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Re: Suggestion reply marathon | Oct 2019 - Mar 2020 | part 1/3 Suggestion reply marathon - Oct 2019 - Mar 2020 | part 3/3

Crafting leather harnesses?

I was looking at a bunch of leather I've got for which I presently have no use and it occurred to me that these beasts of burden, cow and deer, could require harnesses and packs in order to carry loads. I suppose that would fall under hide working skill. What do you think?

I don’t feel this is that important. Surely some would enjoy the immersion of it, and maybe the micro-management too, but carrying in the game is very simplified – with humans too. There are many domestic animal related things to do that have a higher priority.

Snowstorms and Blizzards

UnReal World should have periods of severe weather to make winter properly dangerous and scary. Blizzards with their high winds would make freezing temperatures much worse and turn layers of clothes into more of a necessity.

Yep. Weather conditions and the effects could be improved endlessly. We’ve got these, and others, in our plans.

eye kick & behaviour of aggressive forester upon knocking out aggressor

My suggestions are:

1. Remove the chance of 'eye kick' completely.
a. Size of feet vs size of eye socket: it's just near-impossible to kick someone in the eye, especially in the heat of battle.
b. Position of a foot in space vs position of eyes in space: there's about 2 mt vertical space in between. I won't just stand there while the kicker adjusts his flying kick perfectly (not in a full suit with a masterwork shield, which I am actively using every counter-move).

People already pointed out in the thread that the foot (or a big weapon for example) doesn’t have to enter exactly in the eye opening eg. in the helmet to cause damage to the eye area. Also, as the hits land around combatants bodies it doesn’t happen so that the both stay still and erect. It’s imagined that some moving is happening, your head may come down as you move about, it doesn’t have to be a high kick. Kicks to head are not something that NPCs actively try to do, they are things that may happen in the heat of the combat.

2. In the unlikely event a FA manages to knock out the aggressor:
a. He should either kill the aggressor, or
b. At least fully take all weapons initially, and probably everything useful in battle thereafter such as the shield. You might think "perhaps he was already unarming you?". It is true I do not know how much time passed (and maybe he was in the process of doing so) however when I came to, there were zero removed weapons therefore I think he just stood there doing nothing. He was on the same tile.

NPCs decide individually, and based on the events, what they do to downed enemy. They can decide to kill them, they can decide to spare them, they can decide to take the weapons and toss the guy away. You have to go through more defeats to see how it actually works. Here it’s also very likely that you were blacked out for a tiny moment, as there was no NPC move to be seen.
Of course it would be great to add more “after defeat” actions for NPCs, but they need to be though over based on more than one case example.


It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground.

Spring flooding is usual phenomena in Finland too, and rainstorm related flooding could occur as well. These would be interesting but would require lots of work to implement as water flowing had to be modelled in detail. Maybe we can think this after we (some day) manage to get the rivers really flowing so that it will have in-game effect.

Full screen map with toggleable information on it - remove classic info boxes

Nowadays many people use large displays, even 30+ inches. Unreal World uses a cluttered screen wasting a lot of space that can be used for seeing the map. Maybe it's time to have a map like in the first attachement or the link below? With on screen information and boxes you can toggle on and off?

Yes we should update to modern resolutions, and it's mandatory at some point, but that's full rewrite of the graphics engine then.
To come up with good time lasting design it's six months of planning and at least another six for creating, and additional three for testing and putting things together.

When do we take that sort of graphics break, I don't know.

Use of full available resolution for the game is of course preferred, but it's debatable if that means using all the screen for map by default.

Boatmen and fishermen

I think it would be interesting if you could run into fishermen and other such boat-goers when travelling by boat/raft in larger water areas (the sea, lakes) in the same way that you can run into traders and hunters on land.

This would be interesting, and I’d love to have things like this in effect some day. We’ll surely consider, but can’t predict when the time might be right for this.

please add the ability to dig a water well

I feel the ability to dig a water well is the next single huge improvement that can be added..

I’ve always felt it’s more period accurate that settlements are most often built near natural waters. I also feel that’s more the way I want things to be, but there’s archeological evidence of iron-age wells having existed too. If this was featured it had to be a thing that doesn’t succeed magically every time, but you really would have find the ground waters.
What I’d like to add first would be springs. With springs you could then build wilderness settlements near these marvelous natural water supplies.
But yes, we’ll consider the wells, but can’t predict when the time is right for it.

