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May 19, 2018, 06:29:48 PM
Lighting torches off of other torches? Currently, torches can only be lit from open fires.  This gets a little annoying if you are conducting protracted activities in caves.  I would think you should be able to light torches off other torches.
May 26, 2018, 12:12:59 AM
Re: Any way to find lost items? If you for whatever reason unable to use msglog method (e.g. deleted msglog.txt), cannot find the items in the spruce maze or for whatever reason trying to dig out a specific item, you can use this complicated method (which require some knowledge of course) to get the exact location of a item in local map:
Spoiler: show

1. open xxx.OBJ
2. find the item
3. each slot is 172 bytes and count the number
4. add 50000 to that number
6. search for that number
7. the structure of this file is
first 8 bytes global location <<< the same thing in msglog
next 4096 for buildings
next 4096 discovered
next 4096 terrain
next 4096 steepness
next 72000 things <<< you are here somewhere
each thing(include items, npc, tracks, etc.) slot contain 36 bytes and the reference number should be the 12th
the exact position in the map are save in first 4 bytes
row column

happy digging

May 26, 2018, 06:50:25 PM
First Mod: Seafood Hey all, I'm having a blast modding this game for myself. (Also I'm new to the forums in case I do something dumb.) I have a question and thought I'd share something I'm working on: adding seafood to the coasts. This was inspired by the bee hive mod that made me realize I could simulate a bunch of stuff as 'plants.' The thing I'm most proud of is realizing that the mussel symbiosis of rocky on sea terrain looks pretty cool: mussels litter the rocks along the coast.

Question: Does anyone know if there are different times of the year that ice freezes and unfreezes depending on whether you're in the northern, western, or southern/eastern part of the map? I don't want the seafood to pop up on ice, so I need to make sure most of them only 'sprout' once the ice melts. I tested it today in the north: month 5 was ice-free, month 4 was not. But is that how it works everywhere and each year?

Here's my mod so far:
Code: [Select]
.Oyster Bed.   [mushroom] (2)
[REGION:western southern eastern]

.Mussels.   [mushroom] (3)
[REGION:western southern eastern]

.Clams.   [mushroom]
[REGION:western southern eastern]

.Crab.   [mushroom]
[REGION:western southern eastern]

.Seaweed.   [berry] (3)
[REGION:western southern eastern]

.Northern Oyster Bed.   [mushroom] (2)

.Northern Mussel.   [mushroom] (2)

.Northern Clam.   [mushroom]

.Northern Crab.   [mushroom]

.Northern Seaweed.   [berry] (3)

May 29, 2018, 07:20:12 AM
Re: Wolves! Help! a) How do I keep a companion from suiciding with wolves around?
b) Is there any way to keep a reindeer safe with wolves on the map?
Kill the wolves fast enough
c) Does fire scare wolves? Can they be scared away at all? Before wounding most or all of them that is...
No. Generally Wolves won't attack well equipped unwounded character but the present of livestock = effective wolf magnets
d) Can dogs attack (or at least defend themselves) when they are on the leash? They didn't seem to do anything when I told them to attack without unleashing them.
Yes but the idea of letting them fight with the leash is bad. They cannot leave you and will get exhausted fast if you leave them in aggressive state.

Just don't mess with the wolves, smaller packs (~4) are as dangerous as robbers and traders and larger packs (~8) are more deadly than the equal amount of robbers. The strength of the wolves is not just in numbers but also the tactics. They are the master of hit-and-run combat and there are no other npc/predators using this tactics as well as the wolves can.

The best way to deal with the wolves is to zoomout asap.

June 04, 2018, 08:51:11 PM
Re: Rauko Today the temperature is hovering around freezing and the ice is not melting. Rauko gives one of the 11 perch back to the lake spirits, feeds one to Badgerbane, then boils some bearpaw mushrooms to eat, knowing they are poison when raw. He then makes perch soup and roasts the 5 remaining fish.

