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Re: The song of robbers "Loot and mayhem makes my day,
Robbing strangers is the way!
When we are done with our toils,
Home to Kaumo with the spoils."  :P

November 06, 2018, 09:13:52 PM
Re: sacrificing dried fish pleases the forest, not the water This makes sense to me because when a fish is first caught is when I think the sacrifice would be meaningful to the water spirits, rather than many days later after the fish is dried. Besides, water spirits are wet and dried fish has no water in it, so it may be insulting to the spirits to give it back to them in that condition.

For similar reasons, it would make sense to me if NO dried fish or meat was acceptable to ANY spirit. I could see any spirit being insulted by dried flesh. 

"Why did you wait so long to say thank you to me for this beautiful animal you took away from my domain?" or "What have you done to the juicy, blood-filled flesh of my creature, you defiler!"

November 15, 2018, 05:20:37 PM
Re: sacrificing dried fish pleases the forest, not the water I think the bit about the fresh kill doesn't actually mean that the thing you sacrifice has to be from a freshly killed animal, at least not the way things are coded right now. I think what it means is "if you don't perform a sacrifice soon after killing an animal, the gods will get mad at you."

I think that right now there are different buckets of items: [dried fish, dried meat, smoked fish, smoked meat, roasted fish, roasted meat, raw meat] are in one bucket, [raw fish] is in another bucket, and [silver] is in a third bucket. When you sacrifice an item, it looks up which bucket the item is in and adjusts your relationship with the spirits according to the rules for that bucket.

Separately, there are different buckets of actions: [fishing] is in one bucket, doing it lowers your relationship with the water spirits. [killing big animals, letting big animal carcasses rot in your traps, just taking the skins and not using the meat, excess trapping, excess felling trees] are conjectured to be in another bucket. doing those things lowers your relationship with the forest spirits.

Probably the rituals where you ask for something also affect your relationship with the spirits -- before we had spells, anyway, asking too much made them angry. so probably some more buckets for rituals where they adjust your relationship up or down based on a bunch of factors.

Whenever you do a thing, it figures out whether your relatinoship with the spirit should go up or down by checking what bucket the thing you've done is in.

So what I was initially arguing was that dried/smoked/cooked fish does not belong in the same bucket as meat, but in the water bucket. You guys have convinced me that actually dried/smoked/cooked food probably doesn't belong in either the forest spirit bucket or the water spirit bucket, but maybe in some generic third bucket.

November 17, 2018, 09:29:35 AM
Re: Enable building double height fence (lynx, people couldn't climb over it) High fence, like a wall? Like the wall that´s already in game, (but cheaper)?
November 21, 2018, 12:19:47 PM
Re: Why are spears and javelins with lover damage than arrows yet are much bigger?
Your logic is flawed - everything has realistic range except throwign weponz - spears and stones! Even I CAN aim on 30 m with stone to hit head sized target!

I agree - my logic is flawed, and arm-chair philosophy is always unrealiable. So I decided to turn to empirical evidence. I gathered some items with corresponding weights as their equivalents in UnReal World. I shot a video of tossing items (both in UnReal World and in the real life).

And I must admit that Aramis seems to be partially right - item throwing distances might use some adjusting. Crude javelins in UnReal World fly too far. Or then it is that UnReal World characters are better at throwing items, having a better technique and giving projectiles greater velocity than I could do.

Here are the results for me and my UnReal World character Pekka;

Crude javelins (3 lbs) : Pekka 26 - 30 metres, Erkka 12 - 15 metres
A rock (1 lbs) : Pekka 17 - 20 metres, Erkka 17 - 20 metres
A stone (14 lbs) : Pekka 12 metres, Erkka 7 metres

(I repeated the real life test three times. For the first two runs I had my stone weight messed up, I was using a 14 kg stone instead of 14 lbs one. On the second test I got javelins to 15 metres. But instead of using that clip in the video I wanted to be precise with my stone weight, so I did a third test.)

November 25, 2018, 05:56:37 PM
Testing things you can do in UnReal World Hello there,

my personal YouTube channel has been mostly for all around tongue-in-cheek silliness. So, just for convenience, I organized UnReal World -related stuff to a playlist.

ps. and let me remind that Sami has an excellent YouTube channel dedicated to traditional arhery.

November 25, 2018, 06:07:31 PM
Life hurts You know what... During the past two decades it hasn't been too many times that I have been on a sick leave, or unable to work on the game due to medical condition, wounds or injuries. But now a week ago I fractured my shoulder when falling of the horse during horseback archery training. Doctors orders are to wear arm sling for the next two weeks. After that a new x-ray will reveal how the recovery goes. Luckily no operation was needed. I just have to rest and wait, and so do you. So, I'll enter on a sick leave now and report back after two weeks.

I am mostly unable to answer to emails or at forums, but we'll try to handle the urgent cases somehow.     
Not to worry, I will survive. Game development and archery endeavours to be continued when the doc says so.

My current wounds and injuries screen looks like this  ;)

December 01, 2018, 06:15:00 PM
Re: Snowshoes
As someone's who made attempts to manufacture snowshoes at home, in the most traditional way possible, I'm also willing to speak up for snowshoes. Though we might need to look into potential historical accuracy issues (I know URW isn't historical, but it is Finnish-inspired), I think snowshoes would be a wonderful addition to the skis.

The ancient Finns are likely to have used a sort of a swampshoe to walk on swampy ground, and this type could be used as a snowshoe as well. You can find a picture of a swampshoe and swampskis here - as you can see the swampshoe bears strong resemblance to the "bearpaw" type of snowshoe, but would carry less weight, being more open design to avoid getting stuck in a swamp. The gap between a swampshoe and a proper snowshoe looks like it's quite short, but it does seem that the type of snowshoe that developed in North America was never really developed in Europe. But it would not be completely anachronistic.

December 04, 2018, 11:14:41 AM
How badgers escape And you thought you had problems catching badgers. Trying keeping one in a pen:

December 07, 2018, 05:27:34 PM
Re: Life hurts Sami is hard core on his research.

His game includes injuries and medical recovery.

Here we see him to first hand research on both.

So is building a log cabin with only one arm modeled correctly in the game? Is Erkka going to help you film the real life task comparisons?

December 17, 2018, 03:15:47 AM