Spiky Fences and Fence Gates

Spiky fences would be perfect for home defence. They could serve as traps as well (unwitting animals impale themselves on the fence while trying to climb over)?

In order to access the other side of a spiky fence, you need to build a fence gate onto an existing fence. This gate can be opened and closed like a door.

Fence gate is in the game now, but about spiky fences I’m not sure at all. It doesn’t feel proper, or period accurate. The danger of eg. wild animal is and should be always there – it’s essential part of the world. There are enough reasonable means to protect eg. your domestic animals already. Watchdogs or even bringing the animals inside for the night.

Wear and Tear and Protection

It seems with the more recent releases that clothes don't degrade fast enough when damaged in combat.  I haven't really had to repair any of my current characters clothing, aside from his shoes.  Birch bark shoes seem to fall apart pretty quick but other than that footwear doesn't seem to degrade fast either, but footwear still degrades faster than the rest of my current characters armor who engages in combat pretty often.  I suggest that this be bumped up a bit, particularly for linen/nettle items.

You would have to define better what is fast enough ie. how you see things having changed lately. And what kind of and what quality clothes, and what kind of injuries you’ve experienced. This feels more like an individual hunch, and we’d really have to examine the character’s conditions in detail to come up with any concrete conclusion. What has been done in recent releases to armour/cloth degrade, is this in version 3.60 and I still find it working in intended fashion.

Code: [Select]
- tweaked: armour and cloth quality having greater impact on their durability

         As a rule of thumb high quality items are more durable, and low quality items wear out faster
         in use. This is already seen with wear out rate of eg. weapons and tools. Now the quality based
         durability is extended to cover all the armous and clothes. You can expect rough armours
         to wear out faster in combat, and fine shoes to last longer on your journeys, and so on.

Make stat/skill increases based on longevity, not on tutorial

I think the tutorial is good for handing out free stuff to new players, but I'd rather see the stat increase happen on your first anniversary or something so that the tutorial isn't something you feel like you have to do if you want to give your character every chance to be awesome. As it is, I just discard any free stuff the game gives me, but that just feels unpleasant.

Game-course completion options are indeed gamey, and we’ll rid of them at some point – leaving only one reals tutorial like course.
Stat increase has been discussed at times, and in theory it that could be added but it had to be based on actual usage of the ability and happen very slowly. We think the stats more like innate qualities  of the character and every character shouldn’t  ever reach max. stats. This brings up a question “But you get stronger by doing physical work!”, and yes you do, but this is already featured by skill increase. The skill increase for example in bow or swords of course requires appropriate muscles to get stronger too. Now it doesn’t reflect in the game with strength attribute increase but strength is very general term. Is it the strength in your back muscles, legs, shoulders?  Sword and bow require different strength, as does the timbercraft and hideworking. The same goes for many attributes.
Are you agile to dodge or agile to climb trees? Base agility helps in both but to train dodging trains different kind of agility than climbing. So the attributes are more like a generic overall starting point on which you build the physical skills – and the skill increase reflects what you’ve learned and what your body has adapted to. In that sense attribute increase hasn’t ever felt too necessary but if it was added it had to be very, very slow.


Playing for a long time I noticed that it is much more profitable to eat 3 dried meats than to eat a pan of meat soup with peas and nettles. I think this is not a very good balance, but there is practically no sense in berries. I would like to see something like avitaminosis  .This may resemble starvation, which depends on the last time you ate berries or other food.

Yes, many effects of poor diet could added, and many nutrition related things improved. This has been brought up every now and but so far we haven’t got it happening. To feature diet effects in satisfying way would be quite an overhaul to nutrition code so maybe the burden of re-planning has kept it away from the table all these years.  Should be added surely, but I don’t know when.

Some cooking and modding improvements?

On the cooking recipe requirement check, can you also add "pot available" as second item either in inventory or 'nearby' in the the valid recipes? Of course, only as long as the pot is empty.

“Pot available” as second item? I’m not sure if I get this right.
It would be convenient if ground items (nearby) could be always checked but their intenal handling is different from character’s inventory so we have mechanics limitation here. It’s an intention to overcome at some point, but don’t know when there’s time for that.

