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Re: Orja Reemailainen PART 2: Return to Njerpezti

My righteous rage and burning grief after escaping from and then killing my slavers has cooled to a smoldering thirst for revenge.  I traded some of the gear from my slavers for a punt and paddle, axes, food, and two dogs.  I named them Sitoa and Lakko and they became my fast companions as we hunted for elk and reindeer.  They allowed me to put up several hundred pounds of meat to smoke in a Reemi lodge, food I would need to seek my revenge.  As I waited for the meat to cure, we traveled in the southern parts of Reemi lands, traded for more goods, helped identify a bird thief, gathered branches for an old man, and reconnected with my people. 

Through all this, Sitoa and Lakko were my truest companions and they could tell I was growing restless.  I was tempted to settle down and live my life among my people.  But my mother's prized horse ornamented comb is a constant reminder of my hate.  I am learning to savor it, to sip at it, and to anticipate my revenge.  As soon as my meat cured, I packed all my gear into a punt, leashed my two dogs, and pushed out into the sea.  I came to a string of small islands before the great deep and stopped to rest throughout the last night and into the morning.  When I awoke in the late afternoon, I pushed out into the sea without even acknowledging the spirits or feeding my dogs. 

I must have angered the spirits in my haste as I quickly tired as I paddled east and realized I would need to sleep in my loaded punt in the middle of the sea in the dead of night.  However, the rains came in the night and I could not sleep.  All that night the rains kept up and I was too tired to keep paddling and unable to rest.  As the sky lightened with the coming day, the rain strengthened and I spent even longer exhausted, wet, and miserable.  I didn't know how to appease the water spirits out at sea, so I clung to my punt and dogs and made little progress.  Finally, the rains stopped and I dropped exhausted to a dreamless sleep.  I made it to the southern coast of the Njerpezit.  I made landfall at a place called Ironfen along the southern coast and knew there was a village near the coast.  Knowing I was in hostile land, I put on all the armor I could, gathered my weapons, and left my punt and provisions along the coast.

I saw a cliff and hiked to it to get a view of the surrounding land and was immediately confronted my a band of 3 Njerpez thieves.  They didn't even ask for my equipment but ran at me with their weapons waving.  I loosed Sitoa and Lakko and entered the battle.  Although all three of us were wounded, we killed the thieves and I used their rough clothes to make bandages for my wounds.  I wish I could have bandaged my precious dogs' wounds to help their healing for they truly saved me that day.

From atop the cliff, I saw the raider village surrounded by mire and knew it would be a miserable place to set-up as my base for revenge.  I decided to move on, but knew I would be back.

September 29, 2017, 07:05:03 PM
Re: Orja Reemailainen I left my dogs to heal and most of my provisions near my landfall and traveled to the east where I remembered there was a famed raider settlement.  I avoided a bear I saw on the way and soon came to fortified village near a small bay...

I scouted around and saw numerous warriors in the fortified village, so I because more cautious and only approached at night.  There was no way to get close to the village and I did not believe I could safely draw away the Njerpez one at a time.  I spent a night watching and lurking around their village and saw no way to begin my revenge.  So, I went back to my dogs to think and commune with the spirits.  As I approached the spirits with hate in my heart, I realized they demanded a sacrifice for my revenge.  So I gathered my faithful dogs, equipped all my armor, and together we went back to the fortified village. 

As the late morning sun shone, I quietly approached the village fence from the east and hid behind a big rock and tree.  I tied my dogs to the tree, thanked them for their love, companionship, and trust and equipped my hunting bow.  I shot a Njerpez warrior in the back with a broadhead arrow and I hid back behind the big rock.  As the warrior charged, my two faithful dogs, Sitoa and Lakko, became enraged and drew the attention of the whole village.  As the whole village approached my dogs tied to the tree, I ran to the nearest building and quickly equipped my shield and sword.  I heard my dog's cries as they were brutally killed and steeled myself for the coming fight. 

