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Re: Where the heck are the axes?

If this is completely normal have you spent every game you started walking for hours through 20 villages across 2 regions to find an axe?

I don't want to murder innocent villagers for their axes, that's just despicable.

This is rare coincidence. Normal or not depends on point of view.

In my current game I discovered 30 villages before build settlement.
This is because I was very picky and want shore, hill with good view, and Driik village and wood supply near my settlement. I also collected tools seeds and animals during travel.

I understand this is not your choice how to start game. But there different options.

You can view typical map of regions before character creation to suggest direction to Driik willage or other culture.
It is also good to print screen world map before entering the world.

September 27, 2018, 02:15:39 AM
Re: sacrificing Just the cap, nothing bad will happen.
October 15, 2018, 05:12:08 PM
Re: Change the wilderness map? In most cases, no.

However, I actually have gone out of my way to cut down every single tree in a map tile, and managed to turn a spruce forest into an open plains tile.

October 22, 2018, 06:38:44 AM
Re: Bear's teeth? You harvest teeth by activating a bear skull from your inventory under the tools section. I think each skull yields four units. You also get teeth from seal skulls the same way.
December 14, 2018, 09:07:32 PM
Re: Savefile locations on a Mac? Hi!

I also play on Mac, however, I'm using the Steam version so I don't know how much of a difference there is.

I have an Unreal World application in my Library I can right-click and press "Show Package Contents", which will open up for access to the folders Unreal World is using. Those are "Frameworks", "MacOS" and "Resources". Under Resources, each of my characters will have a folder named after their ingame-name.

I hope this is of use to you :)

February 12, 2019, 02:25:05 PM
Re: Savefile locations on a Mac? There are actually *two* locations, depending on how you're running the game.  If you're running the stand-alone version, savefiles will be in:

/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/urw3-Darwin

If you're running the Steam version, savefiles will be inside the Steam package - right click on the game in the Steam menu, click "Properties" then "Local Files" then "Browse Local Files".  You'll get a Finder window with the URW application inside it.  Follow ModernNorseman's instructions on how to get to the savefiles inside.

February 12, 2019, 04:01:17 PM
Run Away Slave on Winter (lucky) Surrounded by Njerpet. E'llp ran away as fast as he can to the closest building, rained by arrows. Inside the building E'llp feels great fear, and ready to fight with his rough knife. heard sound of fighting. But nobody enter the building, what he heard only sound of fighting. Seems that there's an arrow hit the other Njerpet, and they're fighting each other. After some moment, it became quiet.

E'llp sneaking carefully, and stunned when he saw dozens of Njerpet Warriors lying dead. E'llp took the spear, bow and arrow, then observe his surrounding. He found only one warrior survive from the chaos. E'llp start to aim and shot the arrow. One and only badly wounded Njerpet instantly dead with one bullet.

E'llp picked up their equipments. Fell down the tree and make big fire, ready to cremate the unbelieveable warriors.

February 14, 2019, 05:03:58 PM
Re: Run Away Slave on Winter (lucky)
Is your approach in the Runaway Slave scenario to run to the building and fight in the doorway?

Yes. Running in one tile Kota, and ready to fight. Punch, Kick, Smack (if available ;D), dodge (but better blocking), picking up warrior's slipped weapon, and on. Of course i'm rolling character stats with high strenght, endurance, will, speed.

February 15, 2019, 06:45:09 PM
Re: Tips for agriculture? I use more "modern" field agriculture, which means I remove all trees in the farming area and prepare the soil in square tiles. This part of the clearing is performed during the first winter (I start my characters in "spring"). This part also contains preparing for the burning by cutting and placing branches so they're ready to be set on fire.

My plots are 9*9, and I place branches on every second row, so I set fire at one row, and by the time I've set fire to the last tile the first one has burned out, so I can then go back to prepare the soil there. Depending on the RNG, I can generally prepare 2-3 rows per day (preparation includes having food for the two months it takes to prepare all of my rather extensive farming area). Once I've prepared the soil in the pre prepared tiles, I place branches on the rows in between (using stacks of branches prepared in advance) and then do a second pass to take care of those.
If you don't remove trees the fires can set trees on fire, which may potentially connect lines of branches so that more is burned than you had intended. It's worth noting that lighting a fire in a tile adjacent to a tile on fire is a lot easier than to set fire on an isolated tile (I think it never fails), which is a reason to go for lines or rectangles of branches.

I plant seeds as soon as I can, so the seed selection for plots depends on the order in which they're prepared. Check the wiki on to see which seeds can be planted in which months. Turnips are good beginners crops as they are large and give a good yield even with a poor skill. In addition to that, you can get two crops per year out of them if the frost isn't late in departing. Also note that different crops wither at different times (again, check the wiki).

Also note that you need a mod to make clothing out of your agriculture, as the vanilla game only provides food.

There are basically three kinds of crops: cereal (rye and barley), veggies (turnips, peas, broad beans [I may have missed something]), and spices, plus seeds. What you can make depends on whether you use vanilla or a mod (I use the Njerp Cooking Mod).

I start with turnips, rye/barley (barley is actually more nutritious, but has lower yield), and hemp and/or nettles, and gradually replace turnips with broad beans (peas are inferior to broad beans for everything), and change to yarrow for spicing eventually (it's a fair bit of work to collect the seeds, and a bit messy to grow them as you have to forego flowers to get seeds, and the yield is fairly poor as they're small).

March 09, 2019, 10:49:57 PM
Re: Can't finish the ritual-quest! I believe you use the "general sacrifice" ritual while standing on the ant nest (or possibly next to it), and then select the silver item from the list of things presented as the object to sacrifice. I.e. you use the same ritual as you do to appease the spirits of the forest and the ones of the water normally.
April 22, 2019, 02:44:42 PM