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Releases, anniversaries, sales, and season's archery greetings Very exciting times are at hand...

We've reached beta stage with the upcoming version 3.50. Test builds have been compiled and tested to some extent, and we are ready to move onto releasing the first 3.50 beta version. This will first take place on Steam, and for lifetimers at the forums - and is to be followed with the standalone release on the homepage later on.

By the way, did you know that this year is 100th anniversary of Finland's independence?
Doesn't matter if you didn't, but it's a big year for the country and it all culminates on 6th of December - for that is the independence day of Finland.

On that very day we are celebrating Indie-dependence day for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases.
In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4  of its development nation's official existence. It's either an old game, or a young nation ;)

We try to aim Steam/Lifetimer release of 3.50 beta to take place on 6th - the big indiedependency day.
Because of the anniversary Steam has also agreed to grant a special sale period for a bunch of finnish games. Before the sale is going on we can't exactly say when it starts or ends, but you should know UnReal World is available for a little cheaper price. It's probably our biggest price cut ever to be seen, so if you want to celebrate with us or finally get that Steam copy, the opportunity is around the corner.

And then, it's time fore season's archery greetings...
Over the years people have regularly hinted that could I start up on somekind of bushcraft video channel or so. Now Erkka occasionally drops videos related on variety of trad. chores, and at Enormous Elk videos we sometimes cover as well, but to me the dearest thing to showcase and talk about would be archery. So I'm trying to establish traditional archery channel, hopefully getting it going next year. History and archery, crafts and shoots, books and bows and techniques, and all that. Channel draft is available for early subscriptions:

Now it's three night until the big indiedependency day. Stay tuned.

December 03, 2017, 03:09:34 PM
Special Steam Sale & Special Greetings A special sale for a bunch of finnish games on Steam has started. This is to celebrate the centenary of Finland's independence and will last until 8th of December.

This 100th year of Finland's independence culminates on 6th of December, for that is our official independence day. During this anniversary period we are also celebrating the extraordinary Indie-dependence days for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases. In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4 of its development nation's official existence. We celebrate with the sales, new video greetings and finally the release of 3.50 beta version on 6th.

You can find your way on our Steam page here, and lifetimers also will find the new video greetings at the forums lifetime membership section.

Otherwise we want to stay thanks, cheers, and respect to you all!

From left to right; Erkka (co-designer), and Sami (creator) shake hands for it's the special Indie-dependence day. 1/4 centenary of playable UnReal World releases, and full centenary of Finland's independence.

December 05, 2017, 07:10:19 PM
Re: Shooting snowballs Little known fact, if you find Sami lost in the woods some day and lead him to a local village, he might give you some lessons in archery.
December 17, 2017, 04:43:17 PM
Re: ##urw IRC Chatroom Pinned. It's so good to remember the IRC room still being there. Would be fun to arrange a few designated chat sessions with me and Erkka participating in 2018.
December 18, 2017, 06:52:29 PM
Use quest markers to indicate locations asked about If it's easy to implement, using quest area rings to indicate approximately where villages, caves, and lakes asked about are would be rather helpful. If so, the areas would be automatically removed when the feature is seen by the character.
If you're told about a feature again the basic implementation would just keep the original indication, while an enhanced version would add something along the lines of "(you feel you have heard about this <feature> before.)".

December 20, 2017, 06:11:09 PM
Re: 3.50b2 ram milk  ::)
Did someone just assume the gender of that member of the Caprinae family?

December 25, 2017, 08:47:38 PM
[not a bug, but a missing feature] (3.40) drying of Tanned skin in rain When i was tanning skin on the ground without any shelter, it started to rain during drying and it was raining for most of the drying process..
And it finished without any delay even when rain interrupted possibility of drying...

It was in tutorial during summer, very hummid, very hot weather.

December 31, 2017, 04:59:27 PM
3.50 (beta 2) released for everyone All the best to everyone for 2018!
We'll hereby start the year with release of 3.50 beta version for everyone.
You can grab it at homepage downloads section.
For those interested in venturing into the far north on Steam, notice that the x-mas there still continues, and you can find your way there from the above download page as well.

January 01, 2018, 08:32:18 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I don't know if an AI to hand over all gameplay to is something good, so please make it generate more gameplay and more content as an addition to the gameplay.

I would not use my AI wife much and tell her to do this and do that, build that and so on.
I do that myself.

I'd like an AI that lives in the cottage and do things with their own initiative.
If she have skills for agriculture and we have seeds and tools in our cottage I want her to use them on her own, surprise me!!  Be alive! Make own decisions and don't ask me about what to do.

Plant them seeds wherever she think is a good spot.
Tend to the animals whenever she think it's a good idea.
Start a fire and cut some firewood at will and so on.
Eat food.

Occasionally I can tell her to tan a hide or cook something up but she will reply that she will do it, or often she reply she are bussy with the other work and will only do it if she have time. (High chance the requested work don't get done by her any time soon, or at all.)

Don't be too predictable and boring, when I come home she is not there, she somewhere else hunting, fishing or whatever in the woods nearby or 7km away only to return to nightfall or the next day.
Often failed hunt or only a small animal so she don't carry the player.

When she comes home, make it possible to engage in some generated conversation about what shes been doing.
A little story about her hunting, fishing, or any activity, maybe it failed or was successful and what she brought home and that she bruised her leg when falling down from a slope tracking the wounded animal.

And make the AI consume as much food as the player, or even more.  So it's not always an easy task to keep the family feed during the winter.

Also make possible problems that can happen, so everything is not always easy as long as we have food.
Make it possible she get wounded, sick and need help.
Make it possible shes get robbed and lose gear.
Make it possible she craft worthless bent arrows or ruin a hide while tanning.
Make her sink the punt in the river by accident.
Make her waste arrows and resources in a hunt without any gain.
Make the player feel, the pain, a marriage also brings along with all the goodies!

January 03, 2018, 10:09:06 AM
Re: Reemi robbers in Reemi territory? Not a bug. Robbers who rob their own people are very much historically correct :D

And even if these robbers would be met at territories of neighboring cultures there are odds that the game sets them moving through their own region at some point, for a reason or another.

January 03, 2018, 06:47:57 PM