Due the door and small building, I kept the filthy raiders from surrounding me and instead, struck them down one at a time.  I needed to conserve my energy, so I often paused rather than strike and counterstroke when they attacked me.  Because of the spirits' protection, my caution, shield, and defensive strategy, I was only lightly wounded.  Eventually, the last of the raiders were breathless as they crawled over a pile of their own dead to reach me.  When there was one Njerpez warrior left, I approached him and ended his life...

Their village was now mine.  I burned my two dogs for their sacrifice and to thank the spirits.  I spent the next days recovering from the battle as I ferried my supplies to the village, gathered their gear, tamed their pigs, and stacked the bodies of the dead.  I then spent weeks remaking their village to suit my needs.  I tore down several of their buildings, expanded several buildings, tore down much of their fence, built pens for animals, and put up a smaller perimeter fence...

I even traveled back to the Reemi to trade, buy sheep, and new dogs.  I can't bear to name them yet as I don't know what more sacrifices the spirits will require of me.  While with my people in the west, I even hired a companion to hunt down a bear that mauled a Reemi adventurer and find his father's handaxe.  I understand the significance of tokens of parents as I still carry the horse ornamented comb of my mother. 

While I finished my preparations, the first snows fell and withered the crops in the fields.  Winter had approached while I wasn't paying attention and I lost a harvest due to my neglect.  Regardless, I am now prepared.  I have more equipment and better armor and weapons.  I have decided to leave their Njerpezti bodies to rot in the field.  If the smell bothers me or begins to attract scavengers, then I might burn their corpses.  Soon, the cold and snows will come and bring the darkness of winter.  I will stalk the villages, and nurse my revenge.  Besides, I have the whole of the unexplored Njerpezti lands before me...

September 29, 2017, 07:38:06 PM
Re: Few questions about trapping and a couple of misc questions Having a high tracking skill definitely helps a lot in seeing enough tracks to actually follow that fleeing animal, even through woodlands. If dealing with an animal that's been hanging around the same area for a while, do occasionally double-check if you're still following the recent, not several days old, tracks.

And be persistent. It can easily take traipsing after that stag for half a dozen overworld tiles before it gets even slightly fatigued. Make tactic use of hiding/not hiding. Don't be afraid to spook an animal to get it to flee and thus tire itself much faster, but at the same time, try not to needlessly spook it in areas where you're likely to loose track of its tracks either due to terrain visibility, track visibility on said terrain or due to presence of many, many other/older tracks.

And don't spook it if you know it'll cost you an opportunity to corral it against a shoreline, fence, closed treeline or the likes.

If you lose the tracks, head back to the last known track and double-check it didn't turn while you headed in a straight line. Look for tracks manually if none are visible. If you really can't find the next tracks, look a bit further out from the last track. Keep in mind whether it's likely to change direction slightly or a lot. Try to consider where it might have gone. Which brings me to my next point:

Almost as important, though, is getting used to various animals and their behaviour pattern. Know what animals can and can't get over fences. What animals are willing to go into the water to escape and which will be corralled nicely against the shoreline. What animals may be chased onto weak ice and drown themselves or at least tire themselves out a lot that way. Whether an animal is likely to head in the same direction for a long while or turn frequently, and whether they're more likely to change direction after hitting an obstacle or just try to get around it and then head for the same direction they were originally going in. Whether they're likely to keep trying to flee even if you've got them cornered, or if they may try to actually defend themselves. If they're group animals, whether they will try to mostly flee in the same direction and then regroup asap, or scatter in all directions and then regroup, have some scatter as others go aggressive and attack you or whether persistence will make it possible to drive one individual from its herd without having the rest nipping on your heels.

In other words, don't hunt a bear like it's a stag, or a forest reindeer like it's a wolf.