On similar note (I'm aware there's mod for it already), dried meat and fish has been used in cooking since ancient times. Is that something you think will be in vanilla at some point?

Yep, I’d like to feature dried meat/fish usage in recipes, and then also to get rid of dried meat/fish eating on their own (without soaking first, or then chewing slowly and carefully). Recipes can be suggested.

Third, is it viable to use water containers for Hideworking from ground/nearby similar to lakes, rivers, sea, swamps, bogs, marshes? Penalty goes up for smaller characters tanning bear and elk skins doubly for holding skin AND water container.

See the first reply. It’s internal mechanics limitation, hopefully to be dealt with at some point.

On the trail

One thing I’ve not seen in the wilderness is ski tracks. I’m not sure how simple it is to model NPC hunters and adventurers to ski around, given their tendency to circle and wander around.

We’ll first have to give NPCs an ability ski and then think about the tracks. NPCs don’t ski currently. Both would naturally fit to the game world perfectly, and ’m sure will this coming alive at some point.

Cattle Pulled Sled

A simply made sled, I'm thinking boards as the main component, could be used to haul items over land. Animals like cattle and reindeer could be leashes to the sled and be made to pull it.

Yes. These plans do exist in our roadmap. When it happens the sleds can be pulled by the player character too.

Village Food Status and Charity (both ways)

This brought me to a new idea that villagers' food stocks could naturally fluctuate and lead to different relationships or even "mini quests" in the process.

If the village has plenty of food and the PC is starving and has a decent relationship with the village, how about some occasional offers of food to the PC when they chat with villagers? Or increased chance of chores quest being offered to give PC trading credit?

On the reverse side, if the village is doing poorly ("bad hunting" or "crops failed this summer") perhaps there could be an opportunity for the PC to earn status/gratitude/friends by gifting some of their food supplies? Some of my long termers have pretty astronomical amounts of food hoarded and it would be nice to have a social purpose for it.

Yep, this would suit the game nicely. One thing that it requires would be to track and generate village resources in more detail, and that leans heavily towards accomplishing village and society simulation. It’s been discussed before that our time and interest is limited to go into that direction too heavily, but to some extent yes.
Charity, or actually generosity, can be witnessed already to some extent as characters with good reputation may be asked for lower prices. But just asking and offering food could be added – again.
See, we’ve had asking for food in action back in the day. Villagers did decide individually if they would hand out some food. This was often exploited as players could toss away their carried food, starve a little, and then run around villages asking for food. But now if this was linked to reputation it would work in better fashion.

Separate control access for dogs&followers

With dogs and or followers in tow, visiting villages and settlements can be bit tedious when [C]hat defaults to animal/follower and not chat.
So I suggest to move to dog (& follower) commands to ‘!’ From ‘C’ (as ‘c’ is close, and ^c is Cooking)
Logic here would be to command the others vs chat with your dog to Come, Doggo Come!; when you don’t even see the beast.

This has bothered me too many times, and been suggested earlier also. It’s likely that we’ll separate chat and commands in relatively near future. Been thinking about the actual command key and ‘!’ feels quite intuitive, although it would always be best to find a way to utilize existing commands and conditions. But the current system is indeed burdensome.

Also when visible, but out of conversation range, I need to turn away: not to see the dog, to be able to call it to come closer. Otherwise I get prompted “you get no response, get closer”

This could be solved easily by having “Come  here “ as all-time and not visibility based dog command. Wouldn’t hurt anyone’s playstyle either, so I guess we’ll put it in effect.

Alternative quest reward.

So my character received a find herbs, burdock, for old man quest. My herb lores not great and I don't recognize it. This got me thinking. If I was actually there I would ask what burdock looked like where it likes to grow? So I suggest the following. On gather herb quest the old men should also say something like it grows in fields or it likes river banks. I don't want a quest area circle just terrain preference. Second I think they " show" you what it looks like so you at least have a 1 out of 2 or 3 chance of recognizing out it in the field.

Hmm. The way I see it with quests is that not every character is able to do them all - and there's nothing wrong if they therefore have to abandon some quests right away.
This is different from (quite general) viewpoint where there should be options and aids to allow every character complete every quest.
There's character's dialog lines within this quest such as:
"Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the plants around here."
...and other ways to be fair with the sage about being weak with herblore. If that's the case, those lines can be used.

