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More kinds of structures I was reading the thread about bridge-building, and it brought to bear for me the fact that the world of the game would be a lot more interesting if there were kinds of structures other than just villages.

For example,
- Primitive bridges
- Hill forts
- Burial grounds
- Giant's churches
- Various forms of cairns
- Ceremonial/sacrificial sites
- Quarries, iron foundries

As far as hill forts go, I was also reading about the Old Castle at Lieto, and about how there would have been a watchtower, and it also made me think back to the issue of multi-story buildings.

Something that's currently not listed on the long term development plans, but I would certainly like to see as a player, is a revamp of the game system for creating interior spaces. So for example, on houses, this would mean that when you see a house from the outside, you see the building height, the roof on top and smoke from the chimney. You go inside, and you see the floor you go in on, and then can go up and down floors if its multi-story. You could even go down into cellar basements. Sort of how old isometric games like Ultima VII handled it. This would also lead to a better game system for caves, because they could actually be inside mountains and hills rather than inside a group of stones.

While I'm guessing this is definitely require major work compared to other game features, I think it would be something worth seeing.

Also, I don't know if any evidence of this exists for Iron Age Finland, but I know that in other areas, there were stone buildings in forts.

In general, I think the more that there's variety in structures, the more there will be a feeling that you're in a world with a history, and that would also tie into quests and things like that.

September 27, 2017, 04:22:49 AM
Scene pics for time of day Currently, if you go into a pine mire at midnight, you'll get a photo of a pine mire in broad daylight. I think it would add to the game if the photos reflected the time of day somehow...

So we could have pictures of certain biomes in twilight hours (maybe with sunset/sunrise), at night, etc.

And it would still be nice I think to see the character pics with some transparency so it could be placed on a type of background representing the biome of the scene you're in.

September 27, 2017, 10:13:13 PM
Time flies, the autumn comes Oh my, it's the last of september already, and there's been no news since entering the summer vacation. Let's fix that quickly now.
So, for those who only read news I should announce that I did survive the summer ;) -- and as a more concrete evident frequent forum browsers have spotted few replies and
here and there. Mostly concerning a few squashed or mysterious bugs.

At the moment, regarding the game, I seem to be very short of time for anything else than continuing the development from where it was paused before the summer vacation. And occasionally squashing the most relevant bugs with the left hand when possible. Once we get a fistful of more to-do's featued a roadmap towards the next version becomes more to clear announce verbally for you, good people. The last few weeks it's been mostly all about continuing to add a new spells and finalizing ritual system renewal. It's one of the big next version additions, and was vaguely briefed in this old forums thread.

With the shortage of more words and news to give you let's just say that the autumn is coming, but so are the future features of UnReal World.
Let there be code, and let there be swans.

September 2017, outside the development chambers.

September 30, 2017, 12:15:25 PM
Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command Let's announce just one small but significant upcoming addition....

 - added: wounded or starving dogs may refuse to attack on command

        If your dog is seriously wounded or starving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs still defend
        their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, but are just reluctant to act as war dogs who always
        run after a given target completely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you to keep your dogs
        more safe and better fed from now on.

This is an upcoming feature, not functional in the current version 3.40.

October 04, 2017, 02:21:40 PM
Re: Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command @makute :
You've been already asked about this, but can't resist: with the new cubs and baby animals, how far is animal husbandry? And more important, human husbandry


@codyo :
From all the times I've asked, "human husbandry" is remaining a very low priority (despite how badly I want it too). So that feature will be a long ways off.

How far it is depends on the level of desired detail. Having domestic animals give birth and their young ones to grow isn't that tricky to do anymore now that we've got it for wild animals. However, with the many player tactics of hoarding dozens of animals huge farms would soon arise. Characters who would live a full year could sit still and be secured with all of their easily "re-generating" animals. I'd like to make having domestic animals far more laborous than it currently is, having to feed them, having them to get sick every now and them - sometimes lethally, not being able to drag a pack of cows with you across the whole map everytime you want, and so on. This sort of improvements feel more important than a sloppy and quick animal husbandry. But it's coming up eventually, we're now more certain of it than ever before ;)

@caius :
Did this comment contribute to this addition?  ;)

With all the stuff bubbling around it's hard to say what contributes to which  ::) but making dogs less of a war dogs has been on my mind for a loooong time.