He's set for food now for a couple of days, so he decides to do a bit of exploring. Since he's not planning to hunt, it's a good time to wear the mail hauberk and get used to how it feels. After walking a while, one thing becomes clear... he needs a belt to hold some of it's weight at the hips and take the burden off his shoulders.

Having walked around to the far side of the lake and back by evening, he's ready to turn in for the night.

For the first time in a while, his sleep is disturbed by that old dream of the bear killing his father. He jumps up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat to find not a bear, but his dog looming over him in the darkness.

Grateful, he falls back to sleep.

June 05, 2018, 11:40:42 PM
Balanced that spirit, fixed them sacrifices Two important things to help us get along better with the spirits in the upcoming patch:

 - balanced: forest spirit's attitude in regards to hunted animals - size and significance matters

        When an animal is felled the forest spirit's mood change and need for compensation by sacrifices
        now depends on the size and significance of the animal. Previously almost all the killed animals
        were valued equally by the spirits which resulted in small game hunters often receiving unreasonable
        disgrace. Now it is far more tolerable to hunt smaller game and get along with only casual sacrifices
        every now and then.

 - fixed: only one sacrifice allowed per day

        If any kind of sacrifice to any spirit was performed even the different kind of sacrifices during the
        same day were considered excess. This was not intentional, and is now fixed back to normal:
        You can perform multiple sacrifices on daily basis as long as they are targeted at different
        spirits, ie. forest or water spirit, or if the act of sacrificing is a part of unique spell.

These are future additions not yet functional in current version 3.50 (stable).

June 07, 2018, 01:59:14 PM
Re: Vagabonds
Yeah, I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.  I do feel slightly guilty, but then again, if you were starving to death in the woods... perhaps you'd do the same
You must be a poor player indeed, if you're character is constantly starving so you have to murder everyone you encounter to get something to eat...

That reply seems a bit harsh, maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
Well, it is harsh, but I think it's rather hypocritical to justify murdering everyone with desperate starvation. If you want to play as a mass murderer, go ahead, but don't justify it with a need for survival. See: "I usually murder them too.  Usually I just ask if they have a quest, and if not, it's murder time.". If it was truly a matter of survival the victim should be murdered regardless of whether a quest could be had or not, as those quests typically result in inedible rewards of information.

I can understand that some players would murder the first person they find to get started, but the spoils of that murder should be sufficient to buy the player time to become self sufficient. If you're using a "just in time" play style when it comes to food you might run into trouble again very occasionally, in particular if you use a house rule of not buying food, and so may decide that prolonged starvation would serve as a justification for an additional murder.

Thus, my response was based on the hypocritical justification rather than the choice of play style.
I was just joking in the first place.  I think sometimes my style of humor doesn't translate well to message boards

June 10, 2018, 02:00:01 PM
Re: A few noob questions
As to a home site, for me, I like to be away from towns as human activity diminishes animal activity. I like to be near water, generally building at 11:00 of the lake for some reason. I spread shelters around my hunting and trapping areas, some containing remote cellars.
 Establishing a building is usually done so I can smoke meat vs dry/salt/roast. For me this building usually ends up being renovated into a full home/settlement.

I usually build at around 10 or 11 o'clock to a big lake myself; gives the best view of the sunrise over the lake, and you get the most sunlight through your windows in that position :) of course, with neither of those things factoring into the game it's all just role play for me lol

June 11, 2018, 10:05:42 PM
Re: Balanced that spirit, fixed them sacrifices
I'm curious, depending on "size and significance" of the animal, would the appropriate sacrifice ever exceed one cut?

According to folklore it seems that for the finnish spirits it is the gesture that matters the most - not the actual value of the offerings. Exception to this rule are sacrificial specific spells where a specific thing is needed for a specific result. Concept of greater sacrifice for a greater service/result is a bit alien for us. So we continue to emphasize on the gesture rather than the required amount.

And when it comes to sacrifices with spoiled food items, that's going to be fixed.

June 12, 2018, 12:33:14 PM