If I was to add character's dialog line such as "Could you describe this plant and tell me where it grows?" I'd be sure also to add sage's response "Well, if that's the level of your expertise in this matter then I have no use for herb pickers such as yourself." That's how I'd imagine those sages to act. Wanting help from somebody who really can help.


When it comes herb knowledge as a reward that’s something we could consider. I guess you can already get skill knowledge rewards from NPCs including herblore too, so the results of learning new properties that way exists. (Unless I remember wrong about herblore being part of skill knowledge rewards) But having plant properties revealed right away would be a new approach.
Takes some pondering to think about convenient way to handle this, but there are many options.
It’s been suggested before that you could manually ask sages about certain plant properties so the reward could be “Thanks, and now if you’re ever in need of plant identification just come ask”.
Many possbilities. We’ll see where it goes.


Ask for location of village well

Would be quite simple addition, we’ll consider and likely add it up soon. I don’t consider those little village puddles always being wells, so the question will probably end up to be something like “Where’s your water supply?”.

The End.

April 28, 2020, 04:50:36 PM
Suggestion reply marathon Oct 2019-Mar 2020 accomplished. So we've completed a suggestion reply marathon, which means giving a reply to each suggestion from a longer period of time.
This time the marathon covers six month period from October 2019 to March 2020.
The results are compiled in one forum thread which you can find here (pinned at Suggestions section):

All the replies are also up at in their respective forums threads.

Have a look and hopefully get slightly clearer view of where the development is going to.

Phew! That was whole lotta replying.

April 28, 2020, 04:56:05 PM
Lika's Story Hello friends.  I've recently started playing this game again, after putting it down for a few years.  I think I've become enraptured with the folklore and even the developers themselves I've developed a keen interest in.  There is something very fascinating about the eccentricity of them, as well as the lifestyle of those you control within the game.

Anyway, I will preface this story by saying I am not a writer, nor an artist of the traditional variety at least.  You'll have to forgive me as I intend to supplement this story with some (crude) traditional drawings and proverbial speech of my own.

Lika is an escaped slave, most of you know of course this means they have very little to begin with.  My interpretation is that they were forced to build for their captors, thus their high skills in that region.

Hungry and alone, far into the west he went with only a stone knife to get him by.

And they will be starting far in the east, near the Njerpeziläis.

The Story:

Many years ago, a great event sparked great divide.  The Kaumolaiset engaged in a skirmish with the Njerpeziläis and it lit off an unending cultural war.  The Reemiläinen were therefore targeted for reasons of being similar enough to their Kaumolaiset neighbors.  It's disputed among elders why the reasons for this hatred is on-going, but the general consensus is that revenge outlives the trees and therefore, we will never see an end even when we cannot remember the beginning.

Lika's parents are but a distant memory, and his original name is long forgotten.  Only in his dreams does he experience his heritage, as the spirits whisper to him throughout the nights he is most hungry.  He can now speak two languages and understands his enemy is not so different from himself.  Grueling winters of building and working against his will has hardened his physical body, but more so his spirit.  Those in red have given Lika a new thought on revenge and future prosperity, and that in the end, everyone is reclaimed by nature.

One early midwinter Lika was involved in maintaining an outward camp, watched over by but one lowly Njerpeziläis warrior.  Seeing his opportunity to escape, he pushed the man over and ran as fast as he could, the sound of swearing and swaying chainmail behind him almost as loud as his heartbeats.  With arrows flying past him and the spirits of his ancestors pushing him forward, he managed to lose his captor in the trees and escaped without harm.

The gentle thicket swayed around him quietly, the distant noise of curse and footsteps long subsided.  Freedom.  It was at this moment, Lika knew what he must do.  Head west, to the Driikiläiset.  The traders.  He remembers them as the most difficult for his captors to attack.

Hungry and alone he will go, for many days.

To be continued...

May 08, 2020, 10:25:12 AM
A few ideas after playing quite a lot: Hello folks.  I have a few suggestions that I think would be nice.  Keep in mind, everything herein is my opinion, and I'm welcome to criticism as long as it's constructive.  At the end of the day, developers develop at their own discretion.  If all of these suggestions never make it into the game in any form, I won't be upset or any worse for wear.  Cheers.

