 08:12:06 PM
UnReal World launched on, version 3.62 available there as well The time has come for us to enter the realm of and offer more of an indie marketplace for the game in addition to Steam distribution.

UnReal World is now available on Launch sale lasts until end of march 2020. The price of the game on is slightly lower than on Steam, version updates to both will continue to follow similarly.

Here's our Itch.Io page:

Take a look, take your pick, spread the word, stay healthy.

March 20, 2020, 06:07:11 PM
Item value calculator Here is the link to a spreadsheet that contains price values for all items in the game including modifiers plus a calculator where you enter the exact item name with modifiers and get the value without needing to search through the sheets. This is such a useful tool, helping you calculate how much you need to craft to trade for some item. Also it is full of information to anything that may influence item prices. 10/10 source, i love it.

Link to Google Docs:

I found it a long time ago (apparently it's from version 3.40) and then playing on a different computer I couldn't find the forum post any more, so here it is again for everybody.

March 21, 2020, 11:05:04 AM
Generated map image Just wanted to share this, was able to generate an image of the game map from data and save it to file, kind of neat to look at.

Landmark key:

TileID | Name |   Color
239 | Village |   Yellow
211 | Settlement |   Light Purple
210 | Fortified Village |   Red
86 | Settlement (2) |   Magenta
31 | Shelter |   Pale Mint
30 | Camp |   Orange-red
60 | Cave |   Brown

Warning: Map is 3073x2049 in size, hold shift to scroll left to right.
Spoiler: show

March 23, 2020, 02:40:17 PM
Re: [WIP] RPG-ish(?) Character Portraits The original portraits in the game are really cool; I like to see people in trditional folk costume.
But, for me, they are out of place, because of the pixelart-style of the game, so I really like the idea of these RPG-ish portraits. Unforunately, they still looks like (as Night mentioned, too) a real photo but super-enhanced.
As for the backgroud, I like the idea of having somekind of a Nordic / finish patterns or symbols.

I donwloaded your photo and loaded it into GIMP and played with it a little. I managed to make it look more like a photoreaistic painting, istead of a enhanced photo.
If you like the result, just tell me, I can give you the steps what and how I done, or even I can do it if you like it.
(I have to mention that I hade to remove the entire background first, so the changes in the colors aren't affected by the colors of the background, this took the most time. After that I just pasted it back ontop of the original.)

I forgot to mention that I ain't really good at drawing, especially with mouse, a.k.a I miserably fail if I try to draw anything with a mouse. I have only a bit of experience with some retouching photos, thanks to that, that our family have a pritty huge vintage photo collection, we can date back our and our anchstors photo collection, as far as photografy itself goes.
Anyway, your work is awsome MikMogus, I hope you come out with a mod or something, so I can play the game with (IMO) "cooler" graphics: I'm a big fan of oldschool RPG games, and I totally miss those cool hand-drawn portraits from modern RPGs.
I just played with the colors and scripts and filters (collected from the interweb) to get the result.
Without your hard work I never be able to make this graphic. Thanks!

PS to all:
Thanks for this cool game, I following it for severaly years now. From time to time I always come back to play with it.
Greetings from Hungary.

March 23, 2020, 03:42:07 PM
Village Women Trading Too! Whenever I ask around, the village ladies never have anything to trade! How about we let them offer jewelry, clothing, food, cords, knives (maybe they can be the best chance at finding a small knife?), plants, seeds, etc?

If textile crafts ever go vanilla, it would be great to be able to buy spinning and weaving tools (spindles, looms, yarn) from them also!

March 26, 2020, 09:27:14 AM
Village Food Status and Charity (both ways) I understand the most recent update adds the option for villagers to refuse excess food goods in trades if their village is well stocked.

This brought me to a new idea that villagers' food stocks could naturally fluctuate and lead to different relationships or even "mini quests" in the process.

If the village has plenty of food and the PC is starving and has a decent relationship with the village, how about some occasional offers of food to the PC when they chat with villagers? Or increased chance of chores quest being offered to give PC trading credit?

On the reverse side, if the village is doing poorly ("bad hunting" or "crops failed this summer") perhaps there could be an opportunity for the PC to earn status/gratitude/friends by gifting some of their food supplies? Some of my long termers have pretty astronomical amounts of food hoarded and it would be nice to have a social purpose for it.

March 26, 2020, 10:09:15 AM
Head gear, bird leather I've found that a character can wear on his head, all at the same time:
1. Woolen cowl
2. Leather cap
3. Fur Hood
4. Mail cowl
5. Iron helm or a iron spectacle helm

Would this even be possible?

On another subject, I wonder about bird leather as a viable craft item. I'm having trouble visualizing a bird with skin thick enough to make leather, or large enough to make tanning it worthwhile.

March 27, 2020, 03:43:31 PM