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Re: Baiting Wild Pigs I haven't baited wild boar, but I'd try the standard baits, such as berries, turnips, and roots (and you can multi bait). While they're omnivores, I'm not sure if they are in UrW, but you can put a cut of meat on the bait pile as well, for good measure.
September 14, 2017, 10:18:08 AM
The History of Survival Games – From Archaic to ARK This was an interesting article. The genre and its roots opened up, many interesting games mentioned, and UnReal World naturally being part of the history:

September 15, 2017, 10:30:31 AM
Re: Culture Poll My personal favorites are:

1) Islanders:  They have pretty mediocre stats/skills and possibly the most worthless villages, but I love starting and scrounging out an existence in the archipelago.  (Ultimately with houses, camps, and traps on half a dozen or more different islands).

2) Kuikka Tribe:  Have the insanely good stats and skills of the northern tribesman, but are a bit stronger and more balanced than either owl or seal tribes.  Also have a decent fishing skill, and form large, wealthy (northerner) settlements.

September 24, 2017, 10:03:19 AM
[Edited] Collection of spelling/grammar/punctuation issues Making a single thread to collect the following typos and the likes that I've found, so as to not spam the board with several threads for minor text issues. Mark-up in citations (emphasis, italics, underscores, etc.) mine.

EDIT: Post 1 is the bunch of in-game encyclopedia article spelling/grammar/punctuation issues the thread originally was about. Post 2 onwards are random spelling issues as I come across them. I really don't fancy making a new thread for every missing space or comma.

All of the following refer to in-game encylopedia articles/item descriptions:

*Most valuables are found in the 'pedia by [material][type]: bronze ball pendant, silver ring, silver chain bracelet, etc. Both small and normal bronze brooches are listed merely as 'brooch', which covers both sizes. As the article explicitly references such brooches are made of bronze, perhaps 'bronze brooch' would be better?

*Arrow: "[...]There are no special types of arrows for regular bows and crossbows, so any arrow can be shot with any bow. In addition to regular arrows there are also broadhead arrows and blunt arrows." This is meant to say 'crossbows and regular bows use the same arrows: plain, blunt and broadhead'. Instead, it technically says 'Neither regular bows nor crossbows have any special kinds of arrows. Blunt and broadhead arrows do however exist'. Perhaps a better order and wording would be "In addition to regular arrows, there are also broadhead arrows and blunt arrows. Regular bows and crossbows use the same types of arrows, so any arrow can be shot with any bow."?

*Battleaxe: "Despite of their size [...]" should be either 'In spite of their size' or 'despite their size'. Utterly senseless, of course, but that's English for ya. Could also use a comma between 'edge' and 'resulting' a sentence-and-a-half earlier in the description.

*Bronze bracelet: "[...] worn by w omen of western cultures." (Stray space)

*Fur: "its' wearer" should be 'its wearer'.

*Leggings: "[...]When worn with pair of trousers leggings give extra protection and warmth." should be '[...]with a pair of trousers, leggings [...]' (missing article, missing comma) "Some leggings can be worn also instead of trousers." -- 'can also be worn' would be the more common word-order.

*Mace: "Most have metal heads, oftern [...]" should be 'often'. "[...] affixed to wooden shafts between 24 and 38 inches in length" should be 'shafts that are between [...]' or 'shafts of between [...]'.

*Mittens: "A gloves without separate fingers". Gloves is plural. "A pair of gloves", instead. Next sentence could use a comma after winter-time. Last sentence: "to protect the hands in a battle." ('In a battle' is not strictly wrong but somewhat implies metal mittens can only be used for a single battle. I doubt anyone would misunderstand it, though, and I wouldn't have mentioned it if that was the sole flaw of the description)

*Paddle: "Paddle is used to shove punt or raft ahead." Lacks any and all articles. "A paddle is used to shove a punt or raft ahead." instead. (Though, afaik, except in very shallow waters, a paddle doesn't shove, not like a sesta/pole. It propels.)

*Spectacle helm: "From the outside, spectacle helm [...]" - a spectacle helm.

*Veil: Latter half or so of the description probably fits better in a more general article on woman's clothing. Of the topically-relevant information, "[...] of wool or linen, sometimes nettle is used" could use 'although' before sometimes.

September 26, 2017, 10:35:01 PM
Re: Bridge Building it's a bit of a hack but you can build doors on water, then deconstruct them to get ground. You could build a thin path to the mainland this way if you wanted.
September 28, 2017, 11:41:53 AM
Re: Lazy bull Somehow that's really funny. Like all these videos, where they drag around cats or dogs, that don't wanna go for a walk except that it's a giant bull  :D
September 28, 2017, 03:32:19 PM
Poems of the Fallen Will post these whenever I get inspiration. Some refer to actual characters/character deaths I've had, some are more general.


The spirits of autumn sang gently on the rain
Easing my worries and easing my pain
But ache and exhaustion had settled bone-deep
So to autumn's sweet lullaby fell I asleep

As I slept under open sky did sweet autumn me forsake
For it was harsh winter spirits that drove me awake;
Icy spirits whistling on a cold windy night
left a thin blanket of snow on open mire wide

Shivering and confused stumbled I 'round in a daze
Unsure where I had been going, where from I came
Confused and shivering in this unfamiliar place
Could I barely remember my people and name

Lost and forsaken in cold winter's lands
Bare were my feet and bare were my hands
So as I shivered and stumbled through open mire vast
In my heart I knew this morning would be my last

October 01, 2017, 08:11:37 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen That is awesome. You've inspired me.

Killing livestock, I'm in too deep,
While unconscious, kicked by a sheep.

October 02, 2017, 01:38:19 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Drowning

Ominous cracking heard a second too late
Far out from the shore with my mind on a kill
But the ice could no longer hold up my weight
Just as the forest reindeer finally lay still

Breathless was I from chasing after my prey
Across two miles of forest and a mile of ice
I had forgotten what my old man would say
My mind had been on nothing but the bloody prize

But 't was not a bloody prize but a price I would pay
"It offends the spirits to bloody the ice in early spring--"
I heard dad's voice in my mind as I felt my strength sway
"--and 'tis surely your death the spirits will bring."

(Yeah, that happened, a few characters back. Just as the damn reindeer died, it became morning, the ice grew weak and I fell through. And drowned.)

October 02, 2017, 03:37:21 AM
Re: Few questions about trapping and a couple of misc questions The failure to add pit traps due to it being marshy is not a great setback: just use bear traps instead. I haven't seen any difference in how they operate from a practical point of view anyway.

When it comes to burning for fields, I make mine 9*9 (you can harvest 3 lines by walking along the middle one, so that makes three sweeps at harvest time), and I place branches on every tile in every second tile (usually prepared during winter, at which times the trees are removed as well). I then set fire to all branch piles in a line, and by the time the last one is lit the first one has usually expired, so I go back and prepare the soil. I then do the same for the second line of branches (on the third line), and by that time it's usually time to call it a day. Once all the lines have been taken care of, I place branches on the unprepared lines and repeat the process. By not burning more than I can process in a day (or the next one, if I'm unlucky with the RNG so preparation takes unusually long), I make sure I don't waste burned tiles due to interruptions such as having caught an elk in a trap (which takes about two days to take care of).

October 02, 2017, 09:51:23 AM