  • More modular modding support
I get it, this is so generalized that it's probably been suggested before in various ways, but the skinny of it is this:  A lot of mods struggle to accomplish what they are going for because a lot of the game is locked behind C (Or C++) and the build process.  Every item and every use and attribute of that item should, more or less, be plaintext.  Some examples would be things like more types of trees, more types of animals, tools, etc.

  • "Vehicles"
I'm not suggesting the addition of a pearl-white Volvo 240 but a nice travois or "Purilaat" would be nice.  I think something like this should have a weight limit of maybe 1 tree, you could load an animal on here and bring it back to your camp.  It would be unwieldy, so you couldn't put it on a punt or raft.  It also fits within the time frame of the game, I'd say.

  • A "[CRUTCH]" tag
You've just lost the use of one of your legs (or both!) and this slows you down or stops you from using your legs completely.  Having weapons or tools with a [CRUTCH] tag allows you to walk as long as they are equipped.  Maybe even an efficiency on the tag, for example a "[CRUTCH] = 10" for a completely efficient crutch tool, such as a staff, or "[CRUTCH] = 6" for something like a spear or Javelin.  Maybe a staff is "[CRUTCH] = 9" and a separate tool can be made, an actual crutch, which has "[CRUTCH] = 10".  Less efficient crutches make it harder to stand if your wound is too severe and incur a speed penalty.

Not having any wounds at all and having a "[CRUTCH]" weapon equipped could make it so weight burdens carry a lesser % penalty or exertion is lowered.  These exist in real life, hiking poles for example.  People who walk with spears generally do use it as a crutch even if the amount of weight they put on it is insignificant.  I challenge you to try and scale even a small incline while holding a pole in both hands, as if you're ready to attack or something.  It's much more difficult and less intuitive than using it as an improvised hiking pole.

  • Smoke
Smoke!  I can use my sauna as a smokehouse, which kind of defeats the purpose.  You wouldn't want to stand in a smokehouse, and fish wouldn't get preserved in a sauna.  My idea is, just a simple 'smoke' tile that fills up and dissipates whenever there is no roof above the tile.  My idea is that it would be an animal or NPC of some sort, pathfinding towards the exit.  If it doesn't have the ability to open doors, it would just 'walk around' in the area.  I think the challenging bit would be to make them work with food.  You'd probably have to make it so smoked food just requires the 'smoke tile' to pass over it, or maybe the smoke 'npc' goes over to raw food and 'eats' it, leaving behind smoked food of the type it ate.

  • Cultural Traits
One thing that currently exists is that certain cultures get a minor boost to a few skills.  The biggest boon to picking certain cultures is their starting weapons and skills.  I think it'd be interesting if they also had some specific traits, like maybe the Seal-Tribe gets a 10-15% skill bonus to skinning seals, or Reemiläiset take a 30% less penalty when using awkward tools for house building.  Initial customization might be fun to get a better idea of who your character is, especially if you do a full random character.  This idea can be expanded to certain negatives too.

  • Long term projects
In Dwarf Fortress, people have accomplished 'everything'.  As an open ended game, you have to keep yourself entertained by coming up with 'megaprojects'.  Things like a huge farm field, or a cabin so large you could house an entire village under its one roof.  It would be nice if things like this could exist in the current game.  Maybe a shrine made of 10 bear skulls, or a way to create your own 'village' that attracts settlers (and thieves!) and 'retire' once certain conditions are met.  As there is no endgame, it wouldn't hurt to give major optional goals and objectives.  Things that would take between 2-3 winters.

Anyway, thanks for reading my suggestions.  Happy trapping, and remember where you left your raft :).

May 10, 2020, 05:35:21 PM
Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics So it was said earlier - quite a long time earlier actually - that fire mechanics are about to undergo some improvements. Now there's some concrete upcoming features highlight on that as follows. Lots of adjustments have been done and all the fire stuff has become more flexible to allow numerous little features still to follow. Let's see where it goes, but at least these are in already:

- improved: fire mechanics

          Various features have been added to make fire burning, its' warming effect, obtained information and visual appearance more detailed.

