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Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? There's actually a video of making an UnReal World -style punt. The footage is from 1936, so they're making a somewhat more modern version than the simple punt used in UrW. I'd assume UrW punt comes without those extra added boards to the sides, which they start attaching at 4:09 in the video.
December 02, 2018, 03:35:34 PM
Re: Life hurts Hmm, yes, the diagnosis is correct, this should affect your DEX.

Get well soon. You got knocked down but you get back up.

December 03, 2018, 11:01:46 PM
Re: Life hurts Sami, I'm sorry to hear of your injury, but I'm glad you are well enough to write us and to recover to horseback and program again. I hope your recovery is quick and your weeks of rest isn't too stressful. Would you like a list of interesting podcasts to listen to?
December 04, 2018, 03:16:20 AM
Re: Snowshoes
As someone's who made attempts to manufacture snowshoes at home, in the most traditional way possible, I'm also willing to speak up for snowshoes. Though we might need to look into potential historical accuracy issues (I know URW isn't historical, but it is Finnish-inspired), I think snowshoes would be a wonderful addition to the skis.

The ancient Finns are likely to have used a sort of a swampshoe to walk on swampy ground, and this type could be used as a snowshoe as well. You can find a picture of a swampshoe and swampskis here - as you can see the swampshoe bears strong resemblance to the "bearpaw" type of snowshoe, but would carry less weight, being more open design to avoid getting stuck in a swamp. The gap between a swampshoe and a proper snowshoe looks like it's quite short, but it does seem that the type of snowshoe that developed in North America was never really developed in Europe. But it would not be completely anachronistic.

December 04, 2018, 11:14:41 AM
Re: Life hurts Make sure to visit the local village sage once a day. Thoughts are with you.
December 05, 2018, 02:22:01 PM
Re: Best way to preserve berries long-term ?
What's the best method of preserving berries for a long time, e.g. the autumn and winter until spring, other than just chucking them inside a cellar ? Can berries start to spoil or rot in a cellar ?

Thank you kindly for any and all advice.

Hi! :)

They will spoil in a cellar as well, yes, however, it will be at a slower pace. However, they will rot fairly quick and won't last you through a winter. You can however look through the mods forum, for various food mods. Some will give you the ability to dry berries, which have a longer spoilage period.

December 06, 2018, 06:15:30 PM
Re: Life hurts Get well soon, Sami! Get lots of rest.
December 07, 2018, 01:59:53 PM
Re: Best way to preserve berries long-term ? from News.txt
And item modding is done the same way with cookery recipes.
        Here's a recipe for dried berries:

        .Dried berries.     *COOKERY*   /25/ \10d\  %50%    :151: 
        {Berries}   #1#     [remove] [roast] [name:Pile of dried %s]

December 09, 2018, 02:06:08 AM
Re: Best way to preserve berries long-term ? To expand on Privateer's post, you can get a slightly hackish way of drying berries by copypasting that snippet to the cookery_glossary.txt file, for example into the vegetable recipies section, before the [SUBMENU_END:vegetable] tag. I say "slightly hackish" because as far as I can tell, the salting/smoking/drying methods are hardcoded and you can't expand on them - so it has to be made into a recipe, which is a bit counterintuitive and doesn't really work like drying berries or mushrooms would in real life (the cooking recipe methods need you to have a fire, but in reality you can dry berries or mushrooms the same way you can dry meat or fish in the game - it just wouldn't take as long). It would be nice if the salting/smoking/drying methods could work with wider selection of foodstuffs, but I doubt the devs would consider it a high priority since the recipe mod can be used to create almost the same effect.

EDIT: Never mind, I wasn't thinking properly... Anyway, I noticed that the devs are planning to add berries and mushrooms to the foodstuffs that can be dried - so maybe next version will have that?

December 09, 2018, 07:45:41 PM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? I've been thinking of multi-steps for what Erkka posted which is close to the dugout recipe in memory. As Novrus has a birch bark one I've not been too mindful of writing the code and testing it right now. Borrowing from my block tubs the concept is:

1) Start with "log" no trunk (as a building step we dont need to code)

2) Shallow log (first cuttings)

3) Deep log (second deep cutting)

4) Steam with pitch (uses pitch glue from Boudinna else "bark" as sticky sap)

If we aim for a  max work at one time as 8 (or maybe as high as 12) hours before the character collapses this lets us have perhaps 3 x 8hr work days with 24+ delay for the pitch steaming

Options to expand would include

a) Medium depth log

b) Final trimming
If I had final trimming I would set the pitch step to have a huge weight to be effectiviely unmovable (9999 lbs)

Plus you would need to make a paddle (already in game)

December 10, 2018, 04:23:18 PM