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Re: Let salt be salt, not preservative
Salt in modern use is mainly flavor enhancer. (MSG/monosodium glutamate is a salt too)
Pre-refrigeration salt was (still is today) a preservative.
Adding salt to a stew is pretty new invention.
When meat used was already heavy salted, adding any more salt to the food wasn’t needed. Often the salted meat was soaked first to reduce salt.
(Still hoping Sami will change the meat recipes to ask for cuts of meat vs pounds of meat. Then we could use dried meat in stews et cetera)

Using juniper berries, birch leaves, heather, marjoram, nettle and so on has longer history in cooking than salt as flavor enhancer /seasoning.

You can mod thee recipes to ask for dried meat.

July 23, 2020, 01:13:13 AM
Re: How to install mods Most of the mods have a ReadMe file that comes with. It's honestly pretty easy, just a matter of dropping the files in the game's install folder, you may have to overwrite some vanilla files in the process.
Remember to back up any files that would be overwritten if you want to remove the mod, though verifying files with Steam would also restore any overwritten files back to vanilla.

July 23, 2020, 11:02:10 PM
Re: How to Sauna in the Finnish way? Hehe, I'm under the impression that for Finnish people 60 Celcius is kind of a minimum. 80 Celcius is something like normal. 100 Celcius is hot, but I think some ice-swimming people like it hotter (even up to 120 Celcius). But it must be said that we seldom stay in the sauna for hours in a row - once in a while people go out to cool down and to have fresh air, maybe drink a can of cold beer and then go back to have some more löyly in the sauna.

I think that at some areas in Russia the local culture is to have the sauna heated up to 140 Celcius, but then you can only stay in for a shor period sitting still and then go out to take a dip in the fresh cold water of River Volga. And then repeat. But this is only something I heard from a single person from that area, so I really don't know if this habit is more widespread - I welcome our Russian players to comment on their sauna habits, for it would be interesting to hear what we have in common and what differences there are to our Eastern neighbours.

EDIT: For clarification, I'm clearly writing from a countryside point of view. My own sauna is a separate building, and it is very easy to go outdoors to cool down. But in apartment houses and other urban environments sauna time often gets reduced to some 20 - 30 minutes. Like JP also mentions, longer sauna sessions tend to require access to fresh air and preferably also a lake.

Typically one would say that sauna + private yard is a countryside luxury. But I think that in cities there are also public saunas with outdoor access. At Kallio neigborhood in Helsinki you can spot people wearing a towel around their waist, sitting next to a street in front of a public sauna. They are cooling down for a while, to go back to have another round of löyly in the sauna.

July 30, 2020, 09:08:53 PM
Off to holidays! So, there's still summer left and there are no showstoppers discovered in the latest version -- that equals to me getting off to holidays now.
We can call this latter summer holiday, and I have feeling I'll spend quite a long one. So it's likely autumn, or early winter, before I get back to development chambers again.
I still can be reached by e-mail, but expect delays with replies. And on rainy days I may rarely pop up at forums too, but don't follow conversations very actively at all.
Take care, help each others out, stay safe and have some good times and adventures!
I'm off to holidays...

August 01, 2020, 07:29:53 PM
Re: A "get lost!" button? You can throw a glove in his face, which would probably make him angry enough to fight you...
August 03, 2020, 09:45:09 AM
Re: Have you bought a hunting horn? Re: Superior furs- Even though you may have 100% skill at hideworking and use a Masterwork Broad knife, there are multiple steps in processing furs that can fail and the skinning is only the first. When you have the good fortune to peel off a Superior skin, you should avoid working the skin further until you are fully rested.  If you're even a little bit tired, store the skin in a cellar until you've slept, before you take the next step. I always strip down my clothing/gear to the minimum when I'm working a Superior skin. The percentages for success are very low so minimize negatives when possible. 

Re: Hunting Horn- I buy one with my guys. When I used to use my dogs for chase and hunting they would often go out of my hearing range when pursuing an animal. Now I keep dogs for protection and don't care to risk their loss or injury during hunting so my dogs only go out of sight when they are badly injured when fighting and flee.

Do horns work when dogs are out of shouting range? It's not possible to say because there's no feedback in game that one can attribute solely to the horn's use. I can say that since I've been carrying a horn I have not lost any dogs. Before I had horns I'd lost several dogs that just failed to return when called.

August 05, 2020, 06:28:01 PM
Re: Which game update you are looking forward to? I'd love for more quests with better variety to them, the different shades of "find a needle in a haystack" aren't really doing it for me and tend to leave me wanting for more.

Better modding support would also be great. I don't think you can really fully rely on the modding community to make the game for you, but with better tools to control recipes, buildings, and menu arborescence, in both creating new stuff and being able to modify existing features, I know modders would have a field day.

August 07, 2020, 04:15:02 PM
Re: A "get lost!" button? Well, I'm part of the development team, and personally I feel that something like "threaten" would be both interesting and useful future addition at some point.

Basically, instead of a full-out fight a character could choose to act in a threatening way. Then the AI should evaluate if the threatened being would choose to flee or to counter-threaten, or to attack.

I could imagine this working both for animals and humans. And what little I have seen animal behaviour, seems like a natural way for many of them - first trying to negotiate the situation with different displays of threatening moves, and if they don't work only then a full fight ensues.

How do you think you can claim the wilderness where is no mans land as your territory?

I might be a simple person, as I'm not aware of any other means that the exact thing Skyleaf mentions. You tell others that you consider this or that plot of land as your territory, and ask them to leave if you feel so. If the others refuse to respect your statements, then it ultimately boils down to this or that form of violence to sort out who can stay and who needs to leave. In the modern society fist fights and lethal combats are (most of the time, in most of the countries) replaced by stuff like police, courts, legal punishments, jails etc. But the underlying basic mechanism is the same; the one who can backs ones claims with more firepower is the one who controls this or that piece of land. (From the philosophical point of view; I'm not here to say if I like things being this way, or if this is the most preferable way to handle land ownership. I'm merely just describing the way things seem to be in most of the human societies.)

August 08, 2020, 02:36:46 PM
Re: How do I build wealth

I usually do simple wooden crafts and arrows in the early game, until I can get some decent tools for crafting. Usually the first major score happens when I kill a njerpez

Which is now much more dangerous because Njerp can travel in groups!

August 09, 2020, 07:21:10 PM
Re: How do I build wealth
The initial proficiency of production skills is low. It will be better to add two points after completing the two task chains, but that will be a long time later. If you plan to stay at home, you should need cows. When I try to be a craftsman, I always need to go busy with food, hunting, farming, or fishing. Craftsmen need a stable food supply. If you choose a culture that is good at fighting, hunting is the best choice. If your skills are not high enough, you can consider using traps, which are very efficient, as long as you target meat, fish, or turnips. Fox traps are hit all the time. I once encountered three bears in a small area, set up three traps, starved the three bears... Hunting animals need to use long-range weapons because they will run away, bows or javelins, or unpopular crossbows. Use traps to trap animals, then use these animals to train your skills. I'm not sure if you hate hunting, or think that hunting is too slow to accumulate wealth. If it is the latter, you can roll out a higher vision when creating characters, so that you can easily find prey. Speed ​​is not that important for hunting. It’s good to grasp the timing of sneaking, but speed is very important for the overall progress of the game

I wouldnt say that speed is not important for hunting... i once tried to run down a heavily wounded and fatigued reindeer with a slow character(5km/h walking, 9km/h sprinting) and it was a pain... i think it took one whole day. Both of us where crawling in the end, i had to club that poor thing at least 20 times before it finally fell...

August 11, 2020, 01:12:22 AM