          * Burnt-out fire graphics is related to the amount of fire burned at the site. Small fires leave small remains, large fires leave large remains.

          * Remains of fire accumulates over time so sequential fires burned at the site will increase the remains.
The remains will still eventually disappear with few days pause in fire burning.
          * embers graphics has been and remains of burnt-out fires will be now glowing red for awhile. For how long the embers will be glowing depends on the amount of fire burned.

          * when looking at burnt-out fire it's now also told if there are glowing or still warm embers. This information gives an idea eg. about how recent a campfire found in the wild might be.

 - added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

          In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.
          It's not critical to maintain an exact temperature but the fireplace in your smoking cabin should be warmed up properly on daily basis. Should you forget it one day it's still possible to compensate by heating it up even more the next day.
          If the heating is completely neglected you will find your smoked foodstuff all spoiled. If the heating has failed only to some extent you may find some of the smoked foods spoiled.

These are upcoming features, not yet functional in current version 3.62.

May 19, 2020, 06:42:24 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
Couple questions.. Like; What?    and Are? and You thinking?  ???  (Intended as humor)

Seriously though, will prepare times be modified? Being home for 16 days straight, to tend the kitchen is way to familiar :D :D

No changes to preparation times. You don't have to stay home, just warm up the fireplace on daily basis and mind your business the rest of the day.
Or heat up the room to greater extent every other day and you're good to go as well.

To answer the first questions I guess I was thinking the smoking process has been too easy and gamey for all too long.  :D

May 19, 2020, 08:08:13 PM
World will teach one thing.... Meet Vladislav, he is nomad hunter of Owl Tribe, and this is a short story of his realization that in Unreal World he should walk not run.

Vladislav left his home village after many calls from the forest, one day he just followed the call and found himself stranded, after two weeks of hunting in his tribe territory he gathered almost all his possesions recent catch, spear, some clothes furs and sold them for Northern bow and two loyal companions, dogs Roki and Tara, and he ventures out toward unclaimed land between Owl and Kaumo tribe, as he noticed that game was much more common there. After setting himself nice camp he proceeded to hunt and do hide work hoping that one day he could sell all those furs for some nice tools, after 2 weeks of hunting and several recent bad hunting days while returning to camp he encountered Bull Elk, he never hunted such large and valuable creature, so he realised his loyal hounds and send few arrows in Bull direction, after short chase Vladislav ended the life of his first Bull Elk. But now a new problem arises, what will he do with all meat he acquired? it would be waste to let it root... So he made some preparation for the journey to Kaumo tribe territory to try and sell the meat, after doing some initial tanning process he takes his dogs and went on his 1-2 day journey. He was having a hard time finding any village or settlements in their territory so his journey was a bit longer than expected, after finding 3 villages all of them had meagre stuff to sell, not really worth all effort and meat he brought, during his trip he saw several times some Bears and strange-looking warriors in red, its look like that all those stories of bloodthirsty warriors in red plaguing this part region where true in the end. So after trading for few dried slices of meat and 1 wooden cup he disappointed start heading to his camp, knowing that he stay longer than expected his fur was in danger of rooting or dropping in quality, so he was in hurry. But now biggest danger encountered him, suddenly in front of him and his dogs huge Bear emerged, roaring at him and moving to fight stance, Vladimir was never so scared in his life he knew he could lose not only his stuff, dogs but even his life now, he slowly backed away from bear not turning his back toward him, but in the end, the bear didn't chase him. That day when he returned to his camp he immediately went to check his tanning fur, with disappointment he saw that his trip has just brought him danger and almost ruin nothing more, Fur was by this time totally ragged and almost ruined, nobody will want to buy such fur, fur from his biggest catch so far....So now Vladislav had stale soon to be rotten meat and ragged fur, but in the end, he still has his life and one good lesson, in UnReal World you should always walk.....

June 04, 2020, 11:44:39 AM
Version 3.63 released on Steam, Itch, and for lifetimers Hey, a new UnReal World release is out now.
Version 3.63 is now available on Steam, Itch.Io and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
The summer sale on Steam still continues for a little while, so if you're quick and willing it's possible to take that sort of a tactical advantage.
With the new release the previous version (3.62) is now publicly available at downloads section.

