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Re: Forest spirit is acting weird When you sacrifice to the forest spirits some silver is used, resulting in the item getting damaged. Eventually the last bit is sacrificed, at which point the item is lost.

I haven't gotten anything useful of of the forest spirit, apart from a useless ritual (useless in the sense that the required geographic feature isn't present anywhere near).

August 06, 2020, 10:31:30 AM
Re: Which game update you are looking forward to? I'd love for more quests with better variety to them, the different shades of "find a needle in a haystack" aren't really doing it for me and tend to leave me wanting for more.

Better modding support would also be great. I don't think you can really fully rely on the modding community to make the game for you, but with better tools to control recipes, buildings, and menu arborescence, in both creating new stuff and being able to modify existing features, I know modders would have a field day.

August 07, 2020, 04:15:02 PM
Re: A "get lost!" button?
[...]What I would want is a function to challenge others into some kind of duel, preferably unarmed (which also makes this skill finally useful?) to avoid either of the sides get into life-threatening situation. It's like you being the robber - Engage in conversation, if npc denied the demand, a fight begin and the winner can throw the loser's unconscious body to several kms away.

> The skill is useful already. In hunting and fighting an archer combines it with the bow when he does not need to unwield the bow. Kicking is a serious attack of blunt type even more of a 100 kilo guy hits the opponents legs at the right point.

> You want some wild guy in the no mans land/wildernes to do what YOU want to his disadvantage?  ;D You want a button to force him to fight you without weapon? Isnt that a bit too unrealistic? He asks you to put down your weapon first  ;D Or he apologizes and comes back with ten of his friends next day.

> How do you think you can claim the wilderness where is no mans land as your territory?

> Any change is work for the Admins. Here think about whats important and whats unimportant.

No, skyleaf, please please forget that :)

August 08, 2020, 11:26:12 AM
Re: A "get lost!" button? Well, I'm part of the development team, and personally I feel that something like "threaten" would be both interesting and useful future addition at some point.

Basically, instead of a full-out fight a character could choose to act in a threatening way. Then the AI should evaluate if the threatened being would choose to flee or to counter-threaten, or to attack.

I could imagine this working both for animals and humans. And what little I have seen animal behaviour, seems like a natural way for many of them - first trying to negotiate the situation with different displays of threatening moves, and if they don't work only then a full fight ensues.

How do you think you can claim the wilderness where is no mans land as your territory?

I might be a simple person, as I'm not aware of any other means that the exact thing Skyleaf mentions. You tell others that you consider this or that plot of land as your territory, and ask them to leave if you feel so. If the others refuse to respect your statements, then it ultimately boils down to this or that form of violence to sort out who can stay and who needs to leave. In the modern society fist fights and lethal combats are (most of the time, in most of the countries) replaced by stuff like police, courts, legal punishments, jails etc. But the underlying basic mechanism is the same; the one who can backs ones claims with more firepower is the one who controls this or that piece of land. (From the philosophical point of view; I'm not here to say if I like things being this way, or if this is the most preferable way to handle land ownership. I'm merely just describing the way things seem to be in most of the human societies.)

August 08, 2020, 02:36:46 PM
Re: Any way I can find the npc/ npc's body in wilderness?
I had recruited an adventurer long time ago, disbanded him near my settlement which is quite faraway (around 5km?) from his original village. Haven't seen him since then, he is not returned to the village and I have not notice any tracks might be related to him, neither on zoom in or zoom out map. It hasn't been a problem until I want to recruit another villager. None of them agree to go with me "until they saw the left adventurer again". I am clueless on his whereabouts but felt a little bit responsible for his missing, so I want to ask if anyone have any suggestion on how can I find this missing adventurer? or his body? It could be in-game method or other method (cheat?), I dont mind and thanks in advance.

From my experience, he will return to the village by himself. I once hired a very powerful adventurer and gave him armor and weapons for a long-term adventure. Then he returned to the village, and after a few years, he still did not agree to my invitation to travel again.

August 10, 2020, 05:48:24 PM
Re: Any way I can find the npc/ npc's body in wilderness? If he has gotten into trouble you can try to follow the path he might have taken on the zoomed in map but it'd be pretty tedious: you can use tracking to follow his footsteps and also your knowledge of the location of the village, for example going east but veering north around each obstacle if it was mostly east but a little north.

If you run into a river it's worth looking if he tried to swim across and failed, that happens sometimes in previous versions (maybe it still does, I don't know)

August 10, 2020, 07:28:23 PM
Bandit/vagabond fires spawning in the water

ran it through, raft burned down, resulting in a serious burn injury on right shoulder.

August 16, 2020, 11:39:57 PM
Re: [3.63] Wall with shutter You need Floor & Ceiling in order for the wall to attain the correct position.
August 17, 2020, 08:41:05 AM
Re: The quest about finding a lost sheep makes me really mad   I have a very good track record with this quest so I'll share my tatic with everyone willing.
Spoiler: show
In my experience the animal tracks are in the central part of the circular search radius, in the zoomed out map I approximate the center and zoom in and start searching in an expanding spiral. I usually find the animal or the predator that's spawned with the animal in half an hour, if I find the predator's tracks I follow them backwards since they usually intersect with the missing animal's ones.

August 17, 2020, 11:45:12 PM
Re: [3.63 - Steam] Force transaction?
I also reported a trade bug in the thread called 'Stolen Fur'. One month later, it has gotten zero response.
I read your post just now but it seems to be two different issue if I understand it correctly, as your brought fox fur mysteriously turn into a reindeer fur? Haven't encountered this issue yet and since the post got 100+views with no response, you might encounter a rather rare bug. At least it turns into something more valuable :D

I had the same issue. It was a stack of 143 roasted elk cuts that I had sold them previously, but when I came back to the village later, the stack was showing as 143 roasted elk cuts (taken), regardless of if it was on the floor or in my inventory, and the villagers were asking me to pay for it. I did try to grab and drop the stack several times to remove the tag, but it stayed. Removing the stack from my inventory using URWCharacterMenu didn't remove it from the pending transactions either.

That sounds like the villagers were disappointed by your cookery skill and want their money back lol

I just re-read my Stolen Fur post and, yes, it does sound like one fur became something else. I've added one word to give the correct meaning, 'I ALSO found'. That fur is still identified as "Taken'. The villagers still treat me normally, as though nothing is missing. Some how, there is a glitch in the action of returning a Taken item to the angry villager.

August 18, 2020, 03:31:51 AM