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Add set pieces scattered in the world similar to starting scenarios. I think adding some rare and hard to find sites would add a cool element to the game.  These would be similar to some of the starting scenarios, such as you find a partially completed cabin or an abandoned trap fence.  Even just an occasional abandoned shelter would be a neat find while you're tracking an animal through the woods. 
March 11, 2018, 04:31:25 AM
Re: Rauko Finally the hunger can end the next day as he brings down an elk!
It was a long chase with only a javelin to kill it with.

March 11, 2018, 08:30:24 PM
Re: Rauko It happened too long ago to remember the details, I'm still catching up with the story from the highlights that had screenshots. I put my money on a javelin throw to the leg that slowed the beast enough that persistently following it's tracks eventually caught up with it. That's a common way for my hunts to go. Anyhow, he would never have only one javelin, probably 3 of them, so he might have scored a couple of hits over the course of the long chase. Rauko's base speed it pretty high, so even with his injuries he could do a decent job at following.
March 13, 2018, 10:29:45 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?

Pulled off a victorious There be Robbers! start for the first time this version, quite happy to be bathed in riches, and on my own little island no less.

March 14, 2018, 05:31:13 AM
Re: Rauko The woodsman rewards Rauko with knowledge of a secret treasure in a cave.

On the way to search for the treasure, Rauko explores a cave and makes some interesting finds.
He's sure this is not far enough away to be the one described by the woodsman.
The spirits must be generous!

March 14, 2018, 10:25:18 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko wonders what treasure might be waiting at his destination, if he can find it.
After a long search, he finds the mountain cave and enters cautiously...

It is a treasure of worth beyond his wildest dreams!
More wealth than several of his home villages would possess has come into his hands.
The spear immediately becomes his most prized possession, he is almost under a spell
when gazing upon it's beautiful workmanship.

Rauko stays in the cave for a few days and makes it a place of refuge when needed.

March 17, 2018, 03:02:05 PM
Re: Insufficient unity Once you have enough wealth, start carrying high quality knives and arrows around with you.  I have received three new spells from characters that want to trade them for nice knives or arrows.  These quests won't be known by everyone in the village, but the quest giver will walk right up to you and start talking.
March 21, 2018, 09:11:28 PM
Re: @Privateer @Faatal  I've verified compatibility of the modules you requested and posted them to the forum.

 Let me know if there is .. well anything ;)

March 22, 2018, 07:26:35 PM
Fennec's Random Plant Mod (cross-posted from the old forum)

Hi all,

If you're tired of finding the same old plants in UrW - or if you'd just like to see some more variety - I've made a mod to add randomly-generated plants into the game.In addition to adding more wild plants, it also adds some other features:

New grains and vegetables grown in fields and sold in villages:

Poisonous plants that also have other effects (pretty pointless for plants poisonous in any form, but useful and interesting for plants that become edible when boiled):

Poisonous berries:

Herbs to help you reach spiritual enlightenment (okay, they're actually just drugs):

Medicinal mushrooms:

Additionally, all plants generated by this mod (except mushrooms and berries) provide seeds so you can grow them at your own settlement.

Download the JAR file (attached to this post) and double-click it to run it. It generates four .txt files, each of which start with "flora_mod". These four files should be in the same directory where you saved the JAR file. Move these files to the UrW directory where any other mod files would go, then have fun exploring a world full of new plants!

This mod simply adds more plants to the game, but it does generate enough to be a suitable replacement for the vanilla plants. If you do wish to replace the vanilla plant files entirely, start up the game, move the "flora_mod" files to the UrW directory, and remove all the existing files that BEGIN with "flora_". These default files will automatically re-appear each time the game is booted, but I would strongly recommend backing these up somewhere just in case something goes unexpectedly wrong. Also, since these files do re-appear when you boot up the game, you will have to remove them each time if you do want to remove all the vanilla plants.

Finally, for my fellow programming nerds here, I have included the source code within the src folder in the JAR file in case anyone wants to see my sloppy coding.

- names of picked berries are now accurate
- mod should no longer generate plants that wither before they can be harvested
- mushrooms are now roughly as common as in vanilla
- beneficial berries and mushrooms are now somewhat more common
- program can now be run by double-clicking on it
- "Ok, done!" message appears as pop-up window
- should be compatible with all operating systems now

Known issues:
- plants with names containing "snap" trigger a sound effect when interacted with. this can be fixed by manually changing the name in the flora file.
- poisonous plants with additional effects may be mistakenly identified as edible before all effects are known. rare issue, but proceed with caution if "there's still more to learn".
- (issue encountered on Ubuntu 14.04) flora files appear in /home directory instead of the directory containing the JAR if run with OpenJDK Runtime. this issue does not occur when using WINE.

March 23, 2018, 10:06:07 PM
Re: Feeding animals? Overlapping a fair bit with Privateer's answer...

Dogs (and the PC) only eat humans when starving, and they will be hungry for a fair while before that, so you'd have to suffer a lot of barking before it happens.

Raw and unspoiled (including stale) processed meat and fish is readily eaten by dogs, but they won't touch spoiled cooked/dried/smoked food, so that's just garbage. Other animals will not eat processed food of any kind.

Spoiled fish and meat can be used as bait, it it works poorly: fresh is considerably better.

After the dog ate the bones of my first Njerp I now keep Njerp/robber bones in piles on skerries in the rapids (the next best thing as we don't have heads on poles).

Bears eat fish and meat, and possibly berries. Some birds eat berries (birds of prey eat meat, or course), hares love turnips and other roots, and I think elks and reindeer eat turnips as well. Badgers eat just about anything. Also, you can multi-bait...

There was a threat on the old forum where various baits were discussed.

March 24, 2018, 07:30:55 AM