UnReal World Steam store page:

UnReal World store page:

This version 3.63 is kind of a summery release in itself. There's features and fixes on all fronts, but some is specifically related to the lush of the summer.
You can find the full changelog below but first, here's a moody image of certain real world item which you can now find in UnReal World too. I'll go now gently beat myself with this one, you can enjoy the new release -- and do the same in there at will.

Version 3.63 changelog

- added: separate key command for commanding your pets and companions [!]

Talking to someone and commanding your pets and companions are now separate commands. Commanding is now done with with [!] key, and the good old [C] key is used only to talk to someone in normal fashion.
The game notifies you about the new [!] key command when talking to companions in normal way, or when talking to someone when there are pets out of sight. These little messages hopefully make it easier to get the new command policy memorized. Also, if you mistakenly try to [C]hat with pets the list of commands is still displayed.
If there are no pets or companions around at all trying to command them [!] just displays an informative message and doesn't proceed into fruitfless target selection.
Also, if there are no companions in sight the menu for shouting commands doesn't anymore contain needless "Choose a target in sight" option.

- improved: fire mechanics

Various features have been added to make fire burning, its' warming effect, obtained information and visual appearance more detailed.

* Burnt-out fire graphics is related to the amount of fire burned at the site. Small fires leave small remains, large fires leave large remains.

* Remains of fire accumulates over time so sequential fires burned at the site will increase the remains. The remains will still eventually disappear with few days pause in fire burning.

* embers graphics has been added and remains of burnt-out fires will be now appear glowing red for awhile. For how long the embers will be glowing depends on the amount of fire burned.

* when looking at burnt-out fire it's now also told if there are glowing or still warm embers. This information gives an idea eg. about how recent a campfire found in the wild might be.

* glowing embers from nearby burnt-out fires helps you to start new ones. This is automatically checked if you start making a fire with glowing remains at adjacent tile.

- added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.
It's not critical to maintain an exact temperature but the fireplace in your smoking cabin should be warmed up properly on daily basis. Should you forget it one day it's still possible to compensate by heating it up even more the next day.
If the heating is completely neglected you will find your smoked foodstuff all spoiled. If the heating has failed only to some extent you may find some of the smoked foods spoiled.

- added: gradual heating up and cooling down of fireplaces and sauna stoves

When warming up a fireplace or sauna stove it now takes some time before the stones get properly heated up and start releasing warmth into the room - and this process is gradual. As a rule of thumb you should keep fire burning at least 3 or 4 hours to get fireplaces and sauna stoves properly heated up. The cooling down is gradual as well and fireplaces and sauna stoves will retain warmth hours and hours after the fire has burnt out. The warmer the fireplace or sauna stove has been the slower it will also cool down.
With these changes in action you can't expect to have a nicely warm room at an instant you light up a fireplace. Or you can't have a sauna bath right after lighting up a sauna stove. However, the fireplaces are designed so that they release some heat when the fire is burning. This allows you to still effectively warm up by the fireplace while it is still only getting heated up.
Also, now you might notice having to warm up the fireplaces longer and more carefully than in earlier versions to have your cottage nicely warm during the coldest winter days. With gradual cooling down of fireplaces the winter morning temperatures inside your cottage may sometimes apppear surprisingly low compared to the earlier. This is because in earlier versions fireplaces retained constant and exceedingly high temperature for very long-time after the fire had burned out.

- added: sauna stove tile slightly stylized

It's a bit darker and has smaller mouth now. This is to better distinguish sauna stove from a common fireplace.

- added: building a sauna stove

Sauna stoves can be now built by the player character. You’ll find the option from [M]ake menu -> Building -> Wooden building.

- improved: throwing water on the sauna stove

Before it was necessary to use sauna scoop to throw water on the sauna stove. Now it's done simply by [a]pplying a water container beside the sauna stove. An option for throwing water from the container appears when the condition is met.
Messages about the results are also updated and now it is told if you get mild or proper steam - depending on how hot the sauna stove is. There’s also a sound effects added so you can hear how the sauna stove really hisses.
With these additions sauna scoop now becomes a deprecated item. It continues to exist in object galore, but with no real use. Upon using sauna scoop you only get a message to use new mechanics instead.