September 29, 2017, 08:11:33 PM
Re: Don't Go to Stumpmire The effort that went into this is... bewildering. Is there some way you could manipulate whatever your local government is into providing you funding to turn this into a film? Not a long film... one of those creepy, short, art-house, films that leave you confused.
September 30, 2017, 06:18:29 AM
Re: Witnesses/aggression? There's a lot of information in all the different forums about the spirits and the effects, but as far as I know it's all speculation to one degree or another. It's one of the fun things about the game that I don't really know the game-effect of having the spirits happy or unhappy. For anyone who doesn't know, if you want to get the spirits mad in a hurry,

Spoiler: show
find a zoomed-in road tile in a village, and go to sleep on it.

September 30, 2017, 06:26:43 AM
Time flies, the autumn comes Oh my, it's the last of september already, and there's been no news since entering the summer vacation. Let's fix that quickly now.
So, for those who only read news I should announce that I did survive the summer ;) -- and as a more concrete evident frequent forum browsers have spotted few replies and
here and there. Mostly concerning a few squashed or mysterious bugs.

At the moment, regarding the game, I seem to be very short of time for anything else than continuing the development from where it was paused before the summer vacation. And occasionally squashing the most relevant bugs with the left hand when possible. Once we get a fistful of more to-do's featued a roadmap towards the next version becomes more to clear announce verbally for you, good people. The last few weeks it's been mostly all about continuing to add a new spells and finalizing ritual system renewal. It's one of the big next version additions, and was vaguely briefed in this old forums thread.

With the shortage of more words and news to give you let's just say that the autumn is coming, but so are the future features of UnReal World.
Let there be code, and let there be swans.

September 2017, outside the development chambers.

September 30, 2017, 12:15:25 PM
Poems of the Fallen Will post these whenever I get inspiration. Some refer to actual characters/character deaths I've had, some are more general.


The spirits of autumn sang gently on the rain
Easing my worries and easing my pain
But ache and exhaustion had settled bone-deep
So to autumn's sweet lullaby fell I asleep

As I slept under open sky did sweet autumn me forsake
For it was harsh winter spirits that drove me awake;
Icy spirits whistling on a cold windy night
left a thin blanket of snow on open mire wide

Shivering and confused stumbled I 'round in a daze
Unsure where I had been going, where from I came
Confused and shivering in this unfamiliar place
Could I barely remember my people and name

Lost and forsaken in cold winter's lands
Bare were my feet and bare were my hands
So as I shivered and stumbled through open mire vast
In my heart I knew this morning would be my last

October 01, 2017, 08:11:37 AM
Re: Few questions about trapping and a couple of misc questions Good news - Frost cleared!

Bad news - I burned a 10x10 area before realising I can't farm on marshland. OOPS. Time to do some deforestation.

October 01, 2017, 08:29:14 PM
Re: Mik Feeling completely recovered from his knife wounds, Mik decides to travel south with his 3 best hides to do some exploring and trading. Snow is falling and the weather is making him wish he had dressed a bit warmer, but it is bearable and he's optimistic.

He wanders south and finds large lakes, now with some ice on their surfaces. There are some peaks to climb that give good vantage points to spot game, someone to trade with, or enemies. Exhausted, he builds a shelter to sleep without ending up covered with snow in the morning.

Next day he continues his travels and finds a herd of deer. He drops most of his equipment, selects a fine broadhead arrow and sneaks forward... he looses and the arrow wings toward a large deer, burying itself deep in it's haunch. The deer is startled and tries to run off, but is limping. Mike runs to the chase and eventually catches it.

He carries the skin and meat to a lakeshore several hundred yards away, builds a shelter, and proceeds to tan the skin and hang the meat up to dry using split spruce twigs.

October 01, 2017, 08:30:24 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Just conquered a Njerp village (5x warrior, a peasant, two craftsmen, a maiden, a woman, a housewife and a child) and carried away my spoils on Conquest, Victory, Triumph, Honour, Glory and Pride, which are the two bulls and four cows those dead Njerpez certainly need no longer.
October 01, 2017, 09:55:38 PM