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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? (On a daily routine training in my danger room)
arggghh MY BALLS!! That hurts! Deer,  Don't ever kick it.

April 01, 2019, 09:13:39 AM
Re: "Edible" Ah edible, makes me think of the time I took a tour of a private garden. I would ask if this plant or that plant was edible. Always the answer was yes. I meant is this commonly consumed, they heard will I die if I eat it. I ate so many things only fit for a hare. Just because some things are edible does not mean you should eat them. :)
May 16, 2019, 01:18:21 PM
Re: "Edible"
Just as it says on the tin... spoiled foods are, apparently, edible. (According to herblore, at least!)

Spoiler: show

IMO, it's interesting that nausea shows up on the herblore thing. Makes me wonder if it's possible to mod it in as a plant effect, or if it's strictly limited to spoiled foods.

It also makes the Noaidi's mushroom description a little more honest:

Spoiler: show

Add the tag "nausea" to a plant, it should give this effect. Haven't tested, but this is the keyword used by the game for this description.

By the way, my characters carry meadsweet beverage mostly to eat spoiled food with (almost) impunity, though this beverage also helps with cleaning and dressing wounds. It's like Most Essential Medicine for me, because spoiled food are very important source of nutrients to my characters. Especially spoiled fats is great. There are cultures which use them in real life...

May 16, 2019, 05:37:05 PM
Re: Attacked by robbers. I have a couple questions. It is possible. Robbers aren't particularly good at picking up stuff from fallen companions.
The robbers should take the things on the reindeer, although I don't know if they actually do. If you wait long enough for the robbers to have left the area the reindeer is probably gone. If you return promptly it might be in the vicinity (unless killed).

It's possible to use some calculations from the log notes to determine the location, but I don't know these myself. Using in-game measures, you can determine approximately where the robbers were by combining your knowledge of approximately the route you were taking with the overland map if the route is through uncharted territory by seeing where the charted area ends along the route. If it happened in well known territory you only have the memory of your route.

Making a map marker is the best approach, and if you just have your character wake up and the overland map provides a fairly decent indication of where the robbers are, you can make a note there, saying e.g. "Robbers 9S 15E" (I use that kind of notes when I see Njerps, both as a warning to self and as a way to find them if I decide to go back to the homestead to gear up for war before hunting them down).

January 11, 2021, 02:10:40 PM
Burials of deceased people. Sami-folk / Tribes tended to bury their dead in stone mounds, often wrapped in birchbark.
In the southern parts of the North, dead were sometimes cremated. Sometimes buried in ground, sometimes in stone mounds, and often people that were hostile, buried in bogs.

One of my characters disposed a gang of 4 vagabond robbers, and as he went to bury them the following night, found the remains to... float. (if needed, some tying equipment and stone should help with submersing)

Suggestion, allow varied burial types for deceased.
1) pushing or throwing remains in water in open mire and pine mire to be "buried in bog" similar to metal items.
2) add tile-gfx for burial mound, constructed with remains and 15-20-ish stones *
3) adding items in dug pit, then filling the pit; leave the items in the ground, not pop-up on the surface
Cremation/burning remains already works

* adding some mounds in proximity to villages would add touch of realism, deepen immersion. And in case of hired help dying, carrying, or dragging the remains back to their home village could allow proper burial.

January 11, 2021, 08:09:03 PM
Re: Cave Dwelling Question Single tile gray graphic gets subdued into the cave floor. But building more adjoining ceiling&floor; will look different. Also, if built in the dark parts of the cave, they’ll get illuminated when looking at their direction.
You’ll need a torch (or campfire) to initiate the build in the dark, but once going: you can take a break, put out your torch, then facing the in-progress tile, select Make | Building | continue Paused process. (It might be an oversight/glitch, as if you’re not facing the in-progress tile and select the direction with NumPad number; that’ll fail prompting “pick a direction that you can see”)

One of my currently-on-hiatus characters builds his hideouts in caves. If/when he spots adventurers, robbers, Njerpez in the wilderness, he packs his belongings and moves on.
I think he has built in 5-6 caves. Returning to some occasionally. Some have been a single stay only.

January 13, 2021, 10:02:39 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I just saw probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen in this game... I started a new guy on Not All Who Wander Are Lost, marked the location of my dead father as is my wont. Played through to about the beginning of my first winter, and am now on the Salt From the Coast objective. Went to hit up the old homestead on my way to Driik, but spotted a village nearby, and stopped to buy a dog to haul my trade goods. Dog acquired and leashed alongside my trusty draft pig, I decided to check out the rest of the town's goods. First house I checked that had anything had a bunch of food and yadda yadda, but also a pile in front of the fireplace of a bunch of mixed men's and women's clothes, some armor, TWELVE HUMAN BONES COMPRISING THREE INDIVIDUALS, AND FOUR MORE HUMAN BONES FROM FOUR INDIVIDUALS. There were also two of the dogs that had been for sale locked inside, and I know dogs eat bones now. Another house across the town had another person's set of bones in a similar set up, sans dogs. Anyone else seen anything like this..? Seems like some pretty good world generation to mark this town as also having been hit by whoever killed my papa and kidnapped my mama.

Thinking about it, there were like three villagers, but plenty of dogs and food... were they generated as having stolen this whole town by murdering the occupants? Much like myself all those times... is this the game's revenge? The dark mirror held up to my actions in this innocent world I've sought to corrupt through bloodshed and avarice? We'll never know.

January 14, 2021, 12:22:46 PM
Re: Pouring two identical containers together.
Another thing I'd like to see fixed. Why can't I barter my old knife/axe/whatever when trading for a better one?

I agree with this fully... Maybe I want to give him a replacement for the one that I'm taking from? ;D And it is -1 from their stock too, why don't they just accept it.
If you were to sell a good knife to someone, would you accept a worse one as part of the payment?

The NPC selling the item has a spare one that's not needed, so getting another unneeded one as a "replacement" isn't useful. NPCs aren't traders, but individuals who may have spare items that can be bartered away in exchange for things they have use for.

January 15, 2021, 10:52:31 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? My current RP is that my main, large home island is sacred, and foreign traders are not permitted to walk upon it.

Some of them disregard the warning.

January 15, 2021, 09:41:46 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? It's astounding, and a bit silly, how many critical tools and bundles of necessary grains and meat a village will trade away for a battlesword likely none of them know how to use.
January 16, 2021, 06:13:01 AM