- added: leaf trees now grow and lose their leaves gradually according to the season

You can see leaf trees gradually getting more lush in green in the spring, and again losing the leaf cover in the late autumn.

- added: vasta – a kind of broom to beat and treat oneself with during sauna bath

Vasta is a kind of broom made out of leafy birch twigs and used during sauna bath to gently beat oneself in order to get the muscles relaxed, body massaged and skin cleansed.
Vasta can be made by yourself from [M]ake menu under Utility articles. Making of vasta requires bunch of leafy birch twigs which can be collected from birch trees using your TIMBERCRAFT skill.
To use vasta [a]pply it while taking a sauna bath. There’s also sound effect added so you can hear what the beating with vasta really sounds like. Using vasta improves the healing effects of sauna bath.
There’s also game encyclopedia [F1] entry about vasta available.

- added: collecting leafy birch twigs

When collecting branches from birch trees (by using your TIMBERCRAFT skill) you now get leafy birch twigs if the season is right. If not, mere branches are collected. There are appropriate messages to indicate if the leaves aren't big enough just yet, or already gone old. This addition is foremostly added for making vasta which requires leafy birch twigs to be used.

- added: shout commands activated when pets are too far to respond to talked commands

When commanding your pet that is too far away you are now automatically given options for the possible shouted commands. Foremostly this makes "Come" always an available command for dogs.

- added: wandering Njerpez can be met in small groups too

Njerpez warriors don't wander all alone anymore but can be met in small groups, or pairs as well. If a conflict will arise from these encounters you have to be extra careful now. A group of wandering Njerpez can also have multiple dogs with them.

- adjusted: wandering Njerpez commonness based on the region

Wandering Njerpez are most commonly met in the east and south-east. That's an old rule which hasn't changed, but in the previous versions the borderline of their existence and non-existence was strict and rigid. Now the wandering Njerpez commonness is more gradual, decreasing the further into the west and north you go. Now it's been also verified that Njerpez raiders don't ever try to reach regions of western and northern cultures, so that's where to settle if you want to avoid raiders completely.

- added: pause for spacebar when player character falls through ice

- added: non-weapons can be thrown even when both hands are wielding something

This makes it easier to bait a trap, feed a dog, toss firewood into the fire and so on as you don't have to unwield anything to be able to throw such things.

- added: reindeers can be milked

It's now possible to milk reindeer does. The period when the milking is possible is the same as with cows, but the yield is little lesser.

- adjusted: milking period of sheep shortened with few months

Sheeps now yield milk only from swidden month to harvest month.

- added: character age and days played now appear in [P]rofile screen

This info is displayed at top of the screen saying eg. "You are 16 winters old, and have lived 7 days of adventuring life."

- removed: character [L]og screen

It's been considered useless for a long-time, and it's no longer in use at all.

- fixed: fresh bloodscapes sometimes disappearing instantly upon map load

- fixed: throwing water on the sauna stove not increasing the temperature

This had gotten broken somewhere along the way when adjusting temperature checks. Now it’s fixed and you will again notice the character getting warmer upon throwing water on the sauna stove.

- fixed: no message or results of arrow breakage when it happened upon hitting a creature

Now if an arrow breaks upon hitting a creature the breakage message is displayed and broken arrow will remain at the location.

- fixed: companions that were commanded to stay put did still engage into fights

- fixed: continuing early interrupted fence building requires the raw materials again

- fixed: character not falling into the water if thin ice at the location is broken by dropped items

- fixed: planted crop graphics appearing at picked mushroom location

- fixed: when dropping items selecting the only item in filtered inventory category drops it immediately ignoring the other selections


July 09, 2020, 12:38:00 PM
Off to holidays! So, there's still summer left and there are no showstoppers discovered in the latest version -- that equals to me getting off to holidays now.
We can call this latter summer holiday, and I have feeling I'll spend quite a long one. So it's likely autumn, or early winter, before I get back to development chambers again.
I still can be reached by e-mail, but expect delays with replies. And on rainy days I may rarely pop up at forums too, but don't follow conversations very actively at all.
Take care, help each others out, stay safe and have some good times and adventures!
I'm off to holidays...

August 01, 2020, 07:29:53 PM
Re: Location, Location, Location i just draw a massive arrow using dropped branches
September 29, 2020, 05:43:23 AM