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Re: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game. Rather than wear fur clothing all year round, I think leather is more realistic for the warmer months to avoid drowning in sweat and dying of heatstroke. (Yes, I know that being too hot is not yet modeled in the game, but it will be someday.) So, that's a good enough roleplaying reason to dehair a couple of those larger hides to make a good suit of leather. Just my 2 cents.
February 18, 2018, 04:46:20 PM
Re: Robbers ruin my early game
snip... (and I think it may be possible to cheat by dropping your good stuff on the ground and pick it up after they've told you to run). ... snip
Have you (or anyone else) been able to do this successfully? The only time I tried it was in Mik's story, and it certainly did not work for him.
I've had one case where I was able to pick up the stuff later (after healing up and killing the robbers, I think) and another when I wasn't.  I think the case where I was successful was one where my character resisted and possibly tried to flee. Anyway, the character was at least some bit away from the dropped stuff when they managed to beat him unconscious.

Also, the beggar tactics is useful for robber quests, i.e. leave your good stuff at the homestead and wear/use second rate stuff (e.g. taken from Njerps and robbers). If you can't get away from the robbers, yield and let them take whatever junk they want, if any. The last time I tried it they did take my woolen mitten, though, as I'd screwed up my character outfit (the also took some expendable tool, so I had to return back to the homestead to reequip, as those robbers weren't the ones I was looking for, but ones found on the way and investigated carelessly as the outfit was suitable for yielding).

After having lost a dog to a reindeer I don't send dogs after prey... Following the tracks ought to eventually lead you to the dog ('s remains) I think. I believe this situation is what the hunting horn is for, though: to all on your dog(s) when they're too far away to hear you (UrW dogs seem to have their hearing reduced to human levels).

February 25, 2018, 04:48:57 PM
February life Hey good people and fellow adventurers,

time for a little february life update as I've seemed to be semi-absent for awhile. What went down is that I took some time to travel to Norway to meet some friends,
came back and discovered the beauty of february winter snow blankets and increasing sunglight,
equipped my new cross-country skis and had a blast with them in the woods for days,
then developed a nasty flu -- and now recovering from all that.
Because of all this I've been very slow on e-mail as well, but as the week goes on I'll be replying at least to the urgent stuff.

On coding front I'd like to fix just a little more and then release 3.50 stable while the winter still continues - cause now I've got probably the greatest skis I've ever owned.

These are Taiga cross-country/hunting skis of russian origin. The proportions comes close to the great ancestral skis of ancient Finns - and many other ugric / north eurasian peoples.
They are naturally all wooden, and after this picture was taken a decent layer of pine tar has been put on the underside, and ties attached.

February 27, 2018, 05:57:27 PM
Re: Add set pieces scattered in the world similar to starting scenarios. I think this would be great.  I always love the idea that there might be hidden things out in the world that I've never seen
March 12, 2018, 08:33:03 PM
Re: Rauko Two weeks pass...

He leaves much of his heavy gear at a point on the riverbank, and travels downstream to the
north-east and finds the sea. He paddles along the coast to the west, then the east. He finds
no settlements, and nothing but hunger as his food runs out and he has no luck fishing with
only his prized spear.

Starving, he returns to where he left his gear. Next day he manages to kill a hare in a rather
unusual manner.

March 20, 2018, 10:57:23 PM
Re: Rauko Maybe the spirits pity Rauko for having lost his parents and send him luck, who knows?

Now we are catching up toward Rauko's current activities, but not quite yet...

After the hare meat is gone, he's not having any luck finding food, so he heads out in the
canoe to trade for food. Soon after, Rauko spots a strangely dressed man and goes ashore
to see who it is.

Closing in on the man in an open mire it's obviously one of the evil foreigners, carrying
two swords. The fight is over quickly!

From there Rauko goes to Kuikka lands for 3 more weeks of exploring and trading.
Several villages are on the shore of a huge lake.

March 24, 2018, 01:46:35 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers My understanding is that it has to be silver, which means jewelry, but any kind of that should work. All metal armor and weaponry is iron based (it's past the bronze age...) and silver is a poor metal for those purposes.
This may mean a bit of hunting around: merchants sometimes carry silver jewelry, but 3.50 introduced jewelry in villages as well. It's not common, but it can be found (and I think village ones are tribal, which currently doesn't mean anything technically).


Also, consider that when the quest text says "sauna stove" it actually means a sauna stove, not a PC made stove usable as a sauna for all other purposes, so I'd definitely expect "silver" to mean actual silver.

March 26, 2018, 10:36:34 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
what does work as seasoning? Tried salt but it does not seem to work

Bog Bean
Lake Reed

And might be more.

April 06, 2018, 05:28:29 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers @Bakkat:

I try to use yarrow (both flowers and leaves), but hemp and nettles have a lot higher yield (with hemp being the easy choice). As mentioned, herbs often have various effects, so you should avoid effects you don't want (check the wiki or your character's herb lore examining the plants). Any kind of leaves and flowers work. I suspect roots do not, but I'm not sure. Seeds don't work as seasoning.

You may not want the stimulant effects of bear/mother pipe on constantly, for instance, and increased appetite might be a good thing if you're tanning elk hides or performing other long duration hard work that degrades your nutrition level, but is probably a nuisance to use as the base level.

April 06, 2018, 09:52:59 AM
New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes I find rain looks great in 3.50 but makes it really hard for me to see enough details to be able to play comfortably. To the point of eye strain actually.

At first I was pleased to be forced to stay indoors crafting, from a roleplay perspective. But then I realised that autumn kept progressing and there were weeks were it was raining more than it wasn't. I found myself waiting for the rain to break to do anything, just because it wasn't comfortable moving and looking around, let alone trying to hunt. The thing is, I'm definitely not advocating against the feel of realism it adds to the game. Same as it makes perfect sense not being able to see at night, an occasional heavy rain shower that completely blocks visibility would also make sense. But sometimes rain is just a little bit of water. It seems to me that the kind of rain that impedes visibility as much isn't all that common most of the time.

Of course it could just be me, I don't see anyone else complaining. In which case, I'll be doing some heavier roleplaying. :) But if not, maybe there is a way to soften the visual a bit?

April 10, 2018, 12:31:49 AM