@Mati256 :

but now a way to treat wounded dogs feels more important than ever... and if you can heal dogs, why not companions too?

Mmm..that is a long awaited functionality but like said many times before it's made so that dogs (and all the pets) usually heal faster on their own than what would happen if low or mediocre physician skills were applied. So these pet healing thingies currently play for character's advantage in a sense.

October 22, 2017, 11:00:14 AM
Re: Kalevala in prose "The Story of Kullervo" from Tolkien (yes, that Tolkien) might be something you are looking for.
It's retelling of one of the "main" stories of Kalevala of Kullervo, son of Kalervo,
Spoiler: because spoilers • show
who is sold as a slave to the smith-god-hero Ilmarinen after his father was murdered. After much abuse Kullervo kills Ilmarinen's wife by summoning pack of wolves and bears and enchanting them into cows that turn back and tear her apart when she tries to milk them, forcing Kullervo to run away to escape the wrath of Ilmarinen. He later sleeps with his own sister (without knowing it was her), wages war that kills rest of his relatives against his uncle Untamo (who killed his father) and dies by his own magic sword, after asking if it would kill him (it had killed men both better and worse than him so why not, sword answered).
Obvious resemblance to Estonian folklore is obvious.

Tolkien later developed "The Story of Kullervo" into the character of Túrin Turambar in "The Children of Húrin" which is also worth reading.

October 25, 2017, 08:34:39 PM
Re: Generic chat thread JEB Davis: That sounds a bit too intense, and I bet even Iron Maiden would feel overwhelmed by that many speakers!

  No concerts recently for me, but I did go to a wonderful Renaissance Faire over the past two weekends and listened to a fair amount of live music there. Bought a new seax and some other odds and ends as well, and sampled some good mead and cider. Last weekend was sunny and warm, but today was overcast and wet with the temperature getting to just barely above 4 Celsius; thank the gods I wore my wool tunic and cloak, although I still felt like an ice block by day's end!

  I'm ready for the winter to go full-swing, as I've spent a good deal of time splitting wood for the fireplace over the summer, and the wood from last year (mostly ash with some walnut and oak mixed in) is seasoned well enough to keep us toasty all winter :)

Question: How do you all prepare for winter in the real world?

October 29, 2017, 06:48:27 AM
Re: Generic chat thread I live right by the US/Canada border, and we've been getting nice harsh winters lately. I love driving in the snow, cause there aren't very many other cars on the road, and going slow let's you enjoy the scenery. Pretty much don't prepare though, we sometimes have super mild winters, so you feel silly when you don't need any of your preparations.

My best concert experience is being at the front of the crowd at Mayhem Fest in Auburn, Washington for 3 Inches of Blood when I was 15, right by their bass stack, so I had my hearing blown out for a couple days. Totally worth it, and made me pick up bass guitar.

I just found out a few weeks ago that we've had a rennaissance faire here for the last ten years, but they don't advertise it publically at all. Would've been all over that shit.

October 30, 2017, 12:58:02 AM
Re: Bow accuracy You are vastly overestimating the accuracy of longbows at range.

A quick comparison:
- no matter how good archers were, they were at best equal to current olympians
- olympic archers use recurves that have much, much better accuracy than historic longbows(better technology, light arrows specifically made for competition)
- in perfect conditions competitors can hit a 12.2 cm diameter circle from 70m with a bit over 50% chance, the very best ~90%

No matter what the source is, there is just no way random soldiers with bad equipment were performing better than today's elite, at more than 2.5x(!!!) the range.
Another comparison, a comfortable range for hunting deer with modern composites is ~40 yards.

November 02, 2017, 01:16:29 PM
Re: Arrow disappears I'd add the broken arrow since it will remove the confusion of having it disappear (resulting in more bug reports, most likely). The player can chose to dispose of the arrow or just let it lie on the ground as with any "normal" broken arrows, and if a mod allows you to recover the point a broken arrow is valuable if the point is of a high quality.
That, however, is low priority, as Sami said, and he should know ;)

November 04, 2017, 